Evidence Against
1. The Wreck – Whilst the wreck of the Titanic found in 1985 provided some evidence in favor of the swap theory, more emerged that suggest the ship found at the bottom of the Atlantic really was the Titanic. The Titanic’s identification number – 401, is stamped in multiple places on the wreck, and on furniture and other artifacts found by salvagers. Could the swap really have been so elaborate to include swapping furniture and decor between the two ships?

2. Differences Between the Ships – Titanic scholars and historians say the proponents of the insurance swap theory have overstated how similar the two ships were. Whilst superficially alike, there were several important structural differences, as well as aesthetic changes made to Titanic to distinguish it from its sister.
The 1st class A deck on Titanic was enclosed in a glass screen but was open on the Olympic. Titanic’s wheelhouse was flat at the front and the Olympics curved. Olympic’s B deck had a 1st class promenade, whereas Titanic had private verandas and suites. Indeed many passengers were booked into the suites, an impossibility if the ship was really the Olympic.
3. Loss of Reputation – Many skeptics of the insurance swap theory have pointed out that even if an insurance scam made financial sense to the White Star line, the loss of reputation they would suffer if one of their vessels sunk would be devastating. Losing the Titanic on its maiden voyage would be a publicity disaster for White Star and lead to a loss of confidence in the company amongst passengers. The intention behind the Olympic class liners was to attract rich first class passengers and offer them the finest in luxury and opulence. With image paramount, a sinking would prove to be a catastrophe for the company.
4. Deliberately Sinking a Ship – The Titanic was infamously described as ‘unsinkable’. Whilst this proved to be incorrect, only a freak set of circumstances managed to sink it. Could plotters really have engineered something so complex as the sinking of the world’s largest vessel, in the middle of the Atlantic ocean? With so many variables and so many things that could go wrong how could they be sure they would succeed?
5. The Olympic – Post-Titanic – The Olympic, or, if the insurance swap theory is true the Titanic disguised as the Olympic, continued to serve for many years. It acted as troop transport in WW1 and resumed service as a luxury liner in the 20’s and 30’s before been finally retired in 1935. In all of that time, no evidence that the ship was really the Titanic was ever discovered. Even when it was dismantled in 1936 there was no indication that the ship was anything other than the Olympic.
See THIS WEBSITE for the argument against a switch.
Was the Titanic Catastrophe a Rothschild Cartel Coup to Kill Off their Competition?
Newspapers of the day – owned by Morgan and other rich financiers – talked up the Titanic and heaped praise upon her, saying she was of “unrivaled extent and magnificence.” They managed to attract the top movers and shakers of society and entice them to take the trans-Atlantic journey. All of the millionaires on the Titanic journey were opposed to the new FED plan to create a private central bank in the USA because it would negatively affect their personal fortunes.
This of course was a big problem for the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Morgan cartel. The Rothschilds’ power and wealth made them the masters of Europe by introducing private, central, government-sanctioned banks in England, France, Germany, Italy and Austria, and they weren’t about to let anybody stand in their way of capturing the grand prize by doing the same in America.
The Titanic accident was intentionally created and orchestrated by the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Morgan cartel and other elite New World Order families who had their hand in funding, organizing and carrying out the American, French and Russian Revolutions; the political assassinations (attempted and successful) of Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, MLK and JFK; and the false flag events of the sinking of the Lusitania in 1916, Pearl Harbor, and the fake Gulf of Tonkin Incident, all of which embroiled the US in wars that the public would not otherwise have allowed. (Source)
The Rothschild cartel and his agent JP Morgan, certainly had to ruthlessness and the means to pull it off and evidence confirms it.
Was Titanic inquiry scuppered by the Freemasons?
A new secret archive shows a high level of Masonic involvement in the inquiry into the sinking of the Titanic
The inquiry into the sinking of the Titanic may have been influenced by the Freemasons, new evidence suggests.
“The Titanic inquiry in Britain was branded a ‘whitewash’ because it exonerated most of those involved. Only three passengers were interviewed, and they were all from first class”
Titanic Expert Nic Compton
A secret archive containing the names of two million Freemasons has been made public for the first time on the genealogy site Ancestry which reveals extensive Masonic involvement in the controversial British investigation into the catastrophe.
It confirms that not only the judge who oversaw the British Wreck Commissioner’s inquiry into the disaster and leading investigators, but also even some of those who escaped censure were all Freemasons.
While a US Senate inquiry into the sinking savaged the White Star Line and singled out the British Board of Trade for blame for lax regulations which allowed the scandalously small number of lifeboats fitted on the ship, the UK investigation overseen by Lord Mersey avoided blaming the Board of Trade.
Lord Mersey himself – John Charles Bigham – was, the records show, a Freemason, initiated in 1881 at the Northern Bar Lodge in London.
Crucially, so too appears to have been the President of the Board of Trade Sydney Buxton, initiated at Limehouse in East London in 1888 where he was the local MP at the time.
The names of at least two of the inquiry’s five expert assessors – Prof John Harvard Biles, a specialist in naval architecture, and Edward Chaston, the senior engineer assessor – can also be found in the Masonic archive.
Meanwhile Lord Pirrie, who was not only chairman of the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast which built the Titanic but, crucially, also one of the directors of White Star’s parent company, also appears to have been a Freemason.
The peer was born William Pirrie in Quebec in 1847. The records show a William Pirrie initiated at St George’s Lodge in Montreal in 1904.
Titanic Expert Nic Compton, author of Titanic on Trial told History.com:
The Titanic inquiry in Britain was branded a ‘whitewash’ because it exonerated most of those involved. Only three passengers were interviewed, and they were all from first class.
Even Captain Smith was exonerated on the grounds that most other ships at that time also sped through the ice at full speed with no serious consequences.
The only person both inquiries heaped scorn on was the captain of SS Californian, the ship that had stood by about eight miles off, its crew watching the emergency flares being fired by Titanic, without doing anything about it until it was too late.”
Mr Compton said the British inquiry got drawn into more populist issues, such as whether Sir Cosmo Duff Gordon had paid the crew of Lifeboat 1 a bribe not to go back and pick up swimmers and whether Bruce Ismay had behaved like a coward.
The passenger line sank in the Atlantic Ocean in the early morning of April 15, 1912 after colliding with an iceberg on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York.
Lookout Frederick Fleet had spotted the iceberg and altered the bridge but by the time First Officer William Murdoch had ordered the ship to be steered around the obstacle and the engines put in reverse, it was too late. The ship was carrying only enough life boats for half the passengers, the crew were not trained for a full evacuation. In all, more than 1500 people died and 700 survived the disaster.
The British inquiry was headed by the Board of Trade who had approved the ship, and some believed it had little interest in finding itself or White Star negligent.
It concluded that Captain Smith had done “only that which other skilled men would have done in the same position” and neither White Star or its parent company, the International Mercantile Marine Company (IMM) was found negligent.
However the new Freemason links cast new light on the proceedings.
“The records demonstrate the extensive involvement which freemasons have had in British society,” said Diane Clements, director of the Library and Museum of Freemasonry.
(Source) – By John Bingham, and Victoria Ward
Below: This film is based upon the research of Andrew Newton and includes the evidence of the British and American inquiries, the eye witness reports of survivors, newspapers of the day, photographs, video, film and radio broadcasts.
The views and opinions presented in this film are based on actual evidence and legitimate inference. The people depicted are all deceased and can shed no light on the mystery of the Titanic’s sinking. This hypothesis is presented for viewers to reach their own conclusions.
Below: A compelling presentation by John Hamer, author of the recently published book ‘The Falsification of History’, to New Horizons in St. Annes, Lancashire, England.
In October 1910, a group of seven men, all senior players in the Rothschild and Rockefeller financial dynasties, met in strict secrecy on a private island off the coast of Georgia, USA. Their brief was to create an organisation to usurp the power to create and print money, until then solely a function of the US government. This organisation was to be named ‘The Federal Reserve Bank’. This plan however, had several extremely powerful, high-profile opponents who stood in the way of these banker’s goals.
In the meantime, John Pierpoint (JP) Morgan, another American high-financier, involved in the Federal Reserve scheme, who also happened to own the British-based White Star shipping line, had commissioned a series of ‘super-liners’, the Olympic class, in an attempt to gain the lion’s share of the highly lucrative Atlantic-crossing market. The speculative investment involved in this project was immense.
However, in September 1911, before the second one of the planned three ‘sisters’, RMS Titanic had been completed, Morgan’s plans were dealt a massive financial blow when RMS Olympic, the first of the ‘sister’ ships off the production line was involved in a disastrous collision with a Royal Navy cruiser, HMS Hawke.
And so, the scene was set for one of the greatest deceptions ever perpetrated… in the100th anniversary year, John presents information and evidence that seriously questions the official account in the history books.
- https://theunredacted.com/titanic-conspiracy-the-ship-that-never-sank/
- http://neilkeenan.com/history-events-timeline/
- https://www.henrymakow.com/was_sinking_the_titanic.html
Additional Sources:
Recommended Reading:
TITANIC: A Perfect Crime – Revised 2019 edition.Treachery, danger and greed entwine in this thriller as oceanographers venture below to document the sunken wreck and begin to learn what sinister forces led to Titanic’s demise. This page turner builds to an unforgettable climax. Based on evidence from the survivors and recent discoveries.
A ship’s captain, with the benefit of state-of-the-art submersibles is sent on a mission, ostensibly to document and photograph the last resting place of the historical TITANIC ship. Gold fever takes hold, when it becomes known that a fortune in treasure may be down there with her. But this all pales when the expedition uncovers facts and evidence that throws the world they thought they knew, into a new, frightening and all-too-real perspective. Written by a documentary and dramatic film maker, this novel has all the hallmarks of a best-seller. Historical fact is woven into an exciting, suspense-filled and dramatic story that is simply a MUST READ for those who want a deeper look at the Titanic saga.