Taking Back Our Stolen History

The National Flu Immunization Program Officially Began Fearing Another Outbreak like the 1918 Flu Pandemic that was Ironically Caused by Vaccines & Faulty Pharma Cures

Just over thirty years ago, in 1976, the Centers for Disease Control investigated and confirmed that a severe influenza outbreak at Fort Dix, New Jersey, …

Dr. Jonas Salk, Developer of the Killed-Virus Vaccine Testified that the Live Virus Vaccine was “the Principal if Not the Sole” Cause of Polio in the U.S. Since 1961″

“In 1976, Dr. Jonas Salk, the developer of the killed-virus vaccine testified that the live virus vaccine was “the principal if not the sole” cause …

Mass Inoculations of School Children Begins in Pittsburgh with the Polio Vaccine with a Live Virus that was Cancer-Causing and Shown to Paralyze Monkeys

A group of children from Arsenal Elementary School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, receive the first injections of the new polio vaccine developed by Dr. Jonas Salk …

Dr. Hay: “I have Run Across so Many Histories of Children who had Never Seen a Sick Day Until They were Vaccinated, and Who Have Never Seen a Well Day Since.”

In the USA, June 25th, 1937, Dr. William Howard Hay addressed the Medical Freedom Society regarding the Lemke Bill to abolish compulsory vaccination.  He stated: …

Dr. L. Parry Writing in the British Medical Journal asks: “How is it that smallpox is five times as likely to be fatal in the vaccinated as in the unvaccinated?”

Writing in the British Medical Journal (Jan. 21, 1928 p.116), Dr. L. Parry questioned the vaccination statistics, which revealed a higher death rate amongst the vaccinated than …