Science is defined in the dictionary as ‘knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method’. Many Christians today hold science in awe. Many seem to have more respect for what scientists tell us than what God tells us in the Bible. How did this situation arise and how justifiable is such an attitude? In order to answer these questions we need to look at the nature and history of science and at the trustworthiness of scientists and reporters of science. Firstly it is worth noting Douglas Jones’ comment:
“Nothing can take the puff out of the scientific chest more than a study of its history. Perhaps that’s why it’s so rare to find science departments requiring courses in the history of science. The history of science provides great strength to the inductive inference that, at any point in its history, that day’s science will almost certainly be deemed false, if not laughable, within a century (often in much less time).” [ Jones Douglas. A Rating System for Science, Credenda Agenda Vol 9 no 1. ] Read More…
Chronological History of Science /Science Frauds

Canadian Doctor Who Helped Pioneered Puberty Blocker Drugs: “We Were Wrong” – Evidence Shows “Puberty Blockers are Neither Safe Nor Reversible”

Junk Study Suggests People Who Refused Their Covid Vaccine are at Higher Risk of Traffic Accidents, Pushes For Higher Insurance Rates for Unvaxxed

Scientists from Harvard & Johns Hopkins Found Covid-19 Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than the Virus

Top French Scientist Admits Photo He Tweeted of ‘Space Telescope Image’ of Nearest Star to the Sun Was Just a Slice of Chorizo

Surface Station Report shows 96% of U.S. Climate Data is Corrupted

Pfizer Document Dump Shows Doctor With Ties to Gates Foundation Deleted Trial Participant’s Vaccine Injury

Report: Orphans Used In Secret CIA-Backed Medical Experiments

2-week (Oct 31 thru Nov 12) UN Climate Change (COP26) Summit Ends

New Study Finds that Global Carbon Emissions Have Been Flat for a Decade Despite the Leftist Hysteria