Taking Back Our Stolen History
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Where is the Soviet Union in their Research?

While the U.S. swindlers, have traditionally pointed the figure at the Russians and used false and exaggerated reports of their progress to get rapid and large budget approval to stay ahead, remote EEG heterodyning weapons are probably the worst example of this common practice.

An obvious sign of who developed the global capability first, was the collapse of the Soviet Union economically. The country who possesses this weapon would easily be capable of manipulating all economic markets and funding their continued programs. One could easily destroy other countries economies using similar manipulations. This simple event is ample proof of who developed the capability first, and who is responsible for the worldwide torture and murder of thousands. I’ll give you a hint, it isn’t Russia.

Awhile back when I was interviewing at Morgan Stanley’s proprietary trading and statistical arbitrage division, I had an epiphany. The fast money is made on short term trading imbalances in value called arbitrage opportunities. Computer models use statistical methods to data mine probabilistic aberrations in pricing that should exists as short as a few seconds. The technique performs quite well although the field is getting more competitive. All monetary exchanges really come down to demand due to perceived value. If one had access to the personality profiles and brain models from the CIA database, one could develop an accurate simulation of overall market reaction and influence of big players given different probabilistic information scenarios. Big money can be made using psychological profiling of the “irrational” market fluctuations. It is beyond the scope of this book to detail the mathematical modeling of this kind of system. But I wanted to point out how the same technology used to predict how the U.S. population will react to various information (be it truth or lies) leaked to the press or spoken by the president, could be used legitimately to fund private wars or projects that would need no Congressional oversight. Now, of course, throw in mind reading, influence and other surveillance, the task becomes incredibly easy. Even the CIA doesn’t need to funnel crack cocaine into LA neighborhoods to fund their 3rd world rebellions.

There had to be a second reason that the CIA was distributing crack in black neighborhoods in LA other than to raise money for the Contras. They could have easily raised the money through white collar crimes far faster than selling drugs like the investigations have indicated. With their surveillance and spying techniques despite EEG cloning, they could have raised the money in the stock or options markets like “terrorist” have done with predictions of future events they cause. It was not about the money.

Fear is Control

“Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.”
– Replicant Batty. Blade Runner.

During my torture, I began to think about why “terrorist” are created. The absurdity of the inconvenience due to airport security is a perfect example how irrational people behave. Airline travel statistically is the safest in the world even including 9/11 events. I came up with over 50 ways to bypass airport security and take over a plane with current standards. People don’t think through possibilities rationally.

I won’t publish the other 49 ways but I need to give at least one example how an airplane can be taken out if that were the goal. As a reminder, if the object were to kill as many Americans as possible like the government would like you to believe, a guy with an oozie at a sporting stadium or hospital would easily fair better. The fear is caused by the government propaganda of events. The militant government benefits historical from your fear. They are the ones putting terror in you with their useless color alert status warnings.

One example is that only metals are scanned for in airport scanners. Plastic explosives can be molded into the casing of any commercial looking object and carried through airport scanners. This is a well known fact. The detonation device could be as small as a wrist watch. This is not rocket science. If someone with only a high school education wanted to take down a plane it would not take more than a week to execute. The control of the population through fear is so obvious to those of us in the know. How do we wake the masses up to history repeating itself?

Ghost Busting – Baiting the Weapons Testers

It is merely speculation as to why the traitorous CIA/DoD weapons testers choose most of the people that they do. Everyone asks, “Why me? I’m nobody.” That may be exactly one of the criteria. One rough breakdown of the people targeted by the weapon is: 70% random selection, 5% government whistle blowers, 5% outspoken liberal activists, 10% DoD scientists who worked on secret technologies, 10% lifestyle choices, < 1% appear to be real targets like Saddam Hussein. So one method that one undercover American hero might use to bait the shadow government is by taking a combination of L-dopa and serotonin reuptake inhibitors which would increase neurotransmitter secretion or their reuptake and thereby would make them more “psychic” temporarily. Since it appears like they try to find brains that are responsive to a low power level, this might be a method to bait them. L-dopa, a synthetic dopamine neurotransmitter analogue, would increase synaptic activity and thereby amplify any reception of small radio/microwave/magnetic/electric informationally, coherent signals. The excess neurotransmitter in the synaptic junctions helps amplify any precise external modulation of neurotransmitter release. At high frequency pulsed modulated with extremely low frequencies representing neuronal connections one will find several energy and information transfer mechanisms. Sony has patents using ultrasonic energy transfer into brain tissue for future virtual reality video gaming. That’s a different method but effective. The undercover hero would be a very appealing subject for the weapons testers due to the ability to discredit him/her thinking that they were natural psychotics and view them as someone who has gone beyond the allowable threshold of sensitivity. Perhaps there is a TEMPEST threshold for human brains. I can only speculate as to why there appears to be a threshold. Perhaps psychic spies use it and everyone who goes beyond it, the US views as a potential threat. It may be that that person begins to pick up on EEG heterodyning signals meant for other people and would be considered a threat. That is only speculation though as to the motives behind it. There may in fact be no threshold that is searched for and simply directed focused energy can compensate for different natural energy amplification levels.

ADD and Ritalin

I am only speculating here about the increased need for Ritalin due to ADD in children. I do not have any proof of this yet. But the training of the psychic army (or mind controllers) has stepped up its intensity about every 4 years, probably in accordance with budget increases. No one is except from being selected, including children and the elderly. One of the bad side effects of being in a hive mind and remote neurally linked is attention deficit disorder, ADD. The number of children put on Ritalin has escalated in correlation with the growing army. There is evidence that stimulants like Ritalin change the amplification of external stimuli in the brain and alter the brains neurochemistry sufficiently to break an EEG cloning lock. The new brainwaves would need to be remapped to create a more effective lock on. Usually the mapping process just occurs at the beginning of a project and is not revisited later. EEG cloning is most effective on subjects that are sensory deprived. Stimulants, like caffeine, act to increase the amplification of sensory stimuli and thereby diminish the influence of the electromagnetic signals relative to internal and sensory brain signals.

Another speculation I have with regards to stimulants increasing or decreasing the effectiveness of EEG heterodyning weapons, is the Air Force has been experimenting with stimulants on their fighter pilots. There have been a couple of reported cases where a fighter pilot was given an amphetamine drink before combat. They accidentally fired on allies. Could this have been a test to see if errors of judgment through EEG heterodyning could be defeated through stimulants?

It is a Mad, Mad World

To give you an idea how wide spread this testing might be, I will give a few possible outbreaks in recent years that should be alarming if related to this weapon. Panic attacks that so many people have been hospitalized for may be a silent remote controlled heart attack attempt on their lives. The DoD is collecting kill probability ratios. Bad dreams where you wake up with your heart pounding out of your chest may have been a practice attempt. Who knows maybe sudden infant death (SIDs) is related to these random kill attempts. Women and children are drawn from the death lottery equally as men. Songs that you can’t get out of your head that repeat over and over may be an attempt at EEG synchronization.

Just remember you let the U.S. DoD/CIA become out-of-control and rogue through your silence and inactivisim.

Abort Mission Safety Failover

My friend and I, who is not a CIA agent he adamantly declares although he travels with the head NSA guy and deputy secretary of homeland security on vacation, used to discuss behavior modification philosophy extensively before I became a target for a Manchurian Candidate using biocommunication MKultra programming. He postulated that if there existed a pain pill that someone could take, it may have an addictive quality to it. He surmised that if someone is medicated with pain for a duration, that the brain adapts to that state and that if they were to stop taking it, they would get “high” on life. Ironically, that is true for soft torture. It is like a workout with a rush after being tortured for days in a row. So to abort the targets being tortured now, the “Shadow government”, if they had to pull the plug on all those thousands of projects because civil war was about to break out, could just stop the pain and killing signals. Those people would suddenly feel relaxed, slightly brain dead from the lack of over stimulation, and become complacent and blissfully stupid. A good fall back just in case. But that would not be a successfully tested kill weapon, so they wouldn’t do it.

The Oxymoron of Intelligence Agencies

One thing I noticed throughout life is that companies advertise what they lack. They are trying to change the known stereotypes. Intelligence agencies are no different. I attended the best American School’s in the country and the CIA would try to recruit at them but it is thought that if you have to go that route that you are a loser and couldn’t get a job anywhere else. I am happy to report that my years at the Ivies, they have had 0% success. The DoD (Department of Defense) has gotten so desperate for some intelligence that they are resorting to extortion at Harvard, threatening to cut off research grant money if they don’t get a prestigious slot in the recruiting line up. Pretty pathetic isn’t it?
My fellow UK/US/NATO scientists that have been killed by bizaar suicides would agree with the lack of intelligence in the so called intelligence communities. Just to give you an idea of the geniuses working at the Pentagon and subintelligence agencies in the joint NATO forces in control of these psychotronic weapons, international policy, and military strategy in the UK for example (I’ll refrain from a U.S. example), they forced the private satellite imaging companies to remove images of all their secret bases. By doing that, they highlighted where they all were, simply by doing a difference between older images and images at different resolutions. So a guy published a website called UKsecretbases.com. He has been shut down since, but a webarchive probably still has it cached. I don’t know if my knowledge of NATO’s secret Naval headquarters was the reason for my pyschotronic attacks or rediscovery of their ever so coveted mind control technologies.

The DoD is experiencing such a shortage of intellectual capital that they have resorted to extortion in order to recruit at Harvard. They threatened to take away half a billion dollars in research grants if they weren’t allowed to recruit on campus. The criminals won this round and were allowed on campus. No other recruiters torture and kill those that they recruit when they leave the organization.

Pulsing microwave voices

Like with animation where different still frames are shown one after the other, our brains interpolate the images and perceive the difference as motion. If visual frames are presented faster than 30 times a second, we can not even perceive the discontinuity. We see monitors flicker due to the refresh and scanning method. The mind perceives the understood images as smooth. Sound impressions in the microwave hearing effect seem to have a similar phenomenon occurring. With sound impressions which occur at roughly 10 times a second, the mind will perceive the sound impressions as continuous. This is for microwave pulsed sound perception not sound pressure waves.
Back to School for Psychiatrists

One simple way to differentiate government EEG heterodyning experiments and natural schizophrenia is by the conversational content, if they hear voices. One limitation of the software that Non-lethal directed energy weapons are working to perfect is that it requires full sentences for its training set. Most people do not think in full sentences nor would a dopamine amplified brain perceive full-sentence, coherent speech. When natural schizophrenics hear voices it is a mumble and usual just a few phrases or words as their word pattern matchers misfire due to being too close to the threshold. Background sounds are almost always necessary to trigger the words or phrases that they perceive. This is a very different phenomenon than what the thousands of victims of brutal EEG cloning weapons testing experience. They hear “the voice of God” through synthetic telepathy, radio frequency modulation of neurotransmitter release at the synaptic connections with real sub humans on the other end of the brain link as clear as a telephone conversation if not better 24/7 requiring that they speak in full sentences. While the fake government sponsored Satanic cults and other cover stories are meant to copy-cat well known headliner’s psychotic symptoms, there are still many important flaws in their imperfect illusion that those skilled and studied can quickly identify and distinguish between the groups.

I researched the FBI’s 350 most watched terrorist organizations. Not one was the very famous New World Order psychoterrorist organization, nor was there a single satanic cult listed even though both are thoroughly written about and even the San Diago Police are aware of satanic ritual abuse. Hmmm, this is a puzzle isn’t it? The satanic cults are just training camps for the US assassin squads. It pumps these psychos up and helps create the skewed psychology necessary for their tradition of earning a welfare check by torturing and killing.

The FCC’s Real Role is in Censorship of Politics

The FCC is another small manifestation of fascism. It is not an elected group of people and arbitrarily applies rules with an agenda behind it. As any radio show will tell you, they are fined based more on political content than on words they forgot to bleep. It is a way to signal the understood threat. This is how media in general is controlled without overt threats from the “Shadow Controllers”. Here is the dichotomy of the political split personality, the two headed monster. The overt statement to the timid public, is that certain dirty words and pictures of ugly naked humans will ruin our society. We must censor these things. But pictures of naked Iraqi’s being tortured and humiliated, that’s just good fun. Similarly, the government is very interested in getting search engines to hand over their search databases “to find pedophiles”. But rapes by prison guards or the thousands of murders that are unsolved apparently takes less priority. It wouldn’t be to track information flow to stop the spread of knowledge about the illegal government activities would it?

I must clarify that when people talk about a “Shadow Government” they are referring to the unconstitutional and illegal methods of influence to direct public political opinions, to hide treasonous tortures of individuals, and to cover-up assassinations with plausible denial. The “Shadow Government” doesn’t govern anything at all, they instigate violence and war, cover up leaks, and try to sway mass public opinion such as was done by the 9/11 event in order to get everyone behind a Middle Eastern invasion. I assure you that the events of 9/11 have a very well tracked history right back to the CIA.

Misdirection of Anger – The most used tactic to instigate violence

Mind control and psychological manipulation is a pure science now. As I mentioned before, I was told by a passer-by, “You are a psychopath” twice in one week before my torture began. They came very close to creating a psychopath through the prolonged abuse and their misdirection of anger tactics. They are trying to create more “terrorism” in this country and every other one using these weapons and tactics of mind manipulation.

The CIA mind control research dates back many decades. They particularly had an interest in splitting personalities. This research is obviously useful in creating Manchurian Candidates and helping double agents climb the ranks in other countries. I find it most interesting that they have done it to an entire government. They found in their research that the more polarized the actions and voiced opinions of the façade vs. the shadow government become, the less likely people will notice the gross hypocrisy. They are able to continue to operate in this extreme way simply because people find it too difficult to believe for example that the President of the U.S. can ask China to be nicer to its people while his cronies are torturing thousands if not tens of thousands worldwide probably justified as electromagnetic directed energy practice targets. This is the game and how it has been done since Kennedy’s assassination.

The End of the U.S. Shadow Government’s Satanic Ritual Abuse

The mind control experimenters and psychic assassins were given one year to experiment and kill me. They said to me in the last week before the one year anniversary of Halloween that they had screwed up badly. I was supposed to die. While I did manage to dodge each attempt on my life and prevent harm to others, they easily stole 35 years of my health and longevity not to mention my happiness. I know this is irresponsible to say but if I knew what they were going to put me through in the beginning, I would have ended it like many other victims have done and taken away the data and practice that they were seeking. So writing this book exposing the people, the technologies, their tactics, and helping others plan a strategy for taking out their weapons systems to defend themselves helps me heal.

U R Lost in the Matrix of Lies

Like in the movie The Matrix, people are so ignorant about these decades old weapons which seem so “science fiction” like, that they are not willing to help targeted people nor can they comprehend the pure evil that their tax dollars support. And since most people have no experience or practice with neural influencing technologies, they could be used at any time against a victim through EEG heterodyning. Most people have been tamed and dulled into captivity like a broken horse. The illusion of freedom is good enough now, and the self reassuring bullshit that we mindlessly chant in our National Anthem, “the land of the free and home of the brave”, quells our subconscious insecurities of it not being true. It is as if all the people of this country have been subdued into complacency and compliance with electromagnetic Prozac, hypnotube slight of hand misdirection, and information overload shutdown.

Experiments described by scientists working in the field, say that at 5 frequency modes the induced brain impulses and voices sound synthetic and their mind feels the induced neural influences but at 12 modes or higher the subject can’t perceive the influence and mistakes the modulated voice as their own thoughts. The Russian Woodpecker transmitters have 12 modes according to Dr. Byrd. But U.S. agents brag that the United States has the only global MIND network. People appear on the war room global grid as one of the “thousand points of light”.

I am one of the few people who have been released from the psychotronic torture concentration camps in such a short time. Most endure many years of torture under the weapon. I still fight for a reconstruction of America back to constitutional values and transparency in government. I get asked to be an expert witness at least once a week by someone suing the government for this kind of abuse, false imprisonment, or death of a family member. There have been so many attempts at a class action lawsuit but all have failed. It usually takes 20 years for the government to release the documents validating what victims of other experiments in history tried to get the public to recognize while they were alive.

This is an informational war, no bombs and no missiles. Even the hacking of the human mind is classified as an information weapon. I met with one x-CIA agent who is fighting the shadow government. He never told me why, whether he was a torture experiment. He had body guards with him when we met. Clearly, he knows how corrupt the agency is. The x-FBI agents and other x-government agents were cautious in different ways. I was tortured to the brink of death many times and like in the movie “V is for Vendetta”, I quit fearing death. They already killed me. So we share signal intelligence data which different groups have been analyzing while trying to reverse engineer the nervous system disrupting weapons and find a worldwide cure to disable them. Ideally we would like to show by introducing a ‘vaccine’ what idiots the militants in charge of these various classifications of weapons are. We need to knock out their surveillance capabilities and nervous system influence then break through the information grid lock using creative means. The hundred billion dollar weapon system could be rendered useless. That is our immediate goal since justice is a long way off and waking up the population from their hypnotic dream has proved impossible given the complete control of the information streams. If you are reading this book, you most likely had to get it directly from the source or in order for a mainstream publisher to accept it I had to publish it as fiction. I openly lecture around the country on these weapons whose forums are free and open to the public. If you have interest, network yourself in and come to one of the monthly gathering. There are groups everywhere in the world.

The protocols of the hypocrisy

So, in these approved torture and kill statistical experiments they must follow strict protocols. As strange as it might seem, they can try to kill anyone in the world or make that target kill other people using information weapons in addition to gas lighting through stalking, but they can not chemically poison, shoot, or assassinate the subject using conventional methods . I assume it would bias their efficacy data.

Saddam was a Pawn Used to Justify Invasion

We can not gloss over the important testimony from Saddam Hussein as reported by USA Today newspaper in 1992. The important deduction to make from his statement that the CIA tried to kill him by inducing a heart attack and a stroke is that he was assaulted by the SATAN system which means he was EEG heterodyned. He is tracked anywhere in the world. They should not have had any trouble finding him. But they did. They would also have done a mind meld and known ahead of time either where the weapons of mass destruction were or that Iraq didn’t have any. This is proof that the weapons of mass destruction argument of invasion was a lie. Tony Blair of the UK said that one of his scientists said that there were weapons of mass destruction. That scientist came forward and denied what Tony Blair said. The scientist ended up dead from a bazaar suicide a week later. The web of lies pile many layers deep.

Now the funny part. SATAN was used on me and the remote heart attack and stroke sensations were a major part of the experimentation I endured for a year. I am in good health and wasn’t too concerned about a stroke. It was difficult to tell if they could actually cause vasoconstriction and increase my blood pressure or if it was another EEG heterodyne hoax. The Army has published documents we hold that show that they mapped out the sensory pathways of the brain completely. My EEG cloner told me that they bend over causing the blood to rush to their heads and in addition put pressure on their heads with their hands or a tight baseball cap and because I feel everything that they do, it feels like they are causing a pressure build up in my head. They said that they peddled on a standing bicycle to increase their heart rates which would increase my heart rate slightly but it would feel like my heart was pounding out of my chest because our sensory perceptions were linked or cloned. I would take my pulse but it wouldn’t feel all that unusual. So it is difficult to say if they were trying to assassinate Saddam or just make him panic which allows them to gain more control and since people think of the evilest things they are going to do in revenge when tortured, it was a way to understand his possible capabilities. This would not only provoke Saddam which partially led us to the current war but allowed them to know in his angriest moment what he was planning to do or now provoked to do.

Incredible isn’t it, how criminal, careless, and stupid the CIA and MI5 are? Ten’s of billions of dollars in war, thousands of lives lost, and many thousands more psychotronically tortured daily worldwide and traditionally tortured in Iraq. 35 million people have died due to the secrecy since EEG heterodyning was discovered that it could have saved. They have to keep it a secret now because the atrocities, stupidity, and treasonous crimes under the constitution have reached epic proportions that people would lose all faith in our leaders’ abilities to govern wisely if it were widely known. We are in the darkest period of American and human history but secrecy and ignorance keeps it vastly unknown.

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