The Psychology of Deception
Cowardly New World
Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad.
– Aldus Huxley author of Brave New World
Fear is the best motivator. Make people afraid of a nuclear attack at any time by the Russians, they will approve of massive dollars to be spent on Star Wars defenses. Make the people afraid of ethnicities who wear turbans and they will approve of huge budgets for Homeland Defense to fight terrorism and be willing to give up some freedoms.
Nothing goes into the patent office without the military looking at its potential as a weapon. The absurd extremes the DoD goes to staying ahead on weapons’ development has probably at some point in their history had them set up a lab dedicated to stabbing animals with writing instruments to test the axiom of whether, “The pen is mightier than the sword.”
Humans are cheaper than robots according to pentagon documents. That is why we still send soldiers into battle. This philosophy is also prevalent in their weapons development. Human costs and misery do not appear in DoD proposals and bottom line figures. We are (cost) free to be slaughtered like cattle for weapons development.
The Disinformation Age and The Art of Deception
Gracchus: He will bring them death, and they will love him for it.
Gracchus: Fear and wonder, a powerful combination.
Gaius: You really think people are going to be seduced by that?
Gracchus: I think he knows what Rome is. Rome is the mob. Conjure magic for them and they’ll be distracted. Take away their freedom and still they’ll roar. The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the senate, it’s the sand of the coliseum. He’ll bring them death – and they will love him for it.
Government Deception Programs
INSCOM is the division that furthers “Strategic Deception” and has been hard at work with the UFO and paranormal research communities. Uncle Sam wants you, stupid and ignorant.
President Clinton was apologizing for military/CIA experiments conducted on black people on whom were unknowing participants in a syphilis study. They were purposefully not treated to observe the progression of the disease, 26 died. Similar experiments were done with herpes and other diseases. At the same time Clinton is apologizing for other presidents who did not leash their dogs of war, he and his military were involved in ramping up human torture experimentation trials with nervous system disruptor weapons. Similar episodes occurred with Bush Sr. and Jr.. It is the American way to experiment, torture, and kill randomly selected citizens to keep up with military weapons statistics data and then have presidents apologize when the information is released 20-30 years later. Nothing will change, and we should come to grips with it as a nation. This is the unspoken death lottery the military holds because they aren’t smart enough to come up with other solutions. “We have to do it because the Russians are testing remote control heart attack weapons. We must sacrifice a few to understand the weapons capabilities,” is the softly spoken military view.
What it is to be American
This book has been translated into twelve languages. If you are lucky enough not to be American, when I use the word “we” I mean us Americans. You are probably already very aware of the two faces of the U.S. The words we propagandize through media and politicians and the shadow government that creates wars and rationales for them. The military even greatly influences our politicians and media. We teach our kids how to kill at an early age with mostly guns as toys in our stores. We are one of the most violent and militant cultures in the world as can be seen in our movies and murder rates. Other countries should fear us as we are the sole superpower, and have clear intentions on expansion of our influence. Other countries would be well advised to hold secret meetings to partner and balance the power.
And I offer this advice for those lucky enough to be patriotic flag waving ignorants like I was only two years ago, enjoy the delusion and pray you’re number or loved ones’ are not the next to be drawn. Showing support for an ideal is good, but supporting a façade system that has taken those same colors will help destroy those very ideals.
I am doing my part to stop the CIA and the military’s international criminal behavior by documenting the steps and methods, gathered from my interviews with the thousands of American experiments, that they are using to create Manchurian Candidates, suicide bombers, and dissidents in other lands to destabilize them. With the knowledge of the weapons and methods used to hack the human mind, these countries might stand a chance at deprogramming and disrupting the U.S. criminal sponsored networks and discovering the double agents within their own security agencies.
Methods of discrediting – Gas Lighting
We natural use a philosophy of “Occam’s Razor ” which states that the simplest explanation is usually the best. So to make someone sound paranoid, all you have to do is come up with a sufficiently complex plan of harassment and the majority of people’s disbelief of that event will be sufficient not to act or care about it. If you study the psychology of people like psychological operations and the CIA do, you can predict with a certain degree of accuracy what that person will believe giving certain facts.
We like to believe we are spontaneous and have “choice”, but when viewed objectively that subjective feeling of “choice” becomes nothing more than a low probability of neural firing events. When people describe their decisions, they often say I had no “choice”. This is simply a strong probability of neural firing events. Logic often dictates the strongest neural firing pathways given certain possible actions. You have just learned a basic principle of psychophysics by mapping the subjective experience of “choice” to the objective causalities of brain dynamics.
Politicians use the tactic of discrediting their opponent threw mudslinging. Making up or digging up dirt that makes people question the honesty and validity of their opponent’s statements is the goal of many campaigns these days. The CIA and foreign intelligence agencies use skeletons of politicians to control them threw blackmail. If someone gets out of line, a leak to the press is all it takes to disable them as a force of change.
Lawyers use the discrediting tactic on witnesses. By trying to demonstrate to the jury a pattern of lying, misperceptions or ulterior motives, they can successfully discredit a witness.
While all these traditional tactics have proven fruitful through out time without waning effectiveness, the agencies involved in extreme cover-ups prefer another tactic that seems to have withstood the test of time too. That is labeling someone “paranoid schizophrenic” or mentally ill. Once that label has been attached to someone, almost all testimony will be disbelieved. The military has employed this tactic since the 60’s to get rebellious soldiers and others locked up in mental hospitals. But since the weapons testing of neurological disruptor technology has begun on the general population beginning in the early 60’s and then stepped up to full throttle in 1976, the scope of what is considered mentally ill had to be reprogrammed into a broader definition for the general population. The movie “A beautiful Mind” was timed to program people with the notion that even geniuses can be mentally ill. So even if a brilliant person, whose logic is impeccable, describes hearing voices their account should be dismissed and they may be violent and dangerous if they believe their delusion. Perhaps, but if you look at the details of the way the mind works, it is extremely unlikely for the majority of the brain to function perfectly especially the higher level cognitive functions, and the auditory and visual pathways to be severely compromised specifically. When one delves into the details of the science of the mind and current weapons capabilities, it becomes obvious that the more probable event is actually the more complicated in terms of the history of the U.S. human effects weapons testing programs and the science behind it counter intuitive to the Occam’s razor principle at first blush.
Strategic Deception
Actions must be judged in the context of all possibilities to understand their meaning, the actor’s motives, and their relevance.
Another tactic that has successfully been employed by the government agents to help hide their secret concentration camps and human experimentation using this technology is by sending agents to pose as victims. Their task is to be outspoken and as crazy sounding as possible. I have run into at least two of these actors. This kind of warfare has commonly been used by the CIA to manipulate foreign country’s power circles. The psychological method works on the same principles as other disinformation tactics. It relies on the average person’s tendency to generalize a single sample point to a whole group and use binary thinking. These common logical flaws have been exploited to deceive the public for many decades.
Simply by getting a couple of agents to pretend they are psychotronic slaves and then have them talk about evil aliens or other typically non-believable topics, the whole group of people who now talk about electromagnetic brain manipulation is associated with evil aliens and not believed by the average person who heard the first story.
This is a simple tactic but has proven to work very effectively on making the average person with limited time and input come to faulty conclusions and judgments about testimony related to the same topic.
Psychological warfare, information warfare, and strategic deception are actively used treasonously on our own population. Just because these criminals are using invisible directed energy weapons and not guns, and because they redefined information warfare as propaganda, we are supposed to think it is less than war and murder of the citizens.
These are invisible weapons being used far more destructively than a simple bullet to the head.
Another often used tactic of misdirection is to create a large drama for public consumption. In the past when these activities were gaining more attention, political scandals were leaked to the press or some other drama created. I would wager that by the time this book is published, the U.S. will have started down the road to invading Iran, then Syria, followed by North Korea. Another war would be a good distraction from the topics covered in this book which might lead to greater awareness and self realizations, and then possibly awakening the giant from his slumber.
How the media is used to distract the attention of focus of the populous
Other scandals timed to overpower the focus of the media have occurred with previous discovery of MKULTRA mind control programs like during Nixon’s Watergate. Political scandal can easily hide and draw attention away from more ominous threats that are too ugly or complicated for a news byte. Clinton wasn’t totally lying when he said there is a vast conspiracy to control politics. The effectiveness of precisely time media leaks has proven to be a useful tool.
The Art of Deception
Michael Mitnick, a famous computer hacker, wrote a book called the “Art of Deception”. He describes how most of his break-ins to defense computer systems were not done by in depth technical knowledge, but rather social engineering. His preferred method of attack was pretending to be someone else and trick them into given him their password. He now consults to government agencies.
The opposite set of techniques are frequently used by the intelligence community in their domestic missions. Pretending to be cops or FBI or some other profession is extremely useful to getting things done. The psychological methods used are confidence games. A lie will more likely to be believed if it is backed by lots of details. I had my class work on creating Googlisms as an exercise in this type of belief manipulation. An example of a Googlism can be seen by typing in the words, “miserable failure” into the Google search engine. The first link is a biography of President George Bush. While I am not saying that may not be the truth, it certainly is an opinion that could be made into common belief with enough advertising and mental impressions onto the population.
Wizard of Oz
The CIA has a style of interrogation that they call Wizard of Oz. It is suppose to disorientate the subject. It requires intense role play like good cop bad cop. They act stupid as if they don’t have a brain. They are vicious like they don’t have a heart. And they act paranoid and cowardly with no courage like in reality.
The other style of interrogation they use both in the EEG heterodyned mode or in person they call Alice in Wonderland. They set clocks again and keep the subject awake for days. They induce electromagnetically or with LSD skewed perceptions, visual and audio slanted perspectives. They test these on the American public and the World. This is part of the script to chase the white rabbit down the maze of lies.
Ponzi Schemes
“So put a CIA paid disinformant posing as a mind control victim and give them some air time to really sound crazy. That will make the public generalize to the whole class of victims and keep this 35-40 year scam of torture and silent assignations under wraps”, commands the High Traitor in the U.S. government.
Discrediting methods – “The method”
The “method” as they call it, a psychological tool used methodically to cover-up top secret technology and military abuses has been exceedingly successfully exploited for decades. Psychlops (psychological operations) specializes in these techniques always in production worldwide. They seed the population through popular TV shows, movies, and magazines with references to some truth they are worried will because common belief but in a context that discredits that idea very thoroughly. The “X-files” is an example of this. So is the movie “The Matrix”. Put the “science fiction” technology and government abuses in a metaphor and most will assume it doesn’t exist. Sprinkle in some aliens, psychics, and presto, every idea presented is assumed to be absurd. This psychological trick works well because most people tend to be black or white thinkers. I have extensively studied this method through tracking of the disinformation websites used to flood and obscure the truth on this topic. They have not changed the formula for decades.
I still want to interview the Wachowski brothers and Ms. Stewart, the writers of The Matrix, to find out how they got such an accurate metaphore for the capabilities of RHIC and EEG heterodyning technologies. Was the story EEG heterodyned into Ms. Stewart so that it would be used to discredit the technology as science fiction by Hollywood or were they given an anonymous script by a CIA agent? Additionally, I want to know what inspired the writers of the X-Files. If you listen to the hidden track on the X-files album they speak about cloning and cataloguing operations and orders taken from a man named Strugold. EEG heterodyning has also been called EEG cloning. The CIA has been cataloguing the variations of brains for decades for the personality profile database that I was told by B.F. Skinner in class was kept in Colorado. Strugold was a US/German scientist who died in the 70’s involved with psychotronic research. Finally the last important movie used to seed the popular beliefs of the masses was “the beautiful mind”. It is a story how a genius noble prize winner, Nash, became paranoid schizophrenic but at times dangerous because of his delusions. This programs the average person to accept that smart people can go insane and think the government is stalking them. These three movies alone set the stage for stepping up the EEG cloning experiments and torture weapons data collection starting 1996 where a dramatic increase in the number of psychotronic victims began to occur until present. The 1963 series of the Outer Limits did the same thing for that generation of Americans.
Confuscation Techniques
- Flooding the mind space with conflicting information. Using internet, books, and strategic leaks and placed agents of deception in editorial positions or Hollywood.
- Confusing the victims, so that their own testimony promotes misunderstands.
- Increasing the complexity of the story significantly
- Using absurdity and the bazaar
- Promoting false conclusions and bad science
- Mimicking the symptoms of known illnesses
- U.S. Army psychological ops pay and publish false articles in the Iraqi newspapers. Standard techniques to change the minds of the masses using unethical anti-democratic principles.
Rewriting History
How easy is it to rewrite history? We know that the victor in war writes the accepted version of it. How does information and how do facts flow from primary sources to widely distributed history textbooks taught to the children in public schools? The sociological study of these questions reveals a type of brain washing of our society.
There is virtue in the importance of being honest with ourselves and our history. Making our children feel proud to be American is important if it is deserved. Having them recite the mantras of the pledge of allegiance everyday in grade school might help with their sense of community later in life. Before every sporting event, we stand and listening to the American anthem as adults. There is resemblance of the psychological technique called, “psychic driving” and mindless recitation of words that we should be aware of so as we are not unduly influenced.
Describing how the Native American Indians were slaughtered and how we devalued other humans to turn them into slaves is described in history textbooks given the magnitude of the atrocities. However, this long tradition of human abuses has yet to end in American history. Our government just gets better at covering it up. The grotesque human experiments, which were conducted on tens of thousands of randomly chosen citizens for weapons testing data, are not mentioned in any history book that I can find. It is being removed from the collective awareness of our country so that it can continue.
Secret Censorship
Another disturbing phenomenon which I encountered during my two year investigation into government improprieties and criminal behavior was the systematic removal of important books from libraries and circulation across the country.
I was told by a CIA expert who follows and analyzes their constitutional crimes on Americans, that anyone who says a negative thing about Scientology will be nuisance sued, have their lives systematically destroyed, and the publication will disappear from all libraries and news stands. I have a different theory. There appears to be a mild connection between CIA mind control, EEG heterodyning, and Scientology. A former member published a book on it. When the experimentation began on me, I received two copies of a scientology publication on “Death Doctors and mind control” without a postage stamp in my mail box two weeks in a row. I liked the articles but they failed to mention that most of the Death Doctors who they describe as being behind the creation of the rise in terrorism were CIA funded. Several other victims say they found themselves pressured to join scientology out of the blue when their victimization started. I don’t believe Scientology as an organization is connected directly with any of it. All organizations that are “cultish” as viewed by the government, are closely watched and infiltrated. And certainly given the power and influence Scientology has with so many rich, famous people, the organization could pose a potential threat to the government. So, a tactic that the CIA is famous for is to redirect suspicion and anger towards the threatening group. I believe that this is what is happening to Scientology. The member who wrote about aliens controlling everything at the top level secrecy in Scientology was a typical victim of EEG heterodyned mind manipulation. He just pointed the finger at Scientology. I am not just saying this because I don’t want them to pull my book off the shelves, I think they need to defend their reputation that the government is trying to tarnish just like with Secret Societies and many other institutions with influence and power. Most of the books that were pulled hypothesized by the analyst also had CIA mind control references in them. That is the reason they were pulled.
Several books like this one, who brashly and openly discuss government corruption and technologies, have disappeared from circulation. Several of those I tried to get hold of were running upwards of $200 in private auctions.
Secret Societies
One of my professors who had Bill Gates in his class while he was writing Microsoft Dos or Basic would tell stories how he would sleep through most of class with his head down on his desk and occasionally raise his hand to answer a question where he would inevitably say “What about microcomputers!”. The professor admits that they were all wrong and they thought he was insane for suggesting microcomputers would in every home.
My brother’s roommate in college was the president’s son of West Germany, Walter Kohl. Supposedly he black balled me entrance into one of Harvard’s secret societies, the Spee Club. They are called finals clubs at Harvard, Secret societies at Yale, and Eating clubs at Princeton. They are just fraternities with rich kids. To prove I am athentic, I am divulging many secret societies’ joining rituals in my books. These are fraternities and should not have their names tarnished in this horrific, evil, conspiracy that they have been implicated in and who don’t even try to clear their clubs’ names and reputations. Secret societies are not evil, but individuals are. So to entice the reader, at Harvard’s Porcellian club they ride a boar for initiation. At the Delphic club they stroke the beard of the Moose blindfolded. On one particular visit, I had to slap my member next to Matt Daemon because we were skunked at beer pong and girls were present…club rules. I’ve been in Yale’s skull and bones club after a Harvard/Yale football game. For initiation they sleep in a coffin next to a human head as what Bush and others have done. What they do in the coffin seems to be extra. So in my next book, I will divulge every secret societies initiation ritual both to bring attention and exonerate them as being culpable and conspiratorial of being behind the world’s torture and to alert them that nothing is sacred anymore. America’s heritage and pride is being destroyed by these cretins holding the weapons and keeping secrets from those most noble and honorable to lead them. I was passed a profile that listed the surveillance these secret societies were under. I assume this kind of information has spawned the plethora of conspiracy theory behind them.
Mind reading radar and EEG heterodyning has been spying into the minds of everyone in their most intimate moments. They have profiles on almost everyone to use as blackmail or to manipulate.
Just to give the reader a truer perspective and to diminishing the unjustified royalty image the wealthy and celebrity enjoy from the masses who often worship them, I will reiterate a couple stories conveyed to me during my years just after graduate school at Harvard.
Most world leaders belong to a club called the Bohemian club. One of my friends had a retired 4 star general managing his vineyards. The General was a member of the Bohemian club. Just to give you an idea of the lack of true nobility and integrity of many of its members, the General ended up embesseling money from this operation. My friend took him to court where he cried and asked for leniency.
Another tell told to me in confidence, but I must breach it due to the more important issues involved in my book, is that another friend of mine shared a house with a known US assassin named “Spencer” that the Washington Post reported about. Spencer was gay. Why many US assassins are gay is still a mystery to me. I’ve been told many speculations. In any case, he could walk into the white house and escort my friend without showing ID. Of course he made many attempts to convert my friend’s sexual preference. Spence died of AIDS. Sounds incredible, but this is the truth of our country.
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