Taking Back Our Stolen History
‘The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion’ Excerpts Were First Published in Serialized Form, in a St. Petersburg Newspaper. Were They Authentic?
‘The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion’ Excerpts Were First Published in Serialized Form, in a St. Petersburg Newspaper. Were They Authentic?

‘The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion’ Excerpts Were First Published in Serialized Form, in a St. Petersburg Newspaper. Were They Authentic?

PROTOCOL 8 – Provisional Government: They will place lawyers, judges, jurists, administrators, and diplomats in everywhere to fulfill their goals and the disobedient will face criminal charges or disappear.

PROTOCOL 9 – Re-Educate, Corrupt Youth & Laws to work towards Dictatorship: Fit in with the people where you live as to not be detected, but slowly re- educate; set up a super-state dictatorship through deception and force using vain ambitions, greed, vengeance, hate & malice of gentiles to accomplish their design; corrupt gentile youth through false teachings and doctrines; twist the laws so they can be interpreted however they want them to be.

PROTOCOL 10 – Preparing for Power: Liberalism used to poison the system to a slow death; they name and place their own puppet Presidents around the world; tired of incompetence, wars, hatred, religious turmoil, etc., we, the sheeple, will welcome a one world government and religion.

PROTOCOL 11 – The Totalitarian State: New laws introduced through deception; freedoms altered or taken away forever, not by force which might bring revolt, but through terror (false flags) and uncertainty (brought on by the conspirators themselves) will welcome the New World Order under the guise of security and the false pretense of the eventual restoration of their freedoms. The gentiles are the sheep and they are the wolves. We follow like unsuspecting cattle to the slaughter.

PROTOCOL 12 – Control of the Media: They will own/control the press (via news agencies that disseminate the news) and the opposition to serve their purposes and manipulate the sheeple into believing there is still freedom of the press; they will control our thoughts & minds through the influence of the media; eliminate the ‘foolish’ idea of progress; monopolize education and make major journals proprietary / neutralize the free press; they will have agents and controlled officials in the ranks to protect their interests; republican and democratic will both be controlled; to gain trust of the people under new government, the controlled media will give the illusion that all criminality has disappeared under their jurisdiction.

PROTOCOL 13 – Distractions: They will distract the masses with sports, art, and entertainment to keep them preoccupied; they will fascinate the brainless mob of sheeple with fallacious science, ideas, and concepts to  suggest we are progressing. (NASA, Evolution, etc.)

PROTOCOL 14 – Assault on Religion: All religions will be abolished in favor of a single false religion which their chosen philosophers will falsely lead them at the time they think they will come to rule their kingdom, while they (the self-appointed) guardians of truth, continue in their own false Luciferian religion.

PROTOCOL 15 – Ruthless Suppression: They will employ merciless measures to those who are defiant or try to stand against them; They will spread their Masonic lodges into every country of the world and recruit police, agents and intelligencia to carry out the work; Gentiles will join the lodges out of curiosity and they will allow some success, but mostly toy with them because they are half-wits; gentiles are useless so what does it matter if they die to keep from hindering their progress?; when they come to rule they will rule with an iron fist; the weak submit to the strong in this world – and submission to the dictatorship will be the only option!

PROTOCOL 16 – Brainwashing, Cultural Marxism: False ideas will be taught in schools; liberalism will be taught to destroy the constitution, families, and values, but will be removed when they are in power to produce obedient children who love and obey their master; they will teach a revised history to show a problematic constitution established in 1776, and a convoluted history to paint all good things as bad and bad as good; schools will be used to train subordinate workers; by brainwashing, the gentiles will become their unthinking submissive brutes.

PROTOCOL 17 – Abuse of Authority Watchdogs: Christianity and other religions will be destroyed; obedient subordinates of the new system will be the watchdogs seeking merit for reporting any insubordinate free thinkers.

PROTOCOL 18 – Arrest / Kill Opponents: They will use charismatic speakers to gather dissidents for surveillance, dissidents will be dealt with mercilessly.

PROTOCOL 19 – Rulers and People: Outspoken critics will be silenced or cease being outspoken once shown the power he speaks against; political heroism will be a highly punishable crime; use conditioning by the education system, books, press, and speeches, to herd those who might lean toward insurrection against the established order to ‘go along to get along’ like the other ‘cattle’.

PROTOCOL 20 – Financial Program: Burden the people w/taxes but born by the masses because gov’t viewed as protector; abolish property rights; progressive taxes; control gold and cause financial depressions when necessary; disguise financial arrangements to lead their subjects further into debt; we’ll get away with usury because the gentiles are so stupid.

PROTOCOL 21 – Loans & Credit: Through usury of governments, we make many times our money; Trickery is and will be used to further indebt governments to them; when they rule the world (through the UN) other existing banks, etc. will be extinguished until dependence on all financing will be with them.

PROTOCOL 22 – Power of Gold: They own most of the worlds gold; this shows their predestination from god (Satan, the god of this world) to rule over the world; their power and supremacy will command our awe and reverence and we will be happy in their utopia…

PROTOCOL 23 – Instilling Obedience: They plan to keep the masses ‘humble’ so they will be obedient; subjects only give blind obedience to a forceful and powerful master; their false god will then come to rule the world.

PROTOCOL 24 – Qualities of the Ruler: The ruler will be of the seed of David, other members of the seed of David will prepare kings & Presidents by inducting them into secret societies as political power cannot be entrusted to those who are not in the secret societies and knowledgeable in hidden mysteries, but only practical and not ancient knowledge; only cruel rulers can rule, softness is weakness; the (false) king of the Jews to come must be an exemplary irreproachable mind.


There is no doubt that these protocols have been further updated into an even more highly sophisticated master plan that integrates the modern technologies such as TV, music, computers, and other weapons they now use against us. The game can only end when we understand that we’ve been played with as lowly pawns in their master game of chess. The slave masters can’t be masters without slaves. They need us. We don’t need them. This is not the future that we want for our families or for the rest of humanity and we must wake up and pt these criminals and traitors to humanity behind bars and on death row where they belong!

Our despots are Luciferian sages and bankers with wealthy allies and educated lackeys (technocrats, politicians, writers, teachers) who make the satanic wheels turn as the corrupted seek to avoid blackmail, the greedy seek more money and power, and the corrupted and brainwashed either do as their told out of fear, for drugs, or advancement in their low ranks of the system.

These evil Luciferians are like a cancer to the earth, slowly infecting organisms throughout its body and spreading thoughout its full body. As many fully understand, cancers are best rooted out of our bodies (as taught by Dr. Gerson & daughter Charlotte, etc.) when the body is completely healthy and functioning fully. Our founders were aware that this was the case with our infant country and only virtue could sustain it, while corruption would destroy it as a cancer within. They even claim as much in protocol #10:

8. …These institutions have divided up among themselves all the functions of government – administrative; legislative; executive; wherefore they have come to operate as do the organs in the human body. If we injure one part in the machinery of State, the State falls sick, like a human body, and …will die.

9. When we introduced into the State organism the poison of Liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness – blood poisoning. All that remains is to await the end of their death agony.

Unfortunately, just as (I believe) some cancers are weaponized and distributed among nations to enhance the multi-billion dollar cancer industry profits, the moral decay of America has not been an organic decay, but rather a well organized master scheme to subvert Christian values and destroy the Constitution that upholds those rights and values so that a new world order, a plan of global governance, is sold to the American people and the world as the savior of mankind. That plan is in place, a great deception with a blueprint shown to us over 100 years ago in these ‘Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion‘ yet few people know of them and only few of them find them authentic with even fewer proactive enough to do something to resist the clandestine war on our minds spirits, and even physical bodies that are being gradually destroyed.

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