The war on Christianity began long before the Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati. In fact, we learn in the Bible that Satan and a third of the host of Heaven were cast out for rebellion against God. He had proposed a plan that would glorify himself, not the Father. Jesus proposed a plan where he would give his life to glorifying the Father and erase our sins on the cross; a plan where we would have the agency to choose our own destiny. Satan has been at war against God and Christianity ever since seeking (along with his minions) to take away our agency by enslave mankind to tyrannous governments and to addictive and sinful behavior. The war in Heaven continues on Earth today, but has intensified in the last days and Satan has deceived many of the elite into Luciferianism and Satanism and they seek to empower Satan and his minions and literally unlock the portal to hell. (See entry on Satanism)
The infiltration of schools and churches by ‘Communist’; the assault on the the legal process where judge-made case law replaced natural law as taught in Blackstone’s Commentaries favored by the Founders; the removal of prayer and Bible reading from school – also favored by the Founders; the teaching of false science such as evolution as fact while banning creationism; the introduction of sex education in schools beginning as young as 5 years of age; the normalization of alternative lifestyles and demonization of traditional values; and the simple fact that Christians continue to be the most persecuted religion in the world today.
Chronological History of the War on Christianity

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