Retired U.S. Air Force Lt.Col “Bud” Farrell, said of the Korean War,
When I was a young officer and a jet fighter pilot flying missions in the Korean Conflict (unknowingly under the command of a Soviet General of the United Nations Security Council), I could never understand HOW THE ENEMY KNEW SO MUCH ABOUT US, as broadcast almost daily over the communist Pyongyang radio station in North Korea.
Our wives’ names, children’s names, Squadron Commander names, flight numbers, etc.! The North Koreans knew when we were coming, how many of us there were, what type of aircraft we were flying and even the targets we were to hit. Later I realized that the naval and ground forces suffered the same fate that we did, especially our Army and Marine infantry troops.
All of our military operations had to be forwarded by radio to the Soviet Commander of the United Nations Security Council at the United Nations Building, New York City, for approval before our forces went into action against the North Koreans and Red Chinese.
The Soviet Commander of the United Nations Security Council delayed the battle plans until he used the radios in the United Nations Building in New York to relay all our “battle planning information” to Moscow, North Korea and Red China.
The enemy then contacted and relayed these battle plans to their communist forces in the field. The enemy knew when to move from an area and when to attack our smaller fighting forces. They knew beforehand when we were coming and how many of us there were. They knew everything about us all the time – 24 hours a day!!!
I later found this same form of “treason” was used against our forces in the Vietnam War. All information regarding “every battle plan in Vietnam” was given to the North Vietnamese, Soviets (Advisors), and Viet Cong Troops in the field DURING THE ENTIRE WAR. The enemy knew our every move at all times. Our troops were led like sheep to the slaughter in both Korea and Viet Nam. Like blind fools we sent our combat plans to the enemy for approval.
There was a standing joke among us fighter pilots. “That Moscow had a file on each and every one of us.” How little did we really know. Every mission, every movement was compromised! General Walt, former Commander of the United States Marine Corps, reflected upon this information in his book that was written in the early 1980’s.This was never allowed to appear in any bookstore in the United States.
During the Korean and Viet Nam conflicts, thousands of our fighting men were mentally or physically incapacitated BECAUSE OF THIS TREASON! To this day, the Soviets (or someone from one of their satellite countries) are the only ones who can command the United Nations “World Police Forces”.
Each and every one of us that served in Korea or Vietnam served under the total command of a Soviet General!
Here are the names of the soviets and the dates they served as “Under-Secretary of the Security Council of the United Nations,” thus the highest military commander of all United Nations fighting forces anywhere in the world, INCLUDING ALL MILITARY FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES.
These names and information was obtained from the United Nations yearbooks up through 1983. Later yearbooks were not available. (All listed below are Soviet Generals holding the office of “Under-Secretary for Security and Political Affairs”):
- 1946-1949 Arkady Alexandrovitch Sobolev;
- 1949-1953 Constantine E. Zinchenko;
- 1953-1954 Dragoslov Protich;
- 1958-1959 Antoly Dobrinin;
- 1960-1962 George Petrovich Arkadev;
- 1962-1963 Eugeny D. Kiselv;
- 1963-1964 Vladimir Paulovich Suslov;
- 1965-1967 Alexel Efemovitch Nesternko;
- 1968-1973 Leonid N. Kutakov;
- 1973-1978 Arkadv N. Shevchenko;
- 1978-1980 Mikhail D. Sytenko;
- 1981-1983 Vlacheslav A. Ustinov;
- 1988- Vasiliy Safronchuk
“The post for ‘Political and Security Affairs’ traditionally has been held by a SOVIET NATIONALS is Senior Advisor to the Secretary-General.” [New York Times, May 22, 1963]
The Soviet Lt. General Alexandre Vasiliev, the Soviet Representative on the United Nations (Mini) Military Staff Committee from 1947 to January 1950, is the same General Vasiliev who took “a leave of absence from his United Nations job and was PLACED BY THE SOVIET UNION AND RED CHINA IN COMMAND OF ALL CHINESE COMMUNIST TROOP MOVEMENTS ACROSS THE 38TH PARALLEL.
During the Korean “Police Action”, Lt. General Vasiliev received all his military information and troop movements of all United Nations forces in Korea directly from his superior, Soviet General Constantine E. Zinchenko (see above, 1949-1953), who served as Under-Secretary of the Security Council of the United Nations in New York. ALL battle plans had to be APPROVED by him AHEAD OF TIME.
It was the traitor, President Harry S. Truman himself, who REFUSED TO ALLOW General Douglas MacArthur, the Supreme Commander of the United Nations fighting forces in Korea, to bomb the bridges at the Yalu River over which the Chinese Communist troops came by the hundreds of thousands to kill and wound our soldiers. Truman and the Soviet General in charge at the United Nations TOTALLY HANDCUFFED MacArthur in all instances.
General MacArthur was only in command of the fighting forces in Korea, not in command of the United Nations position as “Under-Secretary of the Security Council”. A Soviet General held this position of POWER AND AUTHORITY OVER MACARTHUR and all the United Nations fighting forces in Korea. THE SAME WAS TRUE FOR VIETNAM.
When General MacArthur WOKE UP TO THE TREASON OF PRESIDENT TRUMAN and the Soviets in the United Nations, he executed one of the greatest military performances ever ventured in modern warfare. His dangerous but magnificent military engagement and sea landing at “Inchon” on September 15, 1950 enabled his military forces to slaughter the communist forces, destroy their massive supply dumps, and put the Red Chinese, North Koreans and their Soviet advisors on the run. [In other words, MacArthur kicked some ass!]
MacArthur never asked permission from the United Nations Security Council (Soviet General Zinchenko) to perform this SECRET military operation. MacArthur hand-picked close and loyal military officers in doing so, and they kept a tight lid on the entire operation.
Originally, our forces were to never win any battles as planned by the Soviet Generals in the United Nations. But General MacArthur realized the treason and took positive action not only to save the lives of his fighting forces and destroying the enemy and their supply dumps, but also creating the “turning point” of the Korean War with his success at Inchon.
For this “positive action”, General Douglas MacArthur was relieved of his command of the United Nations fighting forces in Korea by the traitor President Harry Soloman Truman.
President Truman feared General MacArthur so much that just prior to General MacArthur returning to the United States from Korea, Truman hid out at Camp David for over 3 weeks in fear of being arrested by General MacArthur, who was a 5-Star General and in command of all military forces in the United States.
This allowed the controlled press in the United States time to attack MacArthur on all fronts, even before he returned home from Korea. Big headlines in the monthly magazines of the United States described MacArthur “As like unto Hitler returning home to the Chancellery”.
With cunning control of their national news outlets over the minds of the people in the United States against MacArthur, the same man who had just saved the lives of thousands of their sons with daring military moves – against the wishes of the United Nations Command, in routing the Red Chinese and North Koreans at Inchon.
Now you know the REAL TRUTH as to what really happened “behind the scenes” during the Korean Conflict between the traitor Truman and General MacArthur, the real hero!
* * *
“I was worried by a series of directives from Washington (Truman) which were greatly decreasing the potential of my Air Force. First I was forbidden “hot” pursuit of enemy planes that attacked our own.
“Manchuria and Siberia were sanctuaries of inviolate protection of all enemy forces and for all enemy purposes, no matter what depredations or assaults might come from there.
“Then I was denied the right (by Soviet General in United Nations) to bomb the hydroelectric plants along the Yalu River. The order was broadened to include every plant in North Korea which was capable of furnishing electric power to Manchuria and Siberia.
“Most incomprehensible of all was the refusal to let me bomb the important supply center at Racin, which was not in Manchuria or Siberia, but many miles from the border, in forwarded supplies from Vladivostok for the North Korean Army. I felt that step-by-step my weapons were being taken away from me.”
This is exactly the same type of “treason” that occurred against our military forces in Vietnam. But Vietnam was far more vile and dirty in length of time that our soldiers were betrayed.
MacArthur continues on page 21:“That there was some leak in intelligence was evident to everyone. (Brigadier General Walton) Walker continually complained to me that his operations were known to the enemy in advance through sources in Washington.
“Information must have been relayed to them, assuring that the Yalu River bridges would continue to enjoy their sanctuary and that their bases would be left intact. They knew they could swarm down across the Yalu River without having to worry about bombers hitting their Manchurian supply lines.”
General MacArthur then referred on page 21 to an official leaflet published in Red China by Chinese General Lin Piao. It read:
“I would never have made the attack and risked men and military reputation if I had not been assured that Washington would restrain General MacArthur from taking adequate retaliatory measures against my lines of supply and communication.”
J. Ruben Clark, Jr., former Under-Secretary of State and Ambassador to Mexico, who was widely recognized as one of our nation’s foremost international lawyers, stated on page 27 of the book entitled The United Nations Today.
“Not only does the Charter Organization (United Nations) not prevent future wars, but it makes it practically certain that we shall have future wars, and as to such wars it takes from us (the United States) the power to declare them to choose the side on which we shall fight, to determine what forces and military equipment we shall use in war, and to control and command our sons who do the fighting.”
Planned wars by international corporate socialists money barons within the United States and throughout the world brings great profit to the majority of banks and war manufacturing plants that they control and own all across the United States.
These same people got filthy rich on the “20 pieces of silver” for the lives lost and wounded of our soldiers in the Korean and Vietnam conflicts, and they also collected billions of dollars in profit for supply “war materials” in Korea and Vietnam.
By now you should have come to realize “why” there were so many restrictions on our soldiers during combat in Korea and Vietnam, and why we were NOT ALLOWED TO WIN. Not allowed to bomb certain targets, not allowed to really do anything in a positive manner to destroy the enemy.
Korea and Vietnam were never planned to be won, but instead they were planned so big money could be made by the bankers and all their political lackeys who sit in Public Office all over the United States and in other governments of the world.
The Vietnam conflict was also allowed to continue to weaken the resistance of Americans against any type of war or fight against communism. To accept anything would be better in the minds of the masses than war and having their sons killed. Even if it meant “merging” of our entire government with that of the Soviet Union.

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research – The crimes committed by the US against the people of Korea in the course of the Korean War but also in its aftermath are unprecedented in modern history.
“We Killed Off – What – Twenty Percent of the Population. We Burned Down every Town in North Korea…”
The above quotation is from General Curtis Lemay, who coordinated the bombing campaign (1950-53)
Who is a Threat to Global Security? The US or the DPRK? The public perception of the entire population of North Korea is that the US is a threat to their national security. During the Korean War, the DPRK lost more than 25% of its population.
The population of North Korea was of the order of 8-9 million in 1950 prior the Korean War. US sources acknowledge 1.55 million civilian deaths in North Korea, 215,000 combat deaths. MIA/POW 120,000, 300,000 combat troops wounded. What we are dealing with are crimes of genocide under international law. (Article 2 of the “Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”(1948)) In contrast, during the Second World War, the United Kingdom lost 0.94% of its population, France lost 1.35%, China lost 1.89% and the US lost 0.32%.
Thanks to the International Action Center and the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), a Non-Governmental Organization which was founded in 1946 and acts as a consultative group to UNESCO, we have an interesting document that outlines some of America’s actions on the Korean Peninsula during the early 1950s.
In March 1952, the IADL issued a Report on U.S. Crimes in Korea during the Korean War. Here is a screen capture showing the title page:
In the early 1950s, the Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea repeatedly asked the United Nations to protest violations of international law by their enemies, the United States-led international coalition.
These requests were ignored by the United Nations and, as such, the Council of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers set up a Commission consisting of lawyers from several nations to investigate these allegations with a “boots on the ground” trip to Korea which took place from March 3rd to March 19th, 1952, visiting the provinces of North and South Piengan, Hwang Hai, Kang Wan, including the towns of Pyongyang, Nampo, Kaichen, Pek Dong, Amju, Sinchon, Anak, Sariwon and Wonsan among others.
The IADL notes that, under United Nations rules, the U.S. intervention on the Korean Peninsula was unlawful and that President Truman’s orders to the American Navy and Air Force should be considered an “aggressive act” that went against the United Nations Charter.
Here are some of the more interesting findings of the IADL Commission:
1.)Bacteriological Warfare:
The Commission investigated the allegations that American forces in Korea were using bacteriological weapons against both the DPRK armed forces and the nation’s civilian population. Between the 28th of January and the 12th of March (i.e. during the dead of winter), 1952, the Commission found the following insects which carried bacteria in many different locations:
The Commission noted that many of the insect species had not been found in Korea prior to the arrival of American forces and that many of them were found in mixed groups or clusters that would not normally be found together, for example, flies and spiders.
It also noted that the January temperature was 1 degree Celsius (just above freezing) to 5 degrees Celsius in February but that the prevailing average temperature was far below the freezing level, temperatures that are extremely hostile to insect life.
The insects were infected with the following bacteria which include plague, cholera and typhus:
- Eberthella typhus
- Bacillus paratyphi A and B
- Shigella dysenteriae
- Vibrio cholera
- Pasturella pestis
Here are some examples of what was reported by local citizens:
In addition, a great quantity of fish of a species which live in regions between fresh water and salt water were found; these fish were found in a half rotten state and were infected with cholera.
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