President George HW Bush Announces the Gulf War and “the Opportunity to Forge for Ourselves and Future Generations, a New World Order” and again at the State of the Union Address: “What is at Stake is more than One Small Country; it is a Big Idea: a New World Order.” St. Valentine’s Day Massacre: America Shelter bombing in Baghdad, Iraq; Drug Trafficker, Ramon Navarro, Killed in Mysterious Car Accident One Day Prior to Subpoena to Testify Against CIA Asset Manuel Noriega; Supreme Court Nominee Clarence Thomas and Sexual Harassment Accuser Anita Hill Begin Testimony Before the Senate Judiciary Committee; Lt. Alan Standorf, one of the First NSA Whistleblowers on Mass Surveillance, Found Dead in the Back of a Car at Reagan Airport; Investigative Reporter, Danny Casalaro, ‘Suicided’ Prior to Publishing “Something Really Big” According to Friends
Club of Rome’s Report ‘The First Global Revolution’: “In searching for the new enemy to unite us, we came up with…the threat of global warming…”; The Jesus Seminar Concludes: A 6 Year Record of Voting from Liberal ‘Scholars’ that Ruled Out 80% of Jesus’ Words Attributed to Jesus; Perth Australia Police Prove Link Between Organized Child Sex Abuse and Devil Worship; Expert Testifies of Finding Some Physical Signs of Satanic Child Abuse; The Oak Hill Daycare Satanic Ritual Abuse Case Began; A Dozen Children in Evansville, IN Claimed to be Abused in Satanic Rituals at the Same Blue House after Being Taken from School, but Police are Denied Warrant; Case Closed; Col. Bo Gritz Publishes ‘Called to Serve’ after Discovering Massive Heroin Production Involving the CIA and Military in Southeast Asia; Three Time NY Teacher of the Year, John Taylor Gatto, Quits Teaching Because Modern Education is ‘Hurting Children’;
Robert Carton, a Sr. EPA Scientist, Summarized His Conclusions on Fluoridation to the Drinking Water Subcommittee that Involved Fraud & Political Interference; Michael Riconosciuto Files Affidavit in Inslaw Case that the DOJ Stole the PROMIS Software from Inslaw for Gov’t Use; U.S. Patent Issued to Hughes Aircraft Co. Proposing Injecting into the Upper Atmosphere, a “very fine, white talcum-like” Powder for the Stated purpose of Reducing Global Warming”; and the Navy and Marine’s Tailhook Scandal.
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Gorbachev’s Resignation Marked the end of USSR (The Phony Collapse of the Soviet Union)

CNN Special Report: The Shadow Government

Robert Carton, a Sr. EPA Scientist, Summarized His Conclusions on Fluoridation to the Drinking Water Subcommittee that Involved Fraud & Political Interference

David Funderburk: “George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one-world government.”

Supreme Court Nominee Clarence Thomas and Sexual Harassment Accuser Anita Hill Begin Testimony Before the Senate Judiciary Committee

Col. Bo Gritz Publishes ‘Called to Serve’ after Discovering Massive Heroin Production Involving the CIA and Military in Southeast Asia

The Tailhook Scandal: Navy and Marine Aviators Gone Wild!

Club of Rome’s Report ‘The First Global Revolution’: “In searching for the new enemy to unite us, we came up with…the threat of global warming…”

The Oak Hill Daycare Satanic Ritual Abuse Case Began