Taking Back Our Stolen History
Secret Society Insider, Dr. Richard Day, National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, Reveals the Global Elite’s Evil Plan for Humanity
Secret Society Insider, Dr. Richard Day, National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, Reveals the Global Elite’s Evil Plan for Humanity

Secret Society Insider, Dr. Richard Day, National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, Reveals the Global Elite’s Evil Plan for Humanity

D.L.D: Goebels knew it. Lenin knew it. CBS knows it. It’s interesting; the principle stands – across the board. It just gets more complicated as you get older. More sophisticated. But watch kids on a playground and you’ll learn a whole lot about adults.

R.E: Yes. We’re all nodding our heads at that one. This Dr Day was very much into the whole population control establishment, and he was of course in favor of abortion. But as he started talking about the aged and euthanasia I recall one of the population- control books saying that birth control without death control was meaningless.

And one of the advantages in terms … if one was favorable toward the killing of the aged … one of the favorable things is in fact abortion for the simple reason that -universally speaking- abortion has the result of bringing about a rather inordinate chopping off of population at the front end. That is, at the birth end. And the inevitable effect is that you will have a population that is top heavy with a rapidly aging population which is the current state in the United States. So, inevitably, if you are going to go about killing the young, especially at the pace we seem to have adapted ourselves to in this country, then invariably you’re going to have to do something about all those aging populations. Because, the few children who are born, after all, they cannot be expected to carry this tremendous burden of all these people. So you’re cutting one end and therefore, inevitably, as you pointed out on the tape, he was saying:

“Well, these few young people who are permitted to be born will feel this inevitable burden on them and so they’ll be more desensitized.”

They’ll be more warmed up to the idea of grandma and grandpa having this little party and then shuffle them off to wherever they shuffle off to. And whether it’s taking the “demise” pill or going to a death camp, or ….

D.L.D: There was a movie out sometime back called “Soylent Green.” Remember that movie? I didn’t see the whole movie, but Edward G. Robinson liked to sit in the theatre and listen to Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony as he was to take his demise pill.

R.E: That’s right. He also made the point that the food the people were eating were each other. But as he said, as long as it’s done with dignity and humanely … like putting away your horse.

D.L.D: That’s a little bit like pornography. Years back kids would come across pornography. It was always poor photography and cheap paper. Then Playboy came out with the glossy pages and really good photography, so then pornography is no longer cheap. It’s respectable. We went to a movie at the Pittsburgh Playhouse. I took my son along. It was the Manchurian Candidate. During the previews of the things that are going to come there was a title I don’t remember but it was (inaudible) in technicolor with classical music in the background.

And it was a pornographic movie. And I said, well, if you have a guitar then it’s pornography; but if you have classical movie then it converts it into art. It was pornography. It’s an example of what you were saying. As long as it’s done with dignity, that’s what counts. If you kill someone with dignity, it’s ok. If you have pornography with classical music it’s art. That was the point I was trying to make.

R.E: Again, talking about the family. Currently I know there are an awful lot of people who are out of jobs and he [Dr Day] had quite a lot of things to say about, for example, heavy industry. I guess the shock was that this man … I wasn’t surprised that he knew a lot about population control, abortion, and at the other end: euthanasia.

But what did surprise me was that he was an individual who was talking about religion, law, education, sports, entertainment, food … how could one individual have that much input? Now one could say, “well, it didn’t pan out.” But we know listening to these recollections twenty years later … except perhaps for some minor things, everything that he has said has come to pass and almost beyond imagination. How could one individual talk with such authoritative, non-questioning … that this was the way this was going to happen and this was going to happen in “fashion” and this was going to happen on TV and there were going to be video recorders before I ever heard of the word.

D.L.D: I think what happens … certainly one individual hears this, but the plans are by no means made by one or a small number of individuals. Just as industrial corporations which have a board of directors, with people from all sorts of activities who sit on the board of this corporation, and they say, “Now if we do this to our product, or if we expand in this area what will that do to banking? What will that do to clothing? What will that do … what impact, ripple effect will that have on other things?” And I’m sure that whoever makes these plans they have representatives from every area you can think of. So they’ll have educators, they’ll have clothing manufacturers – designers; architects … across the board. I’m sure they get together and have meetings and plan and everybody puts in his input, just the way a military operation goes. What will the Navy do? Will they bombard the shore? What will the Air Force do? Will they come in with air cover? What will the infantry do? It’s the same thing. These people, when they plan, they don’t miss a trick.

They have experts in every field and they say, “Well, if we do this, that and the other … John, what will that do to your operation?” And John will be in position to feed back, “Well this is what I think will happen.” So it certainly covers a broad range of people. And for one individual to be able to say all of this in the two hours that he spoke to us, really tells us that he was privy to a lot of information.

R.E: That’s right. He must have been sitting in on one of those boardrooms at least at some point. And I think not at the highest level from his position, but enough, because anyone in the population control would be associated with names of foundations … powerful foundations, powerful organizations …

D.L.D: And I’m sure there was a lot in the plans that he never heard. He wasn’t a four-star general in this outfit. He wouldn’t be in on the whole story.

R.E: Well, too bad he couldn’t have talked for six hours instead of two, and we might have had a lot more information. There was another aspect that I found fascinating in listening to this. This whole aspect of privacy … he mentioned that as the private homes went by we would have individuals, non-family members perhaps sharing our apartments.

As I understand that is becoming more popular out in California. Could California and New York being the coast states, did he say … That’s right … port cities that bring in things so that they can eventually work their way to middle America. But this is about privacy. When he was talking, for example, about the area of sex, he made some interesting remarks. One of them that hit me like a ton of bricks was this business about; “We must be open about sex.” As if there can’t be any fear of the person that does not hesitate to open up to the public. Now, if you look at these so-called sex initiation programs in the schools where the children are forced either through writing or through verbal expression to talk about all aspects of the sexual sphere …

[here, side one ends abruptly]

D.L.D: …. of our right to investigate even your sex life. Your money will be easy. We’ll have it all on computer. We’ll know more about it than you do. But we have to form a generation where the most intimate activity which two people can have is public, or can be public. Therefore, it’s harder to have any private thoughts and you can’t buck the system if everything you think and do is public knowledge. But the planners won’t be that open about their own lives. They’ll reserve their privacy. It’s for the rest of us.

R.E: Yes. Just like their listening to concerts and operas, but for the mass media they’re pumping in hard rock. That was another fascinating thing. For example, the … and I know this has come to pass because I deal with a lot of young people … the young people have their own radio stations for their music and adults have their own and never the twain shall meet. And when they do there’s usually a clash. And I think the same is probably true with a lot of the classical movies. I can remember when I was growing up and my dad had the radio on, I think it was a kind of general music. I didn’t say, “Dad, I don’t like that music; turn to another station.” Whereas now there is a fabricated generational gap which puts the family at the disadvantage.

D.L.D: And it creates conflict within the family, which is one of the spin-off benefits to them. If you’re constantly fussing at your kids, you don’t like the music they’re playing, and they’re constantly fussing at you because they don’t like what you’re playing … that does bad things to the bonds of affection that you would like to be nurtured in the family.

R.E: It would appear, that any resistance movement against the population controllers would probably be based on families strengthening themselves in a number of ways. One of them being to make sure that children know about grandma and grandpa and where did they come from and developing a whole … getting out the family albums and making sure that children know they have roots, first of all. And secondly, that their family is stable. One father, one mother, with children, with grandfathers. Those of us who have them should hold on to them.

Toward the end of the tape there was a reference – at the time everything would be coming together – how this New World Order would be introduced to a population which, at this point I think they would assume would be acceptable to it …. how was this put? We’re just going to wake up one morning and changes would just be there? What did he say about that?

D.L.D: It was presented in what must be an over-simplified fashion, so with some qualifications, here’s the recollections I have … That in the winter, and there was importance to the winter – on a weekend, like on a Friday an announcement would be made that this was or about to be in place … That the New World Order was now the System for the World and we all owe this New World Order our allegiance.

And the reason for winter is that – and this was stated – people are less prone to travel in the winter, particularly if they live in an area where there’s ice and snow. In summer it’s easier to get up and go. And the reason for the weekend is, people who have questions about this, Saturday and Sunday everything’s closed and they would not have an opportunity to raise questions, file a protest and say no.

And just that period over the weekend would allow a desensitizing period so that when Monday came and people had an opportunity maybe to express some reservations about it, or even oppose it … there would have been 48 hours to absorb the idea and get used to it.

R.E: What about those who decided they didn’t want to go along?

D.L.D: Somewhere in there it was that … because this is a “New Authority” and it represents a change, then, from where your allegiance was presumed to be, people would be called on to publicly acknowledge their allegiance to the new authority. This would mean to sign an agreement or in some public way acknowledge that you accepted this … authority. You accepted its legitimacy and there were two impressions I carried away. If you didn’t … and I’m not sure whether the two impressions are necessarily mutually exclusive because this wasn’t explored in great detail … one of them was that you would simply have nowhere to go.

If you don’t sign up then you can’t get any electric impulses in your banking account and you won’t have any electric impulses with which to pay your electric, or your mortgage or your food, and when your electric impulses are gone, then you have no means of livelihood.

R.E: Could you get these things from other people, or would that be … in other words, let’s say if you had a sympathetic family …

D.L.D: No you could not because the housing authority would keep close tabs on who is inhabiting any domicile. So the housing authority would be sure that everybody living there was authorized to live there.

R.E: Could I get some food?

D.L.D: Your expenditures, through electronic surveillance would be pretty tightly watched so if you were spending too much money at the super market, somebody would pick this up and say, “How come? What are you doing with all that food? You don’t look that fat. You don’t have that many people. We know you’re not entertaining. What are you doing with all that food?” And these things then would alert the …

R.E: I have seven people in my basement who object to the New World Order and I’m feeding them and then they said, well, one has to go.

D.L.D: They don’t belong there and you can’t feed them and since you’re sympathetic to them, maybe your allegiance isn’t very trustworthy either.

R.E: Yes. We see this … I think the Chinese experience tells us a great deal about certain things. For example, when they wanted to enforce the “One child family” … they cut off all education for the second child. Your food rations were cut so you couldn’t get the right amount of food, and if they found ways around that, they instituted compulsory abortions and compulsory plugging in of the IUD’s.

Somewhere in the tape this business about “People can carry two conflicting ideas around – or even espouse two conflicting ideas as long as they don’t get two close together”. And what immediately came to mind is … here we have an organization like Planned Parenthood … “freedom to choose,” yet they support population control programs which is of course not the freedom to choose. And then when they’re called into account and someone says, “Now wait a minute here. You’re, ‘freedom to choose – freedom to choose’ here, but you’re supporting the Chinese program which is compulsory.”

I remember a statement from the late Allen Gootmacher, one of the medical directors of Planned Parenthood and he said:

“Well, if people limit their families and do what we say, fine. But if we need compulsory population control, we’re going to have it.”

What would happen with people who wouldn’t go along, and particularly that point about, “There wouldn’t be any martyrs?” That was significant, because I recall having watched some movies about the Third Reich that many times they would come late in the evening and people would be taken from their home, but neighbors would never ask, “Where did they go?” They knew where they went!

D.L.D: Solzhenitsyn mentions that in the Gulag Archipelago.

R.E: I think this is very similar to what we would see. People would just disappear and you would not ask because it might endanger yourself or your family. But you would know where they went. If you ask questions, you draw attention to yourself and then you might follow them to where they went. So you mind your own business and step over the starving man on the street who didn’t go along.

D.L.D: He didn’t go into detail about precisely how this would come about but it’s not too hard to imagine. Yes. In the past, the Nazi’s came, the Communists came in the middle of the night, people just disappeared and one simple way to do this is that if you’re cut off from all economic support and you have no place to live and nothing to eat … we already see a lot of homeless now.

I just had a man in the office this morning talking about he and his child seeing people living in boxes in downtown Pittsburgh today. When the New World Order is here and you’re living in a box, we can’t have people littering the place, so you come around in the wagon and you pick them up. If your frame of mind as you’re growing up and formed is that, “Human value resides in being productive; you have to have a prestigious position or at least perform something useful – make a contribution,” and the truck comes by to pick up some guy living in a box and he’s not making any contribution, who’s going to get excited about it? You know… he’s sub-human; he’s a fetus; he’s a zygote; he’s a derelict, and fetuses and zygotes and derelicts are all the same animal. So what do you do with them? You dispose of them. Who gets excited about it?

R.E: I recall that when the Chinese Communists came into power one of the first things that they taught in schools was not any thoughts about specific political ideology, but about evolution and that man was just an animal and if man was just an animal then we won’t mind being herded and having masters who keep tabs on the animals and we’re one big ant colony and we’ve got someone to direct traffic and …

Speaking of traffic. We talked about the aged and again -people hearing this tape, it’s phenomenal how many times these things on this tape will hit you. I just came back from New Jersey which has a lot of retirement-type villages and I’ve been there over a period of years and there’s a structure around a retirement home which has been uncompleted for at least two or three years. Now they’ve recently completed it. It’s kind of a roadway, but I think it would be easier to get out of a complex at a play-land it is so complicated. And yet the whole area has elderly people driving.

And we are a fairly middle-aged couple and for the life of me we couldn’t figure out how we were going to get out, what we were going to do and so I asked some of the residents: “Doesn’t it bother you that they haven’t fixed this road for years and now you can’t just go across the street which would have been the logical thing?” You have to go down and they have a jug-handle and you have to go over and under, so it takes you so long, and the woman replied to me, “Well you know, we just don’t go out. We just don’t go out.”

So here we have this little retirement village where they’ve made it very difficult for a population, maybe several hundred homes in this plat with only one exit and the exit involves such a great deal of bother, they say they just cut down on the number of times they have to go out shopping.

D.L.D: Right away it makes me wonder … if it’s difficult to get out, it’s also difficult to get in probably for visitors.

R.E: These retirement homes sort of remind me of an elephant burial ground. The one thing you notice is that there are no children. There’s not the laughter of children in these homes.

D.L.D: My experience has been, these people in the retirement homes, when they see a child they just blossom. They’re really delighted to see a child. Sure they’re happy to have their sons and daughters come and other adults, but when they see a child -and it doesn’t have to be their own- it has a very beneficial effect on their mood. And if these older people aren’t seeing children, the other side of that coin is, the children aren’t seeing older people either. So if you don’t get used to seeing older people, they don’t exist.

R.E: And that’s why, with the family, making sure your children see their grandparents very often, no matter how much that entails, the trouble with the logistics, etc … it’s certainly worth while because, again if you never see someone and you don’t learn to love them and you never have any contact with them, when someone says: “Well it’s time for your grandpa to check out,” it’s like, “Who’s that?”

Who’s going to defend and fight for someone they never even saw before? Oh, I remember one of the phrases. So many of these things … you only have to hear them once and they stick in your mind. It’s so jarring.

We’ve already discussed “sex without reproduction”, then you also said the technology would be there for “reproduction without sex” and this is a whole other area because it’s contradictory. If a land is so overpopulated, then you would want to diminish sexual activity, get rid of pornography, get rid of everything that was sexually stimulating. But, no. It’s a contrary. You want to Increase sexual activity but only insofar as it doesn’t lead to reproduction. That was the message, right?

D.L.D: Yes, and this is my own extension. He didn’t say this, but that leads to slavery because if you become enslaved to your gratification, whether it’s sex, food or whatever, then you’re more easily controlled, which is one of the reasons the celibate priesthood is so important. And so many priests don’t even understand that. But if you’re addicted to sex … if sex is divorced from reproduction, something you do for gratification only – I won’t try to parallel that with food because you can’t go without food – then you can be more easily controlled by the availability or the removal of the availability of sex. So that can become an enslaving feature. Now, reproduction without sex … what you would get then would have all the desirable attributes of a human being without any claim to human rights. The way we do it now, we say, you’re human because you have a father and mother … you have a family and so you’re a human being with human rights. But if your father was a petrie dish and you mother was a test tube, how can you lay claim to human rights? You owe your existence to the laboratory which conveys to you no human rights.

And there is no God, so you can’t go for any God-given human rights, so you’re an ideal slave. You have all the attributes of a human being but you don’t have any claim on rights.

R.E: In Brave New World they had the caste system, the alphas, the omegas, etc. The way they brought about the different caste systems was that in the decanting, or birthing rooms, the individual who was to do menial or slave labor … work in the mines … received just a little bit of oxygen to the brain so they learned to love their slavery and they were very happy. They didn’t know any better. They didn’t have the wherewithal to do things, but the higher in the caste you got, the more oxygen you got to your brain. So we actually had a group of sub-human beings who loved their slavery. In the past slaves probably didn’t love their slavery very much, but in this case, we have this technology which will make people love their slavery, and each caste loved being what they were in “Brave New World.” And any of our listeners who hasn’t read that recently …

D.L.D: You may remember the slogan that was above the Nazi concentration camps … something about, “Work is Peace and Work is Happiness.” I don’t remember if it was Bucchenvald or Auschwitz. My recollection of words isn’t precise, but the idea is what counts. And here’s Huxley, writing Brave New World, saying basically the same thing before Hitler was even in power, so Huxley knew something.

R.E: He came from a family that probably contributed at least in part to this New World Order. A number of the English authors … H.G. Wells … from that period and from those associations who highlighted the concepts of what was coming down the path. I can remember reading Brave New World in high school, and thought, “Boy, is this fantasy land.” Thirty years later and I said, “This is scary.” There seems to be kind of a similarity between his writings and the talk given by Dr Day, because you get kind of a mixed message in Brave New World, that these things are not really good. It would be better if man still had a sense of humor, a sense of privacy, if the family still existed … but, it’s inevitable. They’re going to go. Too bad. I feel a little sorry about that. A little sentiment, but the New Order has to come in and we have to make room for it.

And I got that same impression from the things that were said about this Day tape. He wasn’t real happy about some of the things, but they’re going to occur anyway, so make it easier on yourself. The more you accept it the easier it’s going to be when it comes around, and I’m kind of doing you a favor -you physicians out there this evening- I’m going to make it easier for you by telling you in advance what’s coming and you can make your own adjustments.

D.L.D: Somewhere in Scripture … I think it was after the flood, God said, “I will write my law on man’s hearts,” and I feel the same parallel that you do between Dr Day’s reaction to what he was exposed to and mine … seeming not totally accepting of this. Huxley seeming not totally accepting of what he wrote about but both saying, “Well, there’s a certain inevitability to all of this, so let’s try to talk about the best parts of it. It’s going to be good for people. Technology will be better, quality of life will be better … so you live a few years shorter.”

But they both do seem to send out messages not buying the whole package …

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