CBS REPORTS Airs an Episode Titled ‘The New Left’
The New Left was a broad political movement mainly in the 1960s and 1970s consisting of activists in the Western world who campaigned for a …
The New Left was a broad political movement mainly in the 1960s and 1970s consisting of activists in the Western world who campaigned for a …
The name “Medicare” was originally given to a program providing medical care for families of individuals serving in the military as part of the Dependents’ …
Many versions of the speech exist, since it was altered over many weeks. Contrary to popular belief, however, the speech was not given at the 1964 …
Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina in a letter to the editor of the Washington Post penned these words: “…Both socialism and communism derive from the …
In Study No. 7 Basic Aim of U.S. Foreign Policy, published by the CFR in November, 1959, they revealed their plans for the country: “The …
In 1953, Dr. Ewan Cameron would become president of the American Psychiatric Association, and in that same year, Fabian Socialist Bertrand Russell’s THE IMPACT OF …
“I don’t like the income tax. Every time we talk about these taxes we get around to the idea of ‘from each according to his …
Senator William Jenner of Indiana says before the U.S. Senate: “Today the path to total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly …
The Reece Committee was formed on November 1, 1953 and the final report released 6 months later after efforts by some democrats to frustrate and …
“Internationalism must first be a state of mind, an ideal, a chivalry, a religion, before it can be a reality and a system.” — Samuel …