Taking Back Our Stolen History
Big Pharma
Big Pharma

US Senator Wm. Lancer Petitions Congress to Investigate the Federal Injunction Imposed on Dr. Koch Following Success in Canada & South America in Cancer & Veterinary Treatments

Here is an excerpt from remarks read into the Congressional Record by US Senator William Lancer, on June 7, 1948. It not only reveals the …

Dr. Max Gerson Called to Testify Before Congress (The Pepper-Neely Bill) on his Miraculous Cancer Treatment which was Later Expunged from the Congressional Record

On July 1-3 1946, Dr. Max Gerson was called to testify before the United States Senate at a hearing for the Pepper- Neely Anti-cancer Bill …

Eight Doctors signed a petition to the Dept of National Health and Welfare at Ottawa, asking for Independent Research on Nurse Caisse’s Cancer Cure Discovery

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCG84hOqbOw Rene Caisse operated her cancer clinic under the supervision and observation of a number of doctors.  Based on what those doctors saw with their …