Taking Back Our Stolen History

Yucatan Gulfstream Drug Crash took place when a CIA connected US-registered Gulfstream II Crashed in the Mexican Jungle

The 2007 Yucatan Gulfstream drug crash took place when a CIA connected US-registered Gulfstream II (tailnumber N987SA) crashed in the Mexican jungle. Daniel Hopsicker dubbed it “Cocaine 2” since the plane had …

Secret Meeting in Banff Plans North American Union (US, Mexico, Canada) Using “Evolution by Stealth”. A Step Towards UN Ruled America.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbqchhsiQbU September 12-14, 2006 – A hush-hush meeting held in Banff, Canada explored the issue of how to sneak a North American Union (NAU) onto …