Taking Back Our Stolen History
Secret Society Insider, Dr. Richard Day, National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, Reveals the Global Elite’s Evil Plan for Humanity
Secret Society Insider, Dr. Richard Day, National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, Reveals the Global Elite’s Evil Plan for Humanity

Secret Society Insider, Dr. Richard Day, National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, Reveals the Global Elite’s Evil Plan for Humanity

R.E: And maybe wishing some people would ask more questions. Looking back over history there are many individuals who had an idea of what a New World Order should be, certainly Hitler and Stalin did, but what was lacking during these periods is that they lacked the technology to carry many a many of the things out … surveillance, constant monitoring … but in this so-called New World Order it’s going to be very difficult to escape because technology will provide those means which had been lacking those totalitarian individuals from years ago.

D.L.D: I can’t remember on the original tapes, did I mention the phrase where he said: “This time we’re going to do it right!” ?

R.E: No. You didn’t.

D.L.D: There were so many details to remember. But when he mentioned bringing in the New World Order, he said:

 “This time we’re going to do it right.”

And right away, I’m wondering, “what do you mean, ‘this time’?” There was no explicit explanation of that, but I think it’s fairly easy to infer that previous efforts had to do with the Third Reich … Your point about the technology is critical with computers and all means of exchange being controlled by electronic impulse.

Nobody has any wealth. You own nothing of value except access to electronic impulses which are beyond your control. A cashless society. So when your reward for working is [nothing more than] impulses on the computer and the only claim you have is these impulses and the people who run the system can give or take them as they choose. Up until this time there was no way the statement in the Book of Revelation that said, “No man can buy or sell unless he has the mark of the beast” … there’s no way that could have been enforced.

People could say I’ll trade you a bushel of tomatoes for a bushel of wheat. If you’ll drive my kids to school I’ll give you six ears of corn. Bartering. And even not going necessarily that primitive, there was always gold and silver and other forms of money that were even better than bartering. But with this cashless society, I believe this is the first time in the history of the human race where the entire population of the world can be controlled economically so that somebody can say, “I pushed the right buttons and I know how much credit you have electronically; I know where you spend your money electronically; and you cannot buy, you cannot sell unless you get on my computer.”

Right now you have a half a dozen credit cards in your pocket, but pretty soon it will be narrowed to one credit card and then when we … you know the ostensible reason is that when people loose their credit cards and we have to get rid of that and put the implant in … where it has to be accessible to the scanner … in your right hand or in your forehead.

R.E: Speaking of scanner. When we had the TV War …. the Gulf War? It was the first war where you just sit there and 24 hours a day just like being on the battlefield there. There were several points made about the advances in technology and how they could spot just one little individual down in … they used the constant reference to pinpoint … “pinpoint.” I imagine with the different technologies they can also pinpoint a couple of renegades in the New World Order. The technology which was applicable to a so- called ‘enemy’ can also be applicable to this controlling the order.

D.R.D: Exactly. It’s infra-red stuff that’s … I’m sort of amateurish about this, but any heat source like a deer, a human being, a renegade … can be picked up by an infra-red scanner and you get sort of an outline of whether it’s a deer or sheep or whatever.

My first hearing about them was in the Vietnam War where our troops used them to detect the enemy. That’s twenty-some years ago, so they’re probably even more sophisticated now than they were then; but with this kind of surveillance it would be pretty hard for anybody to escape and say, “Well, I’m just going to go out into the mountains and be a hermit and escape the New World Order. I can shoot deer and eat berries and survive and I’ve got a wife who’s pretty sturdy and she’ll be able to survive and we’ll do what the Indians did before Columbus got here and we’ll all survive.” The New World Order will say, “No you won’t because we’re gonna find you”.

R.E: Even in Brave New World they had a group of people who still lived as a family and the women breast-fed and they were called savages. But we won’t have any savages. We’re cultured, we’ll be thin and our teeth will be straight.

D.L.D: Something also that was mentioned; forests could — and if necessary would — be leveled or burned. Now this comes out of this movement … goddess mother earth, and how we have to protect the environment … but if we want to get someone who’s trying to get away we’ll burn down the whole forest. We’ll find them. That was stated. Deforestation could be and would be brought about to make sure that nobody gets outside the control of the system.

R.E: We’re drawing to a close here. How did you feel after … well, it’s been about 22 years now since that original lecture and there probably isn’t a day that goes by – at least since I’ve heard the tape – that I don’t think about the things that this Dr Day said.

D.L.D: You get constant reminders. Not a day goes by something doesn’t say, “That reminds me of …” such and such, whether it’s surveillance or security …

R.E: … or clothing. I opened up a toy catalogue the other day and noticed there didn’t happen to be any baby dolls in this toy catalogue … of course going back to the idea that we don’t want little girls to by thinking about babies. They only had one little doll and it was kind of an adult doll. And nothing that would raise anyone’s maternal instincts. Well, Doc, what’s the prognosis?

D.L.D: Left to man alone I think the technology is already here and with technological progress, I think it is inevitable — if man is left to his own devices — that some men will be able to assert total control over other men … other people. Man left to his own devices … the tendency is — in groups like this, then — is for internal dissention to arise where the leaders would be at each other’s throats too … each saying, “No, I’m more powerful than you. I deserve more than you.”

R.E: Who will control the controllers?

D.L.D: Yeah. They would stab themselves. I think so. They would create their own seeds of destruction while they’re creating the system. But the other thing I wonder if indeed this may be time for our Lord to come back and say, “Enough’s enough. Because you’re going to destroy my planet earth. I am in charge of the planet. I’m in charge of mankind. Mankind will be destroyed if I say. I will not allow my creatures to assume and exert this degree of control where you’re going to destroy the whole thing.”

R.E: What I was just thinking as you were just saying that is that in the past, dictators could kill people, they could torture them, but essentially they could not change what it meant to be a human being. They could not change human nature. Now we are going to have with this new Genome Project, a multi-billion dollar project where they’re going to be getting a tab on everyone’s genes. No one shall escape. Everyone shall have their genetic codes and with this opens the door to manipulation to change the very meaning of what it means to be human. And if one has an entity then that no longer has free will, you just have to wonder if that point out Lord says, “Enough.”

D.L.D: Just as Lucifer set himself up as God in the beginning, some people now would set themselves up as God and say, “I control the computers, I control the genomes, I control everything, I am God …” and at that point He would have to say, “No, you are not! I have to demonstrate to you … you’re not. I’m still God. You’re just a creature”

RE: And as you said on the original tape, we believe in what our Lord has said, in that He will not leave us orphans. He will be with us ’til the end of time.

D.L.D: This right away now begs the questions, when they come around and say, “It’s your turn to sign the allegiance form” … what are you going to do? When Henry the eighth came around and said, either sign here and join … and while he was saying it they were throwing the noose over the limb of the oak tree, and slipping the noose around your neck and saying, “you want to sign this or do we slap the horse out from under you?” and a lot of people said I won’t sign it and they were martyred.

Despite his having said there will be no martyrs, certainly there will be martyrs. The implication of his statements were that they would not be recognized as martyrs, but there will be martyrs and they will be recognized as martyrs. Maybe not the same way as in the past but I think this is something people should sort of prepare themselves for.

When I’m nose to nose with this choice, “ether sign this allegiance or we’re going to put you in a boxcar and you’re going out to Arizona, to the desert …” I think we have to be prepared to make a decision.

R.E: I think it would be an understatement to say that this tape has great meaning and it’s like a forewarning and it gives us ideas of things we should do and things we shouldn’t do and I think everybody listening to the tapes will come up with things he can do on a small scale. I think that’s the beauty of this thing. As he was talking … it wasn’t real earth shattering things he was talking about. He was talking about little things. Television. Things that we do every day. Things that are under our control. The books we read.

And I think some of these changes if they are going to occur will occur with the individual person within that family, with him getting the word out and then doing the little things. I think they matter over the long haul, the most.

D.L.D: Just as with the prisoners who survived the brainwashing, I think people who are Spiritually oriented, who are thinking about God, thinking about their relationship with God, are the ones who will then be better prepared or equipped to survive this world and the next. Whereas, those who are just focused on meeting their needs right now, strictly the material needs of the day, they’re more easily controlled.

Under the threat of losing your comforts or losing your food or losing your head or whatever, certainly some people are going to yield, and those who I think will survive and I really mean both in this life and the next – they’re going to have to be the ones who are prepared because it’s my belief when the time comes to make the decision … “Are you going to sign on or not?” … it’s too late to begin preparation and start saying, “Well, let me think about this.”

You won’t have time to think about it. You’re either going to say yes or no. I hope a lot of us make the right decision.

R.E: I do so too, and I think the tape will change as many lives and have hopefully as good an effect as it had on mine and on yours and so let me thank you very much. For further information please contact the US Coalition for Life; Box 315, Export, Penn 15632. Your comments and criticism and any other information which you might have regarding this tape will be most welcome.

[end of Tape Three]

Pasted from <http://www.overlordsofchaos.com/html/new_order_of_barbarians_3.html>