Alien Introductions
When the psychic parasites introduced themselves to me on that spooky Halloween 2004, they tried many introductions but the one that seems most appropriate was, “We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. Your uniqueness will be assimilated. You are food for thought. And by the way, you need to slow down your thinking and think in complete words.” Well, we know that aliens don’t think in pictures now.
I can only estimate how many people must be tortured by the directed energy weapons who never figure out why their body is falling apart and in pain all the time. Of the half a thousand people I have interviewed, about 25% were people who did not have the synthetic telepathy. They were not told each and every pain that was to occur or what government program they were being tortured under. I always asked the question of these victims, “How did you figure it out?” I would never have thought that my brain was being fed electromagnetic energy in such a precise manner that any programmed pain could be inflicted. I would have just come to the conclusion my nervous system was degenerating. The common response was, “The pain occurrences and timing was too regimented and my limbs would twitch and almost move on their own like I was possessed. I went to the internet to do some research and found thousands of other people with the same story.” Think how many people suffer the duration of their lives without ever finding a physical cause for their pain. It is staggering that these “non-lethal” nervous system disruptor weapons need so much suffering for their effectiveness data.
Psychotronic Slavery in the U.S.
“The miserable have no other medicine but only hope”.
– Shakespeare. Measure for measure (Act III, Scene I).
Better than hope is a plan.
The sociology of post civil rights and post Jewish Holocaust is an interesting one. I have had the opportunity to meet many hundreds of psychotronic slaves from all walks of life, age, sex, and religion. The mind control and slavery experiments are truly conducted at random on the most part composed of such diverse groups as children, nuns, upper crust wasps, and ghetto blacks.
The types of people that seem to adapt to their new slavery status as human animals for DoD/CIA weapons testing are those groups that have had a heritage of being enslaved and children who haven’t had enough freedom and self determinism to miss it.
Afro Americans cope like they did before the civil rights movement. They usually create songs and protest peacefully like Martin Luther King in the many untelivised nationwide protests. Their expectations are not as high as Caucasians who believe and are taught they are entitled to freedom in America. The mind control data collectors often refer to themselves as “handlers”. I assume this is because they view themselves as animal handlers, training their pet projects.
The Jews that I interviewed seem to not look for political solutions almost as if they aren’t surprised fascism followed their people to America. They also are confused by the two face policies enacted by the many divisions of government. The U.S. openly supports Israel but then why are they torturing and putting Jews in these Secret Psychotronic Concentration Camps? They often don’t realize it is random, and religion is not the discriminating factor in their decision this time round.
The Muslims have the most anger about the unrecognized torture using this weapon system. Without access to the mass information streams, their stories can not affect the American citizens’ popular opinion. Like myself, many of the Muslims said that the agents introduced themselves as a Satanic Cult. This is done worldwide these days and clearly added to the Muslims’ view that the U.S. is “The Great Satan”. The European Parliament even said that these weapons should be banned because they are only useful in causing war and suffering.
The tension and anger in the Caucasian group is also nearing a breaking point since peaceful protests have had little effect on making this a national and worldwide topic of debate. If and when violence breaks out, the news covers it up quickly as a crazed person or a domestic terrorist. The public never gets to hear the pattern of stories behind the acts.
The Christians in the psychic torture concentration camps tend to be peaceful thinking too. They believe strongly that God with save them and that the U.S. is clearly on the path to hell. From the daily attacks and torment, they often get an apocalyptic view of the future.
There does seem to be an inordinate number of women in the secret prisons. It may be that they are more outspoken about what is happening and men tend to cope silently. But the women mostly agree that they are targeted because the agents expect that they are weaker and less likely to commit violent acts against federal and military targets. Following this pattern, intimidation stalking is practiced at a far greater rate on women targets than men furthering the proof that the ‘zombiloids’ are part of a cowardly group.
“Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.”
– Replicant Batty. Blade Runner.
Maintaining the Loyalty of the Regime
How did the U.S. agencies weed out all the high ranking Russian double agents in the FBI and CIA back the 70’s and 80’s? They periodically check into the minds of agents to read their loyalties. Almost every DoD government worker with a clearance is on a fast rotational sample into their minds. This global human surveillance system, TAMI, has been readily expanding. The U.S. has a secret black budget of $42 billion dollars that was leaked recently. At an average salary of $75,000, this pot of money could have a payroll of 560,000 agents of the U.S. Government. How many of those are involved with this offshoot agency who handles the plausibly denied assassinations using SATAN and truly unconstitutional mind viewing surveillance is unknown. But one could estimate it to be anywhere from the early rumor of 400 people to 15,000 people in order to match and out due the Russian psychic army.
The Unibomber was just another mind controlled patsy
This information is post script the writing of this book. I found the connection between Ted Kaczynski, the Unibomber, and CIA mind control programs like I suspected existed. Apparently, they mind control a patsy to do their assassinations for them. I suspect the scientists to whom Ted sent bombs were connected with government grants dealing with some piece of the war machine that they didn’t want further research into. My private research into virtual reality and EEG controlled robots was probably one reason why I was chosen as the next patsy.
Dr. Byrd is one of the rare x-military heros in this story. He morally turned down working with Army Intelligence when his mind influencing research went Black. He openly has discussed EEG telemetering and influence and found the LA Times article that describes Ted Kaczynski’s participation in the CIA Mind Control experiments, Moon Struck at Harvard . Sad that yet another innocent person is in jail for CIA mind control crimes. But the politicians are just too ignorant and stupid to pass any laws to spell out that this is unconstitutional and illegal. I take a personal interest in his case because it is so similar to mine. I lived in the same dorm that Ted Kaczynski lived in, Eliot House, at Harvard. I recognized his mind set, the evolution of mind control, isolation, then fear of technology. When I found out that there is actually a strong connection with the Moon Struck CIA mind control program, which validated my suspicions, leaves no doubt who the criminals are in the government. Similar links can be found with the Oklahoma Bomber. People should be angry at the shadow government, not at the mind controlled patsies that do their traitorous dirty work. The FBI are so simple in their text book methods of investigations. They stop investigating once they find the body that committed the crime, in this case the body that mailed the bombs. They don’t follow through to find whose mind did the killing. They never really have solved any of these mind controlled murder cases correctly. We have the innocent person’s body imprisoned, and the guilty murderous minds still free. Where is the justice in that? They just move to another target to continue their murderous streak and silent assassinations with plausible denial by using so many levels of indirection.
Before I was grabbed for these brutal experiments, I was looking into joining the FBI’s white collar and high tech crime division. I would have been good at it seeing that I have correctly solved at least 8 of their cases in less than two years of research, with no authoritative power to interview, and no budget. One must ask if it is incompetence or purposeful cover-up ordered from the top.
Now this is my strong opinion on the topic. The FBI has been manipulated by the executive branch throughout history from Nixon to Clinton. Many victims are led to believe the FBI are the ones stalking them and torturing them. First off, if they were involved deeply they would not have allowed a Federal building to be blown up with their agents inside by the Oklahoma bomber. My handler’s third identity after Russia and China was the FBI to redirect my anger. Too obvious a decoy. I have no doubt that fake FBI badges may be used in these manipulations and that the CIA or other subintelligence agencies have infiltrated the FBI with a few corrupt agents just like the California Highway Patrol and other places, but I saw the women FBI agent who helped catch the unibomber speak at the college at which I was teaching. She was clueless and uninformed as to anything beyond police detective protocols. Even though the FBI was involved in investigating terrorist phone numbers dialed from my father’s house, they were still just being manipulated again into following protocols so that if the agents succeeded in turning me into another Ted Kaczynski they could say look the FBI found a lead that he was connected to al-Qaeda’s or something like that.
The public being stupid and seeing it speculated on the news would of course jump to the predetermined conclusion that there was a connection. The end. I get locked up for a mind controlled EEG cloning crime unjustly like Ted Kaczynski or put to death like the Oklahoma bomber and as the CIA manual states, “disposed of by local authorities.” That’s how the games are played. Good thing the DoD and CIA are so predictable, unchanging, and uncreative with their plots. Plus, I must have faith that there is hope in regaining constitutional control of our country and without the good intentions of the justice department all is lost.
Creating Mind Controlled Assassins – i.e. Terrorists and Psychos
“Having nothing, nothing can he lose”.
– King Henry the Sixth, (Act III, Scene III).
It is very important that I preface what I am about to convey to the public so as I am not set up for more trauma and injustices by government agencies. What I am about to tell is merely to educate the public and the world as to the ways in which the U.S. preferably assassinates people these days. I am not a threat to commit the acts that I am about to describe. I am trying to help any do-gooders still left in the FBI or other positions of the Justice department by explaining in clear terms the psychological methods the CIA and others use to create “domestic” terrorists and the reasons behind it. This information may diffuse future “psycho” outbreaks if it can reach other targets before they act.
Like I mentioned before, I have not had a chance to interview Ted Kaczynski to find out the details of the mind control experiments conducted on him and to test him with the angles of eye gaze saccadic movement and a questionnaire I developed to quickly identify targets of EEG heterodyning mind manipulation.
One form of assassination technique the crime family, CIA, like to use is to instill a hatred towards the scientists, retired military personnel, and the like who may leak these details of this weapon to the public and make them aware of the grand scam. The best kept secrets are hidden in plain view. That is the case here. The stakes are high for the traitors in the government because the public outrage and distrust would topple the power structure or lead to a state of emergency from the riot outbreaks. So, they use patsies and complicated behavior and opinion manipulation tactics. For example, they attempted to turn me into a Unibomber like assassin through extreme torture and planting the idea to get revenge on the most outspoken scientists and colonels in the field. Now, had they succeeded, they would have sent a strong message to all those who work on directed energy, EEG cloning weapons to keep quiet and never work on neuroscience again if you leave a government project. They also would have plugged potential leaks even if those people would have never talked. And in order to kill two birds with one stone, I, like my Navy/US/UK compatriots that were knocked off after leaving a secret project, would also have been silenced due to a suicide like attack mission to end my suffering and get revenge, or imprisoned and possibly kept in solitary. As the CIA scripts say, “The target after committing the crime will be disposed of by local authorities.” This technique has been used many times throughout history and they just keep getting better at it. Like I advised earlier, everyone who has left a secret project might be able to save their lives if the information that the CIA/DoD are trying to contain is leaked. I wish I had known this and done it myself before I was targeted. It is pointless once you are targeted and it would just be used against you. John Alexander and Dr. Delgado are clearly pointed to the most frequently in the literature and some disinformation websites created by the agency. They have very deep involvement in the development of these weapons and it is obvious why the agency wants them eliminated before they get old, senile, and start telling stories. The question I have for Ted Kaczynski is why did he choose the targets that he did? Why did he believe he could stop this by disabling those particular scientists? What government connections did those scientists have in their past or present? Were they civilians working on science that the Pentagon secretly restricts but who can’t exactly put out a list of prohibited knowledge acquisition? My conjectures have proven extremely accurate during this investigation and I believe I already know his answers.
To further this tragic and incredible true tale, I will reveal why I didn’t become another Unibomber in order to assassinate selected scientists and colonels that they tried to program me to. One year almost to the date before my “abduction and brain napping”, my father told me that FBI agents visited him and asked about two phone calls two years prior that were to known terrorist camps in Oregon. They came with their guns showing from Boise Idaho’s FBI office. The phone calls were from both his personal office and his wife’s office in their home according to the phone records from the telephone company the agents said. Now I must remind you that I come from the perfect all American family with only doctors and lawyers for all my relatives and many worked in the Navy. My Uncle is the CEO of a major financial institution that issues paychecks to the military. My father’s property is guarded by dogs and the house is many acres away from a security gate with an alarm system, and they have a daughter that is home all the time. It would have been impossible for someone to have broken in and dialed one phone call from each phone line. Given a background check the FBI should have immediately realized that the records had been tampered with. Who has access to the phone networks at the base trunk? Only government agencies could have altered those phone records. When I was assaulted, psychotronically imprisioned, tortured, and attempted to be programmed, it was immediately obvious to me that an agency was planning a setup. So had they been successful at turning me into that “psychopath”, they could also have leaked to the media that my family had been questioned a couple years earlier with regards to a terrorist cell. Nice cover-up, eh? Honestly, had it not been me they would have succeeded. I must credit the immutable values that my educational institutions instilled in me and my singular model of reality that has never wavered. But, I am only one survivor. There are thousands of others in the US that could be triggered into perceived terrorist attacks given any command if they are not separated from “the killing signal”. No government agency has even lifted a finger to stop this nor the media to expose it. I and others have vowed to do everything in our power to expose the criminals in the government. I am personally offering a $50,000 reward and immunity to anyone who will testify and finger their commanders.
It is a very unfortunate trend in our government that both Congress and the Justice Department have been marginalized in their influence and autonomy. Without giving Congress an army of their own and direct access to all black ops projects, technologies, and strategies we should not expect that they can help prevent the inevitable conclusion of this 50 year trend line. The Justice department is suppose to be independent, the third pillar to stabilize a federal government from devolving into tyranny, authoritarianism, and some other form of fascism under a familiar name. There are laws to prevent the CIA and NSA from operating in this country due to McCarthyism. We never learn and history repeats itself. Without the scientific expertise of DARPA scientists and high end military sensor systems, how can the FBI expect to prove this case to the public assuming they operated honorably and autonomously? In addition, the FBI have somehow been usurped under the executive branch and been illegally commanded and used by presidents like Nixon and Clinton. Integrity, honor, and honesty are rare qualities in the current system of controls.
There are several other techniques of behavior modification and mind manipulation that the psychic assassins and conventional brain washers use to create assassins because when it comes down to it they, as a group, are too cowardly to find anyone in their agency to perform the hits themselves. Of course the plausible denial through many levels of indirection and high technology is a plus for those cowering in the shadows. These criminals who can be linked all the way back to the Commander and Chief do not want to be caught with beyond reasonable doubt connections through the chain of corruption.
Why mind controlled assassins? First, like in the movie “Manchurian Candidate” people of the same race as the country whose leader the US is targeting can more likely get closer to them. Secondly, it is a way that these rogue agencies rationalize how they are creatively getting around laws such as the US can not assassinate foreign leaders. Instead one level of indirection somehow makes it legal in their small minds. They think assassination through modulation of neurotransmitters in someone else is not linked back to their intention. Also, the over done “plausible denial that the person was crazy” seems to always work. They really need a new act and some better script writers. It is a great way to get countries to war against each other and bring instability to regions like the Iraq/Iran war and Israel/Arab and India/Pakistan conflicts. We look like the good guy by simply providing weapons and pretending we support one side or the other. Of course it often backfires when the countries figure it out and then go after the instigator.
Why are people who work for a DoD/CIA project such a security risk after they leave? Well, Russia and possibly China have the mind reading Radar. So killing x-employees of secret projects ensures that their minds can’t be read and secrets leaked. So all current employees and x-employees are at risk for SATAN style assassinations. I know of a victim who lives near me that was working for the jet propulsion laboratory when they decided she needs to be tortured with psychotronics. She is still alive. So if you haven’t made the mistake working for the government yet, don’t. You will increase your chances of avoiding being thrust into HELL. It doesn’t make you immune because after all they must not allow the statistics to be too convincing and have an obvious pattern, but the data seems clear enough from the 500 sample points I have.
The Making of a Unibomber
The similarities between Ted Kaczynski and myself are too coincidental to be written off. The agents chose someone from the same profile that worked so successfully before. It is a good thing the machine is so uncreative and predictable. So my guess is they used the same techniques on him that they used on me. Here are the steps involved in the psychological programming that the CIA uses to create Unibombers, Oklahoma Bombers, and “domestic terrorists”. Hopefully this knowledge will defuse future bombers.
After the MKULTRA steps of programming and the biocommunications weapons data is collected they progress to the final stage which is to eliminate and further discredit their psychotronic hostage. The preferred method is to use them to attack targets of their choosing. Clearly the FBI should be angry at the CIA/DoD for killing many of them by sending the Oklahoma bomber after a federal building. Many of these mind control weapons test victims thoroughly believe the FBI is behind it. Even two x-FBI agents who are test victims believe the FBI is behind it. I don’t. They tried to first direct my anger at the Chinese government, then the Russian government, then the FBI. Traditionally there has been an animosity between these two groups in the government. The CIA views the FBI as a bunch of dumb glorified cops with none of the technology that they have. The FBI views the CIA as a bunch of criminals with no policing authority.
Creating the psychology to make a programmed assassin (CIA terminology) has been perfected over the decades from the Kennedy assignation to the Unibomber. It is a very advanced mix of technology, psychology, and acting out scripts.
The psychological strategies are truly astounding in these operations. Everything is geared towards plausible denial. The entire operation of testing and tortures hangs on one thread and that is the majority of the population will not comprehend or believe the scale and brutality of these biocommunications weapons tests. They must be able to tell the mass news agencies with some evidence that the person has a history of mental illness and that’s why they did what they did. That story is usually well received and the FBI, and people are content with that answer. It’s simple. The truth is the world is far more complex and the games of belief system manipulation are a pure science.
With just a combination of wireless torture and the inability for the target to get their story out and believed, leads to a frustration and panic at the discovery that everything is controlled in the US and the Constitutional system was stolen many decades ago. People handle this situation differently. Most run to the police, FBI, or even the white house lawn thinking they will find help. Instead that just begins the process of creating a “mental illness” track record to be used against them later.
Next the handlers isolate their project using several methods. Isolation is necessary to further the delusional thinking without feedback from other people. Isolation also acts like a sensory deprivation chamber and increases the biocommunication signal strength through the phenomenon I discussed previously.
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