Taking Back Our Stolen History


There is a Constitutional right to life in the United States. Amendment 5 of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights states that no one can be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. This was based on the Declaration of Independence, which said that all people are endowed by their Creator with the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and that the primary purpose of government is to secure these rights. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution repeats the right to life, liberty or property and requires that every person be provided equal protection of the laws. Every president, vice-president, cabinet member, federal or Supreme Court judge, Congressman, and Senator, upon election or appointment to office, swears an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.

In spite of this, it’s estimated that about one million abortions take place annually and about 60 million abortions have been performed in the U.S. since 1973, based on accumulative data from the two primary sources of U.S. abortion statistics – U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Guttmacher Institute, an arm of Planned Parenthood.

From 1973 to 1997, the CDC received data from all 50 states; however, beginning in 1998, some states did not report, including California. The sizable drop in abortions between 1997 and 1998 (from 1,186,039 to 884,273) reflects the absence of data from those non-reporting states. The third column of the chart lists the annual percent of change based on the states reporting the previous year and provides the best big picture of abortion trends.

Human life and personhood begin at conception. This is a scientifically proven and indisputable fact. According to the worldwide acclaimed geneticist Dr. Jerome Lejeune, at the moment of conception every chromosome that will determine every genetic trait is present at conception. At 18 days after conception the baby’s heartbeat is strong enough that a sonogram can detect it. The brain and central nervous system are working in the womb–a definite sign of life, according to The Developing Human, a textbook in embryology used by medical schools training obstetricians.

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Chronological History of Events Related to Abortion

Ximena Survives the Abortion Attempted by her Mother and is Later Found Alive, although Damaged, in the Dead Fetus Storage Area

Ximena Survives the Abortion Attempted by her Mother and is Later Found Alive, although Damaged, in the Dead Fetus Storage Area

Ximena's odyssey with Vancouver General Hospital began, the day she was born. After attempting an abortion at a free-standing mill in Bellingham, Wash. Ximena's birth mother entered VGH, where she gave birth. According to court documents, staff delivered the child into a "hat"--a plastic pot--and then senior nurse Vera Wood whisked her away. Ximena was placed in a room "where dead fetuses were stored," even though ...
Ronald Reagan's Evil Empire Speech: "Freedom Prospers when Religion is Vibrant and the Rule of Law under God is Acknowledged."

Ronald Reagan’s Evil Empire Speech: “Freedom Prospers when Religion is Vibrant and the Rule of Law under God is Acknowledged.”

President Ronald Reagan delivered the following address on March 8, 1983, before the National Association of Evangelicals. This was the first time President Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as an “evil empire.” In fact, he used the term “evil” eight times in the speech, and by so doing clearly and boldly characterized the Cold War as a contest between the forces of good—represented by the ...
Gianna Jessen's 17-Year Old Birthmother Attempted a Saline Abortion, but Surprisingly the Next Day She Miraculously Gave Birth to a Living Baby.

Gianna Jessen’s 17-Year Old Birthmother Attempted a Saline Abortion, but Surprisingly the Next Day She Miraculously Gave Birth to a Living Baby.

On this date, Gianna Jessen's 17 year old birthmother (Tina) sought a saline abortion at seven months pregnant. Saline abortions involve injecting a caustic saline solution into the amniotic fluid, which (normally) causes the fetus to be scalded to death and then delivered dead. In this case, however, things didn't go according to plan. In the early hours of April 7th, Tina went into labor and ...
John Holdren, Future Science Czar Under Obama, Advocates for Forced Abortions and Mass Sterilization Through the Water Supply for Population Control

John Holdren, Future Science Czar Under Obama, Advocates for Forced Abortions and Mass Sterilization Through the Water Supply for Population Control

John Holdren, later appointed by Obama as Science Czar (2009), in his book "Ecoscience", he advocates for extreme totalitarian measures (such as forced abortion and mass sterilization through water supply) to control the population: "Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the ...
Feminist-Socialist Simone de Beauvoir, said "Women Should Not Have That Choice (to Stay Home & Raise Their Children)" calling Family and Maternal Instinct a Myth.

Feminist-Socialist Simone de Beauvoir, said “Women Should Not Have That Choice (to Stay Home & Raise Their Children)” calling Family and Maternal Instinct a Myth.

Feminist-socialist Simone de Beauvoir, said in her famous 1975 interview with Communist and feminist Betty Friedan in The Saturday Review: "No woman should be authorized to stay at home to raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one… In my opinion, as long as the ...
The US Supreme Court Issued the Roe v. Wade Decision, Which, in Effect, Legalized Abortion-On-Demand.

The US Supreme Court Issued the Roe v. Wade Decision, Which, in Effect, Legalized Abortion-On-Demand.

In 1970, Norma McCorvey, under the pseudonym “Jane Roe,” filed a law suit challenging the Texas laws that criminalized abortion. The “Roe” of that case is described as a pregnant woman who “wished to terminate her pregnancy by an abortion ‘performed by a competent, licensed physician, under safe, clinical conditions’; that she was unable to get a ‘legal’ abortion in Texas..." Her attorneys, looking to further ...
The Equal Rights Amendment is Passed by Congress and Sent to States for Ratification but Stopped by Phyllis Schlafly's Grassroots Movement

The Equal Rights Amendment is Passed by Congress and Sent to States for Ratification but Stopped by Phyllis Schlafly’s Grassroots Movement

The so-called Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution passed by Congress in 1972 and sent to the states for ratification with a deadline for ratification of seven years. It was stopped by a conservative grassroots movement led by Phyllis Schlafly, which raised compelling objections including the following: it would require identical treatment of men and women, and boys and girls, in every way, such as allowing ...
Secret Society Insider, Dr. Richard Day, National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, Reveals the Global Elite's Evil Plan for Humanity

Secret Society Insider, Dr. Richard Day, National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, Reveals the Global Elite’s Evil Plan for Humanity

There was a meeting of pediatricians and students which took place at the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society and one of the speakers was Dr. Richard Day, an eminent professor and physician as well as well as Director of Planned Parenthood. He asked that no notes or recordings be made of the meeting due to possible danger and/or consequences. He then revealed not just what is planned for the ...
CBS REPORTS Airs an Episode Titled 'The New Left'

CBS REPORTS Airs an Episode Titled ‘The New Left’

The New Left was a broad political movement mainly in the 1960s and 1970s consisting of activists in the Western world who campaigned for a broad range of reforms on issues such as civil and political rights, feminism, gay rights, abortion rights, gender roles and drug policy reforms. Some saw the New Left as an oppositional reaction to earlier Marxist and labor union movements for social ...
The National Organization for Women (NOW) was Founded in Washington, DC by Communist and Jewish Betty Friedan

The National Organization for Women (NOW) was Founded in Washington, DC by Communist and Jewish Betty Friedan

The National Organization for Women (NOW), an American leftist, feminist organization, was founded in 1966 and consists of 550 chapters in all 50 U.S. states and in Washington, D.C. This group advocates the unfettered right to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; seeks to "eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia" from American society; attacks Christianity and traditional religious values; and supports gender-based preferences for women. It's co-founder and first president: Betty ...