Taking Back Our Stolen History

Operation Keelhaul: The Forced Repatriation of 2.5 Million Soviet Freedom Lovers back to the USSR Gulags by the US and Allies in a ‘Gross Violation of the Geneva Convention’

Operation Keelhaul was a secret military operation agreed to a the Yalta Conference that forcibly returned 2.5 million Russians captured during World War II back …

After the Japanese had Already Agreed to Surrender, the USA Drops an Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and the Famously Christian City of Nagasaki Three Days Later.

The U.S. government long claimed it dropped A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because only this would convince Japan to end the Second World War, and …

Operation Paperclip is Implemented to Bring 1600 German Eugenicists, Scientists, Doctors, Technicians, and Engineers to the U.S. for Employment in Exchange for Immunity

Operation Paperclip was a secret United States Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians (many of …

The Bleiberg Massacre: Croatian Soldiers who Surrendered after WWII to the British were Given to Communist. Tens of Thousands were Starved, Beaten, & Raped.

Official British documents state there were 200,000 Croatian soldiers and 500,000 civilians in Bleiberg, Austria. After peacefully surrendering, they were told their destination was Italy, …