Taking Back Our Stolen History
Smear campaign
Smear campaign

Smear campaign

an effort to damage or call into question someone’s reputation, by propounding negative propaganda. It can be applied to individuals or groups. Common targets are public officials, politicians and candidates, activists, real whistleblowers, and journalists who threaten the establishment, are a threat to disclose their crimes, or may challenge one of their desired puppets in a political campaign. Smears often consist of ad hominem attacks in the form of unverifiable rumors and distortions, half-truths, or even outright lies; smear campaigns are often propagated by controlled media such as the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN, NBC, CBS, or ABC, among many others. Even when the facts behind a smear campaign are demonstrated to lack proper foundation, the tactic is often effective because the target’s reputation is tarnished before the truth is known.1

Chronological History of some Smear Campaigns

Three FBI Whistleblowers Testify to the House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on FBI & DOJ Abuses of Power

Three FBI Whistleblowers Testify to the House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on FBI & DOJ Abuses of Power

The House Weaponization Committee held a hearing Thursday on Capitol Hill. Three government whistleblowers from the FBI testified before Congress on Thursday morning. On Wednesday Chris Wray’s FBI revoked the security clearances of three agents who questioned the aggressive tactics by the FBI in targeting Trump supporters, conservatives, and pro-Life Americans, according to a letter the FBI sent the subcommittee on Wednesday. FBI agents Marcus Allen, ...
Dr. Robert Malone Sues Washington Post for Defamation

Dr. Robert Malone Sues Washington Post for Defamation

Dr. Robert Malone on Aug. 19 sued the Washington Post, alleging statements in an article about him were defamatory. The Jan. 24 article says Malone offered “misinformation” when he said during a speech that the COVID-19 vaccines “are not working” against the Omicron virus variant. As proof, the paper linked to studies by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from January that found a booster shot on top of ...
Man Who Discovered Hunter Biden Laptop Sues Adam Schiff & Media

Man Who Discovered Hunter Biden Laptop Sues Adam Schiff & Media

John Paul Mac Issac, the Delaware computer repair shop owner who discovered Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” has filed a lawsuit against Congressman Adam Schiff, CNN, The Daily Beast and Politico for claiming that he was an agent of the Russian state who was spreading “Russian disinformation” by bringing the contents of the laptop public. The America Project, a 501c4 non-profit founded by Overstock.com CEO Patrick ...
Former DOJ Attorney Launches False Allegations in Smear of Trump Supporter and Patriot Rep. (R-FL) Matt Gaetz

Former DOJ Attorney Launches False Allegations in Smear of Trump Supporter and Patriot Rep. (R-FL) Matt Gaetz

The New York Times published a hit piece on popular Trump-supporter Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) saying the Florida Congressman was under investigation for dating a 17-year-old girl. Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida and a close ally of former President Donald J. Trump, is being investigated by the Justice Department over whether he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and paid for her to travel with him, according ...
NY Supreme Court Judge Rules New York Times Used 'Deceptive Disinformation' To Smear Project Veritas

NY Supreme Court Judge Rules New York Times Used ‘Deceptive Disinformation’ To Smear Project Veritas

A New York Supreme Court Judge excoriated the New York Times, ruling that they used "reckless disregard" and "acted with actual malice" when two of their reporters deceptively presented opinions as fact in several articles denigrating whistleblower organization Project Veritas. What the Times did, as you'll see below, is similar to countless hit-pieces against Zero Hedge and others; using broad, unsupported brush strokes to slander their ideological opponents. We ...
Liz Cheney ‘Orchestrated Unprecedented’ GOP Sabotage with WaPo

Liz Cheney ‘Orchestrated Unprecedented’ GOP Sabotage with WaPo

Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) reportedly “orchestrated unprecedented” Republican sabotage with the Washington Post against former President Donald Trump on January 3. The New Yorker published an essay Thursday in which Eric Edelman — a “friend” of Cheney’s and a former national security adviser to former Vice President Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney’s father — said Liz Cheney “was the one who generated” a hit piece on Trump in the Post, written by ...
NYU Professor of Propaganda Class, Mark Crispin Miller, Has Students Look into Covid Masks as Propaganda, Incites Cancel Culture's Wrath

NYU Professor of Propaganda Class, Mark Crispin Miller, Has Students Look into Covid Masks as Propaganda, Incites Cancel Culture’s Wrath

Mark Crispin Miller, Ph.D., provides us with a startling example of a crackdown on academic freedom, with dire implications for free speech in America today. Ironically, it was his teaching students how to question propaganda, and to resist it, that brought on the curtailment of his academic freedom, after over 20 years of teaching that important subject at New York University. His experience at NYU in ...
German Gestapo Comes after “Right-Wing“ Journalist

German Gestapo Comes after “Right-Wing“ Journalist

Gateway Pundit has written about the increasing political persecution of conservative politicians and journalists in Europe. Now, German police have raided the home of an innocent “right-wing” blogger, while state media rely on violent Antifa supporters as “experts” on “right-wing radicalization.” Conservative Journalist Hermann S. and his wife were arrested on Friday in the south German city of Landshut on suspicion of having sent “right-wing hate mails”, their house ...
Liberty University Sues New York Times Over Its Coverage of the College’s Response to COVID-19

Liberty University Sues New York Times Over Its Coverage of the College’s Response to COVID-19

Liberty University is filing a $10 million defamation lawsuit against the New York Times after it “intentionally misrepresented” the college’s response to COVID-19. Campus Reform previously reported on Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.’s handling of the coronavirus on campus in April, specifically highlighting how the New York Times singled out the private, evangelical university that is run by one of President Donald Trump's most vocal supporters. Liberty faced harsh scrutiny over its ...
Leaked FOX News Internal Memo Refers to Hannity, John Solomon and Rudy Giuliani as “Disinformation”

Leaked FOX News Internal Memo Refers to Hannity, John Solomon and Rudy Giuliani as “Disinformation”

FOX News REALLY hates their audience. A leaked internal memo obtained by the far left Daily Beast and Law and Crime refers to Sean Hannity, John Solomon and Rudy Giuliani as “disinformation.” BREAKING: Fox News Internal Anti-Trump Dossier Leaks, Refers to Giuliani and Hannity as ‘Disinformation’ https://t.co/xpvBzjx8fD — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) February 7, 2020 The 162-page memo, entitled “Ukraine, Disinformation, & the Trump Administration,” created by Bryan S. Murphy, slams Rudy Giuliani, ...