Taking Back Our Stolen History
corrupt organizations
corrupt organizations

Two homosexual political strategists, Marshall Kirk and Erastus Pill, published a landmark article in Guide Magazine, titled, forthrightly, “The Overhauling of Straight America.”

Two homosexual political strategists, Marshall Kirk and Erastus Pill, published a landmark article in Guide Magazine, titled, forthrightly, “The Overhauling of Straight America.” A few …

The Beginnings of BCCI’s Arrival in America, the Bank that would Quickly Become a Magnet for Drug Money Laundering and Other Corruption

Two Indonesian billionaires come to Arkansas. Mochtar Riady and Liem Sioe Liong are close to Indonesian President, General Suharto. Riady is looking for an American …

Indonesia Invades East Timor Hours After President Ford & Henry Kissinger left Indonesia after Meeting in Jakarta with Indonesian Dictator General Suharto

Indonesia invaded East Timor, a small Christian country (predominantly Catholic) and Portugese colony north of Australia rich in oil reserves. East Timor should have won …

The Nedzi Committee, Later Renamed the Pike Committee, is Formed (in Conjunction with the Church Committee) Because the Rockefeller Commission was a Known Whitewash.

Until 1961, U.S. intelligence agencies operated almost entirely outside the view of the mainstream media and with very limited exposure to members of Congress. But …

The Rockefeller Commission is Formed by CFR VP Nelson Rockefeller as a Whitewash Committee for an Investigation into CIA Activities Inside the US

Seymour Hersh, of the New York Times, ran an article on December 22, 1974, concerning alleged intelligence abuses by the CIA and other intelligence agencies; …

Activist, Karen Silkwood, Murdered and Incriminating Docs Disappear After She Blew the Whistle on Kerr-McGee’s Nuclear Plant Fraud, Health & Safety Violations

Karen Silkwood, a labor union activist who had discovered numerous health and safety violations and alleged  Kerr-McGee falsified inspection records at the chemical plant in …

‘The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence’ by Victor Marchetti (Assistant to the Deputy Director of the CIA) & John D. Marks (US Dept. of State) is Published

The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence is a 1974 controversial non-fiction political book written by Victor Marchetti, a former special assistant to the Deputy …