Taking Back Our Stolen History


Russia, country that stretches over a vast expanse of eastern Europe and northern Asia. Once the preeminent republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.; commonly known as the Soviet Union), Russia became an independent country after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991. By far the world’s largest country, it covers nearly twice the territory of Canada, the second largest.

The inhabitants of Russia are quite diverse. Most are ethnic Russians, but there also are more than 120 other ethnic groups present, speaking many languages and following disparate religious and cultural traditions. Most of the Russian population is concentrated in the European portion of the country, especially in the fertile region surrounding Moscow, the capital. Moscow and St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad) are the two most important cultural and financial centres in Russia and are among the most picturesque cities in the world. Russians are also populous in Asia, however; beginning in the 17th century, and particularly pronounced throughout much of the 20th century, a steady flow of ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking people moved eastward into Siberia, where cities such as Vladivostok and Irkutsk now flourish.

A Jewish Defector, Benjamin Freedman, Warns America About the Pagan Conspiracy to Take Over the World

A Jewish Defector, Benjamin Freedman, Warns America About the Pagan Conspiracy to Take Over the World

A speech was given before a patriotic audience at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., on behalf of Conde McGinley's patriotic newspaper of that time, Common Sense. Freedman gives an insider's viewpoint (as a high-level insider of Jewish organizations) of history over the last 100 years and beyond, as he discusses that the so called Jews are actually a Pagan and Barbarian tribe that adopted the ...
The Congo gained Independence from Belgium

The Congo gained Independence from Belgium

The Congo gained independence from Belgium on June 30, 1960, and immediately a struggle for power took place between individuals, tribes and political groups. As conflict spread, Belgium was drawn in to protect its mineral investments, as well as the United States, keenly aware of the Congo’s vast resource wealth. Again, the United States framed events as being the threat of a Communist takeover, with CIA ...
Air Reserve Training Manual Released: Claims Investigation Revealed the 'Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible', Promulgated by the National Council of Churches, was a Communist Tainted Endeavor

Air Reserve Training Manual Released: Claims Investigation Revealed the ‘Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible’, Promulgated by the National Council of Churches, was a Communist Tainted Endeavor

The 1960 report from the Committee on Un-American Activities clearly shows that the US "Main Line" churches had in fact been penetrated by Communists whose goal was not to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but rather to do the work of the Adversary, under the able direction of the COMINTERN. For those who follow the rapid decline of those same Main Line churches, none of ...
The Antarctic Treaty System was Opened for Signature

The Antarctic Treaty System was Opened for Signature

The main treaty was opened for signature on December 1, 1959, and officially entered into force on June 23, 1961. The original signatories were the 12 countries active in Antarctica during the International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957–58. The twelve countries that had significant interests in Antarctica at the time were: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, the Soviet Union, the ...
Povl Bang-Jensen, UN Whistleblower on Soviet Atrocities in Hungary, is Suicided

Povl Bang-Jensen, UN Whistleblower on Soviet Atrocities in Hungary, is Suicided

After a UN official blew the whistle on a UN coverup of Soviet atrocities in Hungary, he was fired, persecuted, and eventually died in a suspicious “suicide.” Here is his story. After blowing the whistle on the UN, Paul (Povl) Bang-Jensen (shown), a United Nations official from Denmark, warned his wife and friends never to believe it if they were told that he had “committed suicide.” ...
After UN Official, Bang-Jensen, Blew the Whistle on a UN Coverup of Soviet Atrocities in Hungary, he was Fired, Persecuted, and Eventually Died in a Suspicious “Suicide.”

After UN Official, Bang-Jensen, Blew the Whistle on a UN Coverup of Soviet Atrocities in Hungary, he was Fired, Persecuted, and Eventually Died in a Suspicious “Suicide.”

Paul Bang-JensenAfter blowing the whistle on the UN, Paul (Povl) Bang-Jensen (shown), a United Nations official from Denmark, warned his wife and friends never to believe it if they were told that he had “committed suicide.” Then, supposedly, he “committed suicide.” That tragedy took place more than 50 years ago. More recently, UN persecution of whistleblowers has made headlines around the world. Most infamous, perhaps, was ...
CFR Study No. 7: "...building a New International Order [which] must be Responsive to World Aspirations for Peace, [and] for Social and Economic Change"

CFR Study No. 7: “…building a New International Order [which] must be Responsive to World Aspirations for Peace, [and] for Social and Economic Change”

In Study No. 7 Basic Aim of U.S. Foreign Policy, published by the CFR in November, 1959, they revealed their plans for the country: "The U.S. must strive to build a new international order ... (which) must be responsive to world aspirations for peace ... (and) for social and economic change...including states labeling themselves as 'Socialist' ... (and to) gradually increase the authority of the U.N.." ...
Mike Wallace Interviews 'Brave New World' Author, Aldous Huxley

Mike Wallace Interviews ‘Brave New World’ Author, Aldous Huxley

The video below features a 1958 interview of Aldous Huxley with Mike Wallace. It really is a great glimpse from the past. Wallace was smoking on the set, but that was natural back then, and Rod Serling, who produced the “Twilight Zone,” did the same. Interestingly, they both developed lung cancer. You might recall that Huxley wrote the classic novel “Brave New World,” in which he ...
The Hungarian Revolution Begins: an anti-Jewish Uprising

The Hungarian Revolution Begins: an anti-Jewish Uprising

According to the official narrative in Wikipedia: On the afternoon of 23 October, approximately 20,000 protesters convened next to the statue of József Bem – a national hero of Poland and Hungary. Péter Veres, president of the Writers' Union (hu: Írószövetség), read a manifesto to the crowd. Its claims were Hungary's independence from all foreign powers; a political system based on democratic socialism (land reform and public ownership in the economy); Hungary joining the United Nations; and all freedom rights for the ...
The Vietnam War Begins (Unofficially), but Why Would America get Involved in this Needless War?

The Vietnam War Begins (Unofficially), but Why Would America get Involved in this Needless War?

The media depicted the war as a “quagmire” begun by “right-wing hawks” who wanted to stop the spread of communism.  They said the war was “unwinnable,” dragged out because the “hawks” were too proud to pull our troops out, our military having underestimated the determination of Ho Chi Minh’s forces. Here’s what the media omitted: The roots of the Vietnam disaster trace to World War II ...