Logical extrapolation of subjective/objective consciousness duality
The universe is teaming with choice at the quantum level. It is only logical for one to conclude it gives rise to the same “subjective” experiences when mapped. Functions coming in and out of existents in the burble of virtual particle interactions. Since a quantum state is indeterminate, it truly operates at the level of a non-linear nodal point of causal events. Like in the mind, choice is perceived at the moment of whether a neural group fires or not near its firing threshold. The structure of the universe is such that the smallest particles of interaction act like events at a firing threshold. Will the atom absorb the EM energy or let it pass by? Truly unknowable given the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This would be perceived by the function and system of which it is part as pure choice and free will. Not only is freedom necessary for the perceived experience of living. But I submit that this is evidence for much higher order conscious entities. Mankind first came to the egocentric faulty conclusion that the Earth was flat, then the sun revolved around us, that we are the only life in the Universe, and that consciousness exists only at our level of complexity. This is only a thought experiment though, because communicating with any other form of intelligent systems would be almost impossible.
Organizational Architectures for Optimal Decision
Voting as an example
Why do we get corrupt and average IQ political leaders when there are so many outstanding people to choose to lead us? It is a flaw with the system. First of all, any intelligent individual unless they have an ego and a need to be written in a history book would not undergo the media scrutiny that politicians go through. They don’t get paid much including the president unless you count all the perks such as stock portfolio manipulation. Secondly, the uneducated people get the same weight of influence in this decision process. Since we are dealing with important decision matrices, it only makes sense to weight the decision tree by some factor that represents the value of influence each vote should count. Take a political history and awareness test to indicate your level of involvement to put this country on track. Scale it 1-10 points and that is how much your vote will count. Running simulations of intelligent organizational structures shows this is a far superior way to optimize to a correct and intelligent decision.
Reverse Engineering TAMI
{Sorry this section is not finished and probably of most interest to people. Come back later.}
TAMI is one of the most sophisticated global neural interfacing systems this country has. It is no wonder that those children in the Pentagon that like to play war want to keep this toy so badly. If it were known how it is being misused, the public would be outraged.
My goal here is to inspire private research into psychophysics or as the military likes to market it, cognitive modeling, neural programming, computer/brain interfacing, and wireless brain modulating technologies. If a company or entrepreneurs would like to usher in a multibillion dollar or even trillion dollar market, they would be well advised to pursue this research. There, of course, is some risk, you might be menticized. But if enough independent groups pursue the rediscovery and development of these technologies, they can’t get us all.
Basic Hardware Architecture
Brainwave Readings
Start with the Malech Patent. Reproduce his results. Experiment with more sophisticated waveforms like the ones used for full spectrum Radar. They look like this.
This scanning technique across the frequency power spectrum will give a complete picture. Signal filtering and analysis is necessary to isolate the most important information carrying frequencies. Find and study the brain/head, body resonances to see where the body electricity can best be seen in the return signal. Model neurons as miniature microwave transceivers and the head as an electromagnetic cavity resonator.
Here is the specific equipment used by the Air Force in their development of neurological disruptors looking at neurotransmitter stimulated release by microwaves.
From the hardware, a clean signal representing brain wave amplitude, phase/frequency will result.
Software Architecture
An initial cognitive model will be required. This is the most difficult part of data collection. Using a large number of aligned samples for spoken words, movements, emotions, etc., and an autocorrelation algorithm will filter out the non correlated brainwave components for each brain function category sample set. From these classes, a recognition engine (neural network based or Markov Model based) could be used to recognize when those brain waves are present. Both a time based template and fourier spectrum analysis will be necessary to identify the particular active brain waves and their time sequence pattern progression for that task to be recognized or later stimulated. Remember to analyze frequency/phase shift information as well as amplitude when classifying the signals. Remember that multiple scales are needed to make the pattern recognition engine time scale invariant.
Translation between people’s brain waves is then a simpler task. Once the database contains an initial human cognitive model, every subsequent modeling effort will just be small deviations from that. Using a program that compares and aligns signals between two people with expedite the mapping process with some human intervention.
Now your system has a brainwave mapping for most human cognitive functions and your system can “translate” your brainwaves to someone else and vice versa or your own brainwaves can be played back to you like an mp3 file.
Start off by reproducing what the Stanford Research Institute did back in the 80’s, and work on just phoneme and word recognition both spoken and heard in order to gain confidence in the modeling process.
{diagrams here}
Details of Software Design and EEG Synchronization Tactics
Repetition of a brain entrainment signal to both parties helps synchronize the minds for a mind meld. Use binaural beating at 3.2 Hertz. You should have a graph of each participant’s EEG energy spectrum and their combined overlap to view for feedback. A full sentence is usually used repeated 3 times until EEG overlap is above a particular threshold. Only one mind can dominate the shared brainwaves at a time so only on speaker will ever be heard.
There is definitely a group of people more susceptible to electromagnetic brain wave induction. These people can be found in mind control forums and support groups for EM torture by the government. There are thousands of people that will be willing to volunteer and help out who are proven to be susceptible.
Also, in the CIA’s version of this system they utilize hypnotic binaural beating brain entrainment to synchronize the brain functions. It seems that this makes the whole process of aligning and isolating brain waves easier.
Remember that truth resonates. Good luck to all you brave entrepreneurs. Hope you make a billion dollars while ushering in the new dawn of mankind. If I ever escape from the mind controlled slavery and free the thousands of others, I’ll join you in your endeavor.
How Magnetic Resonance Imaging Works
How Electron Spin Resonance Imaging Works
It has arrived. The question is can you afford it? There are two types to choose from and that is genetic repair and organ transplants, or silicon form. Here is the back of the envelope calculation for the current cost of silicon immortality. You have roughly 1 trillion synaptic connections. The state of the art silicon manufacturing techniques are 23 times better than Intel’s 42 million transistors CPU. So a synapse at 16 bit resolution needs 16×1012 transistors. If a chip costs $350 for 42 million transistors then your mind would cost $350 * 1 trillion * 16 bits / 42 million = $133 million. Not many can afford that so immortality will need to be rolled out like most products with the rich early adopters of any technology. I built my first cascadable digital neural network chip during senior year as an undergraduate at Harvard which only fit 7 neurons on it. The bit resolution would determine the “resolution” of thought. The government labs have found a way to condense the brains information into covariance matrices.
Perhaps this was the inspiration to the title of the movie, “The matrix”. We only use 10% of our brains, whatever than means. And with information compression techniques the cost of silicon immortality will come way day in the decades to come with better fabrication techniques that follow Moore’s Law .
People don’t like to think of themselves as pure information with a physical interface of the body. This mind/body duality has been of great debate amongst philosophers.
Many people create meaning for themselves through the concept of continuance genetically. Evolutionary success is determined by the number of successful offspring. Financial success is determined by the size of the bank account. Others determine success by the quantitative happiness that they were able to maintain throughout their lifespan. My personal belief in continuance, if I never can afford immortality, is in the propagation of my information. I am my mind. Simply by you the reader, reading my ideas, a meme has spread that replicates my brain signals into you. I believe it to be an even more direct replication and continuance of me. I am inseminating you the reading with ideas forged from my mind. My continuance is information which becomes distributed amongst those minds I have mated with. To bring a little humor to this odd concept, you’ve been mind copulated with while reading this book.
Enough philosophizing. Let’s look at the practical matter of immortality. You can save your state on a hard drive so that in case you have an accident, you can be reborn from the last save. This overlaps with an old concept of that of religion where Christ saves your soul. Maybe he could be viewed as a database administrator saving your information structure and evolution of the program to be run at a later time. Yes, I know it is difficult to accept that we are complex, dynamic, semi-closed, finite state machines. But that is the psychophyisics of it.
So let’s revisit the Malech patent again. A wireless link can be made between two or more brains using these techniques of observing the brain state changes of ion gates opening and closing. That means during transmission of the electromagnetic waves your soul is being amplified and completely bodiless until it reaches the other brain it is to mixed with. I am trying to converge people’s models of reality with this statement. Your soul is composed of signals requiring a physical structure to contain it. It doesn’t matter what that physical structure is. It could be billiard balls on a giant pool table. It could be atoms colliding in a gas lattice. If the information is there, then the subjective consciousness experience is there. This is what is meant by “computational equivalence” by Wolfram. Consciousness is the most abundant property of the universe. We exist because the Universe is dreaming.
Empower Your Freedom and Self Determinism
Read this aloud to yourself.
“The machine doesn’t know why it functions? I am the reason it moves. I am the spark of inspiration, the fire that fuels it. I am the meaning and the motive. It exists for me. I am the answer to the question why. I am here, now. I am the reason it exists. I am my own God. I determine my destiny. I am not a tool, nor a tool user, but rather I am the maker.”
Stop the Machine. Create your world. Take back your country!
Tuning the Mind
There is one potential benefit to thought amplifying technology without the evil meticization application. That is like an athlete who takes steroids in order to increase their biochemical testosterone signal which in turn creates muscle, a less than optimally tuned mind could benefit from amplification of their electrical brain resonance and entrainments. One is naturally more creative under an amplification signal. If you look at the normal distribution of all human qualities, they each have their benefit under specific conditions. If you are short, it comes in handy when seated in an airplane. If you are tall, you can reach the top shelf of a cupboard. Similarly, if you are “depressed” neurochemically then you are less likely to be prone to spontaneous decisions and more focused. Or if you are manic, you tend to be over enthusiastic about every idea which can motivate others. There is an optimal mindset for every occasion. Intelligence grossly measured by an overall metric called, IQ, is the weighted summation of various human intellectual capabilities that society has deemed valuable. So intelligence can be optimized for a particular individual using this technology. So far, the EEG cyber hive mind collectives have only achieved suboptimal configurations less than the parts. But that may change with continued research.
The synapse has been described as Medusa’s head, the women creature with snakes coming out of her head with just one glance can turn a man to stone.
The neuron depolarization speed is 200 mph or 116 m/s. At that speed you can calculate the number of neurons that can fire in a second from a chain of connected neurons. These are the opportunities of influencing “choice” when a neuron is near firing thresholds. An average axon ranges from 5 to 50 millimeters. That means in a firing pathway you would pass through 2,000 to 23,000 neurons in one second for a single chain reaction. This calculation is a bit higher than the measured brain wave frequencies because it doesn’t take into account the time delay for chemical messengers between neurons and other factors. You can see that if you could read the phase, amplitude, and frequency changes in the brain resonances, you would have a complete picture of what was happening at the neuronal level.
This is in line with Russian literature that describes psychotronics as high frequency pulsed ELFs. That means that the resonance frequencies of the brain as described in the Malech and Stocklin patents could use precisely timed pulses at these neural synaptic junctures to add energy to the synaptic firing decisions. These pulses would have components less than 23 KiloHertz and could possibly be picked up by the microwave hearing effect accounting for the melodic tinnitus many surviving weapon testing victims report.
So, I told you at the beginning of my report that my torture and menticization occurred while I was looking into “non-lethal directed energy weapons” and injecting electomagnetics into the brain for virtual reality applications. I doubt it was coincidence. I have been given a death sentence for pursuing this research, but I don’t want to dissuade other scientists from inventing all the positive applications I discussed in this report. I would recommend using the Yale University School of Medicine’s human body model that includes 67 tissues and their electromagnetic properties. Using FDTD simulations you should be able to calculate the complex waveforms necessary to influence particular brain regions in a specific person through resonances and by SAR (specific absorption rate) factors. Look up the Sony patents on mind influence using ultrasonic phased arrays for guidance. But the alternate approach would be to recreate the Malech and Stocklin patents first. It may turn out that is it far easier to influence brain function than that. It may be that timing brain resonance frequencies (modeling the head as a microwave cavity) to neuron firing events is enough to perform brain wave alterations. Other scientists, with military backgrounds, claim that using small magnetic fields at low frequencies will do it.
I know I have not achieved the greatness of my heroes Steven Hawking, Carl Sagan, or Green by simplifying mind reading and influencing technologies for everyone to grasp. But I do believe I have reached enough people. And you can consider yourself enlightened, and not just illuminated anymore. I hope that this book will help all the electric heads out there subject to the brain damaged, selfish, power junkie’s experiments in torture and death. And awaken and inspire the good people of this country to take back democracy and restore justice by finding all the treasonous elements in the conspiracy that have stolen it from us.
Continued on next page…