Taking Back Our Stolen History
Senator Jenner: “We have a well-organized political action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state.”
Senator Jenner: “We have a well-organized political action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state.”

Senator Jenner: “We have a well-organized political action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state.”

Senator William Jenner of Indiana says before the U.S. Senate:

“Today the path to total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by Congress, the President, or the people. We have a well-organized political action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state. It has a foothold within our Government, and its own propaganda apparatus. One may call this group by many names. Some people call it socialism, some collectivism. I prefer to call it ‘democratic centralism.’ The important point to remember about this group is not its ideology but its organization. It is a dynamic, aggressive, elite corps, forcing its way through every opening, to make a breach for a collectivist one-party state.

It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government without our suspecting the change is underway. This secret revolutionary corps understands well the power to influence the people by an elegant form of brainwashing. We see this, for example, in the innocent use of words like ‘democracy’ in place of ‘representative government.’ “