A lifelong politician (D-NY) – He was elected to the New York State Assembly at 23, the U.S. Congress at 29, and the U.S. Senate at 47 – in the pockets of Wall Street. He gave sex offender Anthony Weiner his start in politics by hiring him on his staff, saved accused pedophile Bob Menendez’s political career with a $3M ad blast from his Senate Pac, has connections to NXIVM, and was allegedly accused by his own daughter of impregnating her best friend who was 15 at the time, eventually leading to the girlfriend’s suicide. He fed America the lies of Obamacare, helped cause the collapse of IndyMac Bank – one of the triggers of the 2008 collapse, and triggered the IRS-Tea Party scandal that targeted conservatives and patriot organizations. As Senate minority Leader, he tried to bully majority leader Mitch McConnell into surrendering control and then blasted him for not being impartial. Showing hypocrisy, he opposed witness testimony during Clinton impeachment, but demands it for Trump.
Schumer grew up in Brooklyn and went to the same high school as Bernie Sanders. Then their lives diverged: Schumer, the smartiest of the smartypants, got a perfect score on the SATs and then went to Harvard and Harvard Law School. He was elected to the New York State Assembly at 23, the U.S. Congress at 29, and the U.S. Senate at 47. He’s never had any adult job outside elected office.
Schumer’s done more than anyone except Bill and Hillary Clinton to intertwine Wall Street and the Democratic Party. He raises millions and millions of dollars from the finance industry, both for himself and for other Democrats. In return, he voted to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 and voted to bail out Wall Street in 2008. In between, he slashed fees paid by banks to the Securities and Exchange Commission to pay for regulatory enforcement, and eviscerated congressional efforts to crack down on rating agencies.
He has long been the Democrats’ point man in efforts to craft a bipartisan deal to slash taxes on multinational corporations.
He voted for the Patriot Act in 2001, and sponsored its predecessor, the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995. During a Senate hearing, Schumer explained that “it’s easy to sit back in the armchair and say that torture can never be used. But when you’re in the foxhole, it’s a very different deal.” In certain cases, he said, “most senators” would say “do what you have to do.” Schumer also defended the New York Police Department’s surveillance of Muslims across the region, which Trump has cited as a national model.
In October 2002, Schumer voted for the Iraq War by giving George W. Bush authority to invade. In a speech explaining his vote, Schumer warned of Iraq’s imaginary yet “vigorous pursuit of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons.”
He voted against Barack Obama’s deal to limit Iran’s ability to enrich uranium and potentially develop a nuclear weapons program.
Sadly, he gave Anthony Weiner his start, first hiring him on his staff, then encouraging him to run for office and then endorsing Weiner in the race for Schumer’s seat when Schumer was running for the Senate in 1998. Thanks, Chuck.
He spent $3 million in ads via a Senate Majority Pac in ads aimed at keeping Bob Menendez, a corrupt democrat that was accused by the DOJ of attending sex parties with underage girls in the Dominican Republic. Schumer also accepted thousands in political donations from child sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein.
Schumer, along with Nancy Pelosi and Obama himself, lied through their teeth about the benefit Obamacare would be to the average working-class families. The truth about Obamacare is that it was going to raise the cost of health care coverage exponentially for the middle class. The truth of Obamacare is that it was so bad that Congress exempted itself from the mandate that forced all Americans to participate in the plan or face heavy fines and/or prison.
He helped cause the collapse of IndyMac Bank, which was a primary trigger of the 2008 collapse of the housing market and mortgage industry and resulting economic crisis. Schumer’s (unnecessarily) public letter claiming that IndyMac was insolvent helped spark a panic that created a self-fulfilling prophesy.
He also helped spark the inquisition of tea party groups. Schumer’s public letter to the Internal Revenue Service urged a redefinition of 501(c)(4) organizations to target conservative public-policy efforts. Lois Lerner and others implemented that detailed attack in persecuting tea party and other conservative organizations.
Schumer constantly overlooks Facebook’s privacy violations, censorship of conservatives, and their exposure of users’ personal information. When Zuckerberg was called to testify before Congress, Schumer defended the company. Maybe the NY Post gives us a clue as to why…
From The New York Post:
Facebook employees, including some at the top of its corporate pyramid, have helped fill Schumer’s campaign coffers – and he’s returned the favor by carrying water for the social media giant in Congress, according to a recent report.
And Alison Schumer, the senator’s youngest of two daughters, works as a Facebook product marketing manager – which pays an average of $160,000, according to Glassdoor.com.
“It sure looks hinky,” political strategist Susan Del Percio told The Post. “This is an industry that’s been trying for years to fend off heavy government regulation by actively cultivating relationships with senators and House members.”
As Senate Minority Leader, he tried to bully Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, into giving up control of the impeachment hearing after the House had virtually eliminated the Republicans, as house minority, from the house impeachment hearings.
Schumer has called for gun control several times. approves of late-term abortions, and (after once supporting border security) advocates for open borders.
Uncovered Dirt
- Hillary Clinton helped engineer the sale of a business to Russia, which owns 20 percent of the United States’ uranium reserves. But as the senior senator from New York, who served alongside then-Sen. Hillary Clinton, also from New York (sort of), this most likely did not happen without Schumer having a hand in the sale of uranium.
- Schumer hosted Putin in New York in 2003 at the opening of the first LUKOIL gas station in the U.S. Multiple photographs, including from the Associated Press, of Schumer and Putin have surfaced. But this goes deeper. Arranging for Russia’s massive oil empire, chiefly LUKOIL, to open up in New York state surely required a great deal of government maneuvering, meaning “grease,” by the senior senator from New York, Chuck Schumer. What deals were struck between Putin and Schumer to get Russia’s premiere oil company to do business in New York? How did the current minority leader of the U.S. Senate get LUKOIL through regulatory hurdles, environmental regulation, etc.? It is hard for a U.S. citizen to start a business. But Russia had no problem opening up gas stations in Schumer’s home state?
- A former publicist for the infamous sex cult NXIVM has come forward as a whistleblower to tell all that he knows about the evils he witnessed while working for the group – and perhaps more importantly, to reveal the identities of some of the corrupt politicians who were also involved. Schumer was said to have been connected to NXIVM, as the sex cult reportedly viewed him as a “friendly” Democrat ally, according to the whistleblower, Frank Parlato.
- Lisa Schumer, exposed her father’s ongoing sexual relationship with her 16 year old high school best friend, Rebecca, which resulted in two abortions and led the girl to “commit suicide” three years later. Caitlin Schumer, Chuck Schumer’s wife, confirmed the story. Lisa Schumer said she was informed by the girl’s mother of the “affair” and that her mother, Caitlin Schumer reportedly paid Rebecaa to “go away.” Three years later, the young woman was dead.Sex with a minor is rape. According to Lisa and Caitlin Schumer, Chuck Schumer repeatedly “had sex” with Rebecca, impregnating her twice.Although the young woman is no longer alive to testify, records from Planned Parenthood could be the key in proving the abortions did occur. Additionally, Rebecca left behind very detailed diaries during the time period of the “affair”.This news comes on the heals of Schumer’s recent vehement condemnation of Roy Moore, the Republican candidate for the Alabama state Senate, for similar allegations that have since proven to be false.Lisa Schumer said that she came forward because she could not stand for the blatant hypocritical behavior her father was guilty of in his calling for Roy Moore to remove himself from the Senate race.This story was dismissed as false by Schumer with threats of a lawsuit, so it is likely untrue.
Are there any positive things about Chuck Schumer? Well … he did vote against NAFTA in 1993, and while he’s supported other trade deals since, he made negative noises about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Also, he’s a talented matchmaker with as many as 11 marriages to his credit. And he’s the second cousin once removed of Amy Schumer, which you might see as good or bad, depending.
Mind in the gutter?
Schumer made a really hilarious gaffe on January 22, 2020 on the Senate floor. Schumer told his colleges that they will have to decide if former President Donald Trump incited the “erection” against the US. “Make no mistake, there will be a trial and when that trial ends, senators will have to decide if they believe Donald John Trump incited the erection …uh, insurrection against the United States,” Schumer said resulting in many pun responses.
SCHUMER: "Senators will have to decide if Donald John Trump incited the erection." pic.twitter.com/zL4UDs9UbK
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 22, 2021
- https://theintercept.com/2016/11/14/chuck-schumer-the-worst-possible-democratic-leader-at-the-worst-possible-time/
- https://www.wnd.com/2017/03/4-schumer-scandals-ive-begun-to-uncover/
Chronological History of Events Involving Chuck Schumer

Steve Bannon Sentenced to 4 Months in Federal Prison by DC Judge for Ignoring J6 Show Trial Subpoena

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) Letter to AG Garland and FBI Director Wray on Hunter Biden Cover Up

HR4350 Introduced: Plan for Martial Law w/Military, Suspend Congressional Oversight, and Implementing Biden as a Dictator

Supreme Court Overrules Roe v. Wade in Dobbs Decision – Returns Abortion to State Lawmakers

Colbert Producers Caught by Police Invading US Capitol After Work Hours — Aided by Adam Schiff

Man Who Discovered Hunter Biden Laptop Sues Adam Schiff & Media

Adam Schiff Says He Has Received a ‘New Whistleblower Complaint’ on Russian Election Meddling, Claims DHS ‘Altered Intel’

Bretbart Exclusive — Devin Nunes: Adam Schiff Using Intel Committee Investigation of Rioters to Target Trump

Children’s Health Defense sues Facebook and fake “fact checkers” for government collusion and censorship to silence voices of truth