Report: 2019 World Watch List Released Exposing the Top Countries who Persecuted Christians in 2018
Last year, Christians were persecuted more than ever before in the modern era — and this year is expected to be worse: "4,136 Christians were killed for faith-related reasons," according to Open Doors USA in its recently published World Watch List 2019 (WWL) of the top 50 nations where Christians are persecuted. "On average, that's 11 Christians killed every day for their faith." Additionally, "2,625 Christians ...

Turkish Military Coup: Coup, False Flag, or Psyop Dry-Run?
As Sibel Edmonds predicted nearly a year prior, the deep state coup against Erdogan finally materialized on July 15th, 2016…but it fizzled out almost as quickly as it arrived. So what are we to make of this would-be putsch? Did Erdogan allow it to happen in order to further cement his control on the rebound? Or was this merely a trial run for the real CIA/NATO/Gulenist coup ...