Taking Back Our Stolen History


It is essential for mankind to understand the truth about the Creation—the creation of the earth, the universe, of man, and of all forms of life. This understanding is essential to salvation. Unless and until we gain a true view of the creation of all things we cannot hope to gain that fullness of eternal reward which otherwise would be ours. For those who understand that we are indeed the product of intelligent design and not some unscientific random explosion, we desire to understand more about our creator and the earth on which we dwell. For Christians, the creation is the first of the three pillars of eternity – the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement. The creation of all things, the fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ in Gethsemane and on the Cross at Calvary are the three most important events that ever have or ever will occur on Earth. These events intertwine to form the very fiber of our being – who we are; why we’re here, for what purpose we were created, and where we are going, if anywhere, beyond earth life. If the atonement of Jesus Christ, which can alleviate the effects of both sin and death, is the central event to one’s salvation, then is not this event made possible only by the fall, and the fall made possible by the creation? How, why, and by whom were we created are questions that must surely stir in the heart of almost every individual at some point during their lifetime.

Evolution Lie  Flat, Stationary Earth  NASA  UFO’s & Aliens

Chronological History of Events Related to Creation Science

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