The CIA Sold Crack in LA Neighborhoods – Drug Driving
Another reason I surmise that the crack sales to LA black neighborhoods were not just for raising money for the Contra rebels like the papers have reported is because three people I interviewed who had a drug history said that the behavior modification mind control program started out by a technique called “drug driving”. They described themselves as recreational drug users, and said that when the targeting began, they were given pain stimuli for certain drugs and suggestion to do other drugs with an induced spiral of depression and stress. This led them to cocaine or methamphetamine abuse they claim. This is what would be needed to improve amplification of the voice recognition neural pathways identified by dopamine saturation which facilitates the CIA synthetic telepathy to be used at low power intensities. It could also have the duel purpose of discrediting the human experiment.
More Stupid Alien Tricks
Here’s a funny experiments conducted on me. My EEG brain partner bit into a lemon. The sour reflex cloned to me and they were able to capture the reflex to replay continuously. They always told me in advance what they were testing. I was left lecturing to my class with a lisp for 15 minutes. My voice changed and I sounded ridiculous. My students commented on it. If any of my former students are reading this book, they will remember that day. I chewed some gum to disrupt the signal. How embarrassing.
You can image how useful this trick would be to use on a political candidate.
Sacrifices and Cannibals
While we are in this barbaric land of deception, I thought that I would point out an interesting but soon to be extinct species. Steven Gould taught me about catastrophic evolution and species that have produced cannibalistic mutations. If the cannibal gene is not removed from the genetic pool, the species becomes a leaf on the evolutionary tree. In human history, we have evolved this gene several times but have been able to contain it. Phylogenically survival occurs because the dominant social structure recognizes the detrimental behavior and alters its mating probabilities or kills off the unsociable elements.
Now, unlike other times in the history of life, a cannibalistic tribe has again emerged partially genetically influenced and partially culturally or mememically altered. The “shadow” government and their DoD/CIA weapons developers have evolved this detrimental mutation. They have been sacrificing and cannibalizing thousands of peaceful people in our civilization at random for many decades now. My research shows that it is growing in numbers as their budgets increase. The mentality is proliferating out of control. The militant minds have found a new way to replicate their sociopathic thinking and behavior. It must be stopped. But most unique to this cannibal strain, is that they have found a way to mimic the rest of society by thoroughly studying relationships, speech, and personality profiles and hiding behind their application of the psychology of persuasion. This makes it extremely difficult for the trusting population to see what they are without enormous amounts of research and time to validate their statements and evaluate their actions independent of mass media programming.
Stupid Alien Tricks
Enough of my shamings for a moment. Let’s relax to another stupid evil alien trick. So when my EEG heterodyne hoaxers tried to panic me by trying to convince me that they could give me a heart attack, they would press on the right side of their chest which I would feel as internal pain and say, ”We are burning your heart. We are giving you a heart attack with directed focused energy to your heart.” My reply to them, ”The heart is on the left side of the chest, MKULTRA Moron. But that’s good enough for government work!” It happened several times. These evil aliens aren’t the brightest bulbs in the bunch. That is probably why they crash landed on Area 51. And this is why they practice on citizens. It fooled Saddam Hussein. Those CIA agents must have been pros and pressed on the left side. Good for them.
This summons the image from the movie The Matrix where Neo restarts Trinity’s heart in the matrix after a virtual bullet shot by the agent stops it.
Truth and Guilt
Truth is the summation of all self consistent perspectives. It is what our model of reality should asymptotically approach but can never reach.
The practice that psychic soldiers and MKULTRA survivors undergo is to defeat guilt determining devices. I spent a week while under MKULTRA mind control experiments learning how to defeat brain printing and traditional polygraph techniques and the attackers practiced inducing false positives on these devices while I spoke. These tools are clearly useless with EEG heterodyning technologies and remote hypnosis.
Spooks, Goons, zombies, and the Pentagram
The Halloween theme and the satanic cult cover story never ended with my mind manipulation data collectors. They even pointed out that the United States flag is Satanic and has an unlucky 13 prison stripes representing imprisonment of the 50 pentagrams on it. I suppose they were trying to break down my patriotism. However the damage is done and now I would now like to see the flag updated to something more cheerful. Here is the flag forced into my minds eye.
Genetic and Cultural Memory
Our DNA has a memory. If you model DNA as a biochemical computer, you can understand how memory is created in the evolutionary machine. Let’s ask why do birds or sheep flock? At some point there must have been a survival advantage since the sole purpose of the genetic program is survival. Certainly flocking together makes it easier for a wolf to find a bountiful food source. It seems that due to limited food supply that flocking might even be a disadvantage. However, sexual reproduction is far more important for continuance than the disadvantages of grouping. This “socializing” gene which gives rise to the subjective experience of needing companionship is also the memory of the genetic strain to which this behavior was advantageous. Our primitive drives are composed of genetic memories and programs. The Nazi study of evolution through this model was called eugenics or directed evolution, implemented through genocide.
Culturally, a similar phenomena can be observed. Culture, group behavior that is not genetically directed, evolves through memes and has memory that is stored within people’s mind and passed on through story telling or chimpanzee like mimicry of learned cultural norms. The CIA is also conducting genocide of memes and belief systems or euphonized as directed cultural evolution.
Suffering and Mind Control
There have been many books which study the MKULTRA torture techniques and mind control so I won’t detail it here. But it is interesting to note that these techniques of mind control have existed long before the CIA. Suffering has been linked primitively to a creation of loyalty and comradeship. From medical doctors that suffering the right of passage of intense schooling, to boot camp and unnecessary military hardships, to religions that suffer on a day of denial or more severe tortures like with Christianity in the days of old with “beating the demons out” or self mutilation to suffer like Jesus did in vain. All these kinds of events cause a sense of belonging because of the pain and a sense of comradeship between all those that went through the same experience. Even a cultish, fun event like “Burning Man ” that takes place in the hash conditions of a desert each year, creates a sense of suffering together for a greater cause. This mentality may give rise to the “Stockholm” syndrome of hostages becoming sympathetic for their captors’ cause. I was probably not mind controlled into CIA slavery from the torture because I despise anything that causes me pain. That’s probably why I’m not married too.
Moral Cataclysms
One foreseeable worry that the CIA/DoD has is repeating what happened to Rome with its moral cataclysm and Christianity. However the new religion is science. How will knowledge of the scientification of the human soul be accepted by the general religious masses? One such experiment I believe to see if science and religion can mix to form a new set of moral teachings and beliefs is Scientology. I believe that this is very much a CIA funded experiment. For my next book, I plan to infiltrate this perceived “cult” to find out more about its teachings and how they are so intertwined in the literature of CIA Mind Control experimentation. The CIA expert with whom I consult told me that L. Ron Hubbard got his PhD thesis on creating cults.
Justice Denied
Unsolved Mysteries
The real problem with a small group of people who control these technologies unwatched by public eyes is its potential for great abuse. For example, we can never fully solve any accident or crime and know whether it was an EEG heterodyned crime or a regular one. Princess Dianna’s driver could have been EEG heterodyned and made to crash into the barrier. John Hinckley could have been made to believe that only by shooting President Regan could he get Jody Foster to love him. I met a Colonel in the Air Force who test flew the new exotic airplanes and who was menticized after discovery of all sorts of corruption with Halliburton defense contracts. False memories were implanted in him and he was made to believe he was married and had a kid with some music star for two years.
Clearly the capability exists to create Manchurians like John Hinckley. JFK junior could have been made to misinterpret the horizon or his aircraft instruments to malfunction. Flight 800’s fuel tank could have been sparked by directed energy weapons. All these events could have been assassinations using EEG heterodyning and directed energy weapons but we will never know. How can you have justice when one can not be certain as to whose mind was behind the crime, or even if the jury or judge is being influenced? Clearly the current controls have failed and a major reorganization of the government is justified to regain constitutional controls over these weapon systems in order to restore justice, redistribute the power structure evenly again, and hold accountable high traitors and special interest corruption from side stepping the laws and constitution.
The capability for directed microwave weapons and weak magnetic fields for silent assassinations with plausible denial is huge. Microwaves at specific power and waveforms have been shown to be able to cause diabetes through sugar metabolism changes or cancers by breaking a weak hydrogen bond in the DNA. All sorts of medical problems can be created with directed energy weapons besides just frying a person. The days of the CIA hit man have ended and replaced. Thank Regan for giving the more power with the huge Star Wars Initiative to fry a person rather than an incoming missile. It is proving to be the favorite weapon of the corrupt shadow agencies under the executive branch. I think the leaders have misinterpreted the word “execute” to mean murder and not operations.
Stupid Alien Quotes
“We’ll tell you who ordered your torture and assassination. It was Colonel Casper. You know, he is like a ghost if you try to catch him. Ha ha ha ha ha.”
Legal and Ethical problems with TAMI’s Spy Mode
In the current hive mind approach, much like quantum experiments, the observer is part of the experiment. Hence, the observer is partially responsible for the actions of the subject that he observes in unpredictable ways. This is truly a legal, moral, and ethical dilemma if it were used by law enforcement. Secondly, the data gathered by TAMI is just the cortex brainwaves and as such represents a perceptional interpretation or purposeful imaginary creation, and hence can’t be trusted as accurate in a court of law, even if every person’s lifetime brainwaves were recorded and could be played back as evidence.
Politics of Psychotronics
I want to know what went on behind the scenes with the Regan/Gorbachev meetings that caused the nuclear missile reduction treaties but instigated the Star Wars Defense Initiative. Could it be that they created a treaty to co-develop mind control weapons as others have stated ? Did the U.S. purchase the mind control weapons technology to bail the Soviet Union out of financial collapse and then develop it under the Star Wars Defense budget as several historian’s have surmised? Many have speculated that Regan’s senility was a CIA menticization to keep him quiet about the technology. Bush senior, being head of the CIA, certainly knows about it and has made many references to it in his speeches. Clinton was a pawn and helped sign non-lethal bills for continued testing of the weapons on the public. He only shouted “Right Wing Conspiracy” too late when black mailed by sexual indiscretions. Bush Jr.’s spokeman has made his knowledge of the weapons quite clear during his threat to the Republicans, “You will suffer in your own private purgatories. Try to sleep if you can.” He might as well have said, “Go to HELL . SATAN will be waiting for you.” So the mind control, torture, and silent assassinations are still acceptable criminal behaviors by our leaders to order for personal gains. They either conform to this criminal norm or they will be assassinated like Kennedy if they try to reform the integrity of politics and inform the public.
Real Time Nielsen Ratings
Since our government is composed of different crime families, warlords, gangs, and mobsters all competing for power, money, and glory, one Colonel often does not even know what the other one is up to more or less could Congress know what the black budgets really fund.
One project that seems to have failed or at least hasn’t benefited many presidents is the real time opinion polls calculated by a sampling in the MIND network. It is useful to groom a candidate into office but it doesn’t seem to be successfully used by the Commander in Chief while in office.
Like the thousands of others in the U.S. psychotronic concentration camps, I was denied the chance to vote in the last election, which clearly would not have favored Bush. There may have been enough to swing the very close election had we not been “brain napped”, tortured, and experimented on.
Stupid Alien Tricks
To give you a better idea how the intelligence community lacks intelligence, I will share some of the aliens’ misunderstandings of me. I use many different names under different circumstances and during different periods of my life. I do this to help me know where I know someone from. I separate my social groups into family, current friends, business, and old friends. My name has evolved in time with the different groups. So I can precisely tell who I am talking to by what name they call me. So one of the demonstrations the Alien Army like to do is voice transformation. They amazingly could mimic everyone in my family and few distant friends. However they couldn’t get my sister’s voice correct for some reason. They would act out verbally abusive scripts using their voices, but they don’t have a future in Hollywood. Not only did they get all their personalities wrong, they had every character use the wrong name when they would speak to me. This gave me an idea. I started feeding them a continuous stream of incorrect information. Days or weeks later they would regurgitate it to me and pretend like they had a lot of intelligence gathered already. That was their game. Walk the target backwards in time with their memories using cues. This is a type of memory probing technique. Stupid Aliens. Chalk one up for the humans.
Human Effects Weapon Testing Industry
As difficult as it may be to believe, the U.S. has an industry based upon the population’s inability to believe the horror that random citizens would give taxes to build weapons that would then be used on them in the most dreadful way. With this inability of the people to get involved or investigate and through a carefully engineered common belief system, the human slave trade thrives in the U.S. and abroad. Poaching people from all walks of life for the EEG heterodyning and hive mind control experiments is lucrative business. The killing tools of our society have become better at what needs to be said for the population to ignore the problem and easily dismiss these claims. Without your voice and protest actions, more people by the hundreds in not thousands will be tortured to death over a long period of time. Everything is done to an extreme just so it sounds even more absurd when told by the test subjects. Discrediting is the game that has been perfected since the alien abduction stories are wearing thin these days.
If the U.S. DoD and CIA were to kidnap random people to test their M-16 assault rifles, people would take notice. The body count would get suspicious. But by torturing and killing people through an advanced directed energy system that few understand or know about that just kills the mind with the body to follow slowly behind, nobody sees the immediacy of the atrocities and threat to the legitimacy of the government.
Public Service Announcement
I know I will sound like a braggart but my education in today’s dollars cost over a million bucks. The government has destroyed a million dollar brain. There is not a single person living with my exact pedigree or education. My entire life of hard work, hundreds of all-nighters, and enormous strain to better myself and invest in my mind has ended up as a decimal point for the CIA/military weapons statistics. I would love to do a public service message for kids. Drop out of school, live it up, do drugs, because there is a certain chance all your hard work will land you in the MKULTRA program and your personality will be altered, your happy outlook on life diminished, and your savings taken in a period of a few years while being tortured. They don’t teach you that while growing up in America for obvious reasons.
“ I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain. Time to die.”
– Replicant Batty. Blade Runner.
Government Homicides
“Not very sporting to fire on an unarmed opponent. I thought you were supposed to be good.”
– Replicant Batty, Blade Runner (1982)
I get told all the time when I discuss this book to people, “Aren’t you afraid the government is going to kill you?” With the best education money can buy, why was I not taught that the U.S. executive branch is corrupt and we accept this? I was taught to believe in the constitution. I pledged allegiance to the flag every day in grade school. I was taught about all the valiant soldiers who fought to create a country with low taxes and less tyranny. We hold our hands over our hearts and listen to the national anthem at every sporting event. We put support-our-troops ribbons on our cars for a war we assume is necessary. We fly American flags outside our houses and buildings. I bought into the whole thing hook, line, and sinker. I was never taught to fear the management of the country because they are there to serve us and protect us. The truth needs to be taught in history books so people’s expectations aren’t as high for their stay in this land. The very people we put in charge to manage the country’s affairs don’t know the constitution and certainly aren’t there to protect it. George Bush’s NSA domestic spying is just the tip of the iceberg.
Since the politicians are powerless to create laws that protect us and certainly powerless to enforce them when broken by other government braches we should just come to grips that the American dream is over and our country’s values were stolen by crooks posing as CIA and DoD.
Our right to freedom of speech has been nullified by information and psychological warfare tactics. Scream ‘Fire’ and people will come to the rescue. Scream ‘Rape’ fewer people will respond. Scream ‘government torture and assassination’ no one will come to your rescue. Nor will it be published nor will a major news medium pick it up. Try publishing it on the internet, disinformation agents will flood the search engine topics with garbage. Each of us is in an architected information bubble, isolated through informational noise and overload.
Our right to privacy, has been voided for many decades. The politicians purposefully lag 30 years or more behind current technology in law making. So for example, the “Electronic Eves Dropping Act” is far outdated and only applies to simple technologies. Reading brainwaves, clearly the most intrusive act government could do, is and will not be covered by these laws, nor are video camera transmissions. Privacy is an illusion too.
Our right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness can be taken away at any moment if your weapons test and death lottery number comes up. Manipulation of events and people are common practice as well. You may have been caught up in a military exercise and never know the true reason why you got cancer for example.
I suspect we should expect more encroachment on our right to bear arms too. We should expect excessive double taxation as well to support the ever growing war machine.
Through our trust in our government officials’ truthfulness and competence, we have allowed our country and its ideals to be turned into the very thing that we used to fear from communism or an autocracy. The war machine’s culture is one of an autocracy. Of course their values will seep into politics if they aren’t deprogrammed after leaving the machine. It is extremely detrimental and dangerous to have a president or any politician who has had a career in the CIA or DoD if they haven’t had time to reintegrate back into society.
Right to a fair trial does not exist anymore. If people can be targeted to fail lie detectors, judges and juries can be manipulated, then justice is void. If people can be targeted by the CIA or military assassins and this is acceptable, then justice is void. If people’s brains can be killed or menticized, but the body kept alive for a while, then justice is void. Menticide is a pseudo-legal loophole which the government uses to disable and kill people. Making someone kill themselves is just a clever loophole they believe. They are just redefining what “self” is. Overlapping someone else’s mind using EEG heterodyning to commit violence against others or self is obviously a criminal act by the government psychic assassins and not the person who owns the body and brain. But without spelling out the obviousness of this in a law and having a separate army to enforce it, these idiots will continue to destroy American ideals and values.
“That was irrational of you… not to mention unsportsmanlike.”
– Replicant Batty, Blade Runner.
TSS services and CIA drug experimentation and subsequence mind rape and death is not different than scum who use Ruhypnol to drug a girl then rape her while incapacitated and then worse by killing the girl to make sure there are no witnesses. This is now common practice by our government to develop weapons and more “tricks” for the CIA. Is there any doubt that international criminals have taken control? Just remember if you served in the military forces, you supported these criminals and their intensions by believing in their lies. Don’t blame yourself, how could know? Secrecy and knowledge compartmentalization allows for these kinds of crimes against countrymen and humanity to go unchecked and flourish out of control.
The denial that people have about mind control technology is like the denial people have that they won’t get addicted to a drug. “It can’t be that bad. I would notice. I could resist it.” It doesn’t work like that. You can not resist it and most people unless trained wouldn’t even notice it. Your very essence, your brain electricity and neurotransmitter synaptic signaling, is being modified. You can’t feel it being done because you think you are in control. You have an illusion of choice if you are EEG heterodyned by an experienced psychic spy. Can you see how easy a takeover was with this technology? No one is allowed to discuss this in public now without being silenced or discredited. I didn’t know that when I happened upon the technology.
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