Started on Aug. 29, 2001 using the inventions of Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies, IBM “donated” $40 million to The Eclipse Consortium (later renamed The Eclipse Foundation) to promote “open source” software (free to users without licenses). The formation of Eclipse was nonsensical to IBMers because IBM’s culture was and still is to create proprietary software and hold patents and copyrights. In fact, IBM is today the largest holder of patents in the world. Evidence shows that IBM built a spy platform for a secret White House intelligence group formed by Bill Clinton through dubious Executive Orders, carried on through Bush and doubled-down under Obama. Eclipse is fueled by Wall Street. Users are enticed into giving up its intellectual property in exchange for false promises of security and privacy.
Eclipse issued version 2.0.1 of its source code (the secret sauce of a computer program). That version included all of the innovations of Columbus, Ohio innovator, Leader Technologies, Inc. Eleven weeks earlier, Leader had given a custody copy of its invention to their patent attorney, James P. Chandler, III. Chandler was also IBM’s chief outside intellectual property counsel. At that time, David J. Kappos was IBM’s chief inside intellectual property counsel. The Aug. 28, 2002 Eclipse Version 2.0.1 carried false IBM copyright claims over Leader’s innovations and references to an (Eclipse) Common Public License (CPL) version 0.5. Trouble is, Chandler was also Leader Technologies’ patent attorney and owed a duty of loyalty to his client to disclose this conflict of interest, but he did not, according to Leader officials.
AFI investigators were able to obtain a copy the Eclipse CPL version 0.5 (the earliest version). The document is a smoking gun in numerous ways. First, it formed the basis for virtually all subsequent user licenses agreement used in the “social” world to this day. You know, the 1,500-page End User License Agreement that no one reads–even though you as the user sign away all of your privacy and property rights to your intellectual property and privacy in exchange for use of the service. This means that all claims of ownership made by the major providers are fraudulent (since they received their base social software platform from Eclipse–all of them).
Second, it does not disclose Leader Technologies’ invention at the base of its source code. Therefore, the license itself may fraudulently induce third parties to use Leader invention as if it is coming from IBM.
By 2008, Eclipse boasted 191 members—a veritable Who’s Who of technology companies, their banks and mutual funds, and their federal government cronies, including IBM, Google, Alphabet (Google), YouTube (Google), SAP, Oracle, Sybase, Rational, HP, Wind River, Intel, Motorola, Hitachi, Samsung, Nokia, In-Q-Tel (C.I.A.), National Security Agency (NSA), National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), Fidelity, T. Rowe Price, Vanguard, Morgan Stanley, EMC, Dell, Facebook, Instagram (Facebook), LinkedIn (Facebook), WhatsApp (Facebook), Square (Facebook), Squarespace (Facebook), PayPal, Goldman Sachs, Togethersoft, Borland, QNX, Qualcomm, Xerox, Micron Technology, Cisco, Netflix, Apple, AOL, Kleiner Perkins, Yahoo, Tumblr (Yahoo), Flickr (Yahoo), Twitter, Computer Associates (CA), Microsoft (via University of Washington), Nokia (Microsoft), Siemens, IDG, BEA, AMD, NetApp, NEC, Compuware, Novell, Blackberry, TIBCO, SAS, Toshiba, Texas Instruments, Tsinghua University (Beijing), Wells Fargo, Honeywell, UBS, Credit Suisse, HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Barclays, State Street Corp, Bank of America and JPMorgan.
What was the quid pro quo for this unlikely collaboration of normally fierce competitors? Promise of free (Leader Technologies) social networking source code? Blackmail? Government contracts? Coercion? Greed? All of the above? This list of competitors and strange bedfellows is not logical otherwise.
Google was an early creation of The IBM Eclipse Foundation. Google went public on Aug. 18, 2004. IBM sold its famed PC Group to Lenovo (China) a three months later on Dec. 8, 2004, the same day The Eclipse Foundation claimed in internal documents they were “unable to locate” the original source of their source code (Leader Technologies, Columbus, Ohio), even though Leader’s patent attorney, James P. Chandler, III was also IBM’s chief outside counsel. “Beav” was Eddie Haskell’s nickname for Beaver Cleaver in the 50’s sitcom Leave it to Beaver.
“Android” or the Android OS operating system for many mobile devices is merely IBM Eclipse by another name. Eclipse is the progenitor of Google Android.
“Google representatives attended White House meetings more than once a week, on average, from the beginning of Obama’s presidency through October 2015. Nearly 250 people have shuttled from government service to Google employment or vice versa over the course of his administration.” —David Dayen, Apr. 22, 2016, The Intercept. PDF.
Third, it reveals the organizing legal culprits: “the Agreement Steward” which is IBM. As stated earlier, the inside and outside intellectual property leaders at IBM then were David J. Kappos and James P. Chandler.
Since IBM Eclipse distributed Leader’s source code to a Who’s Who of the technology world, including Facebook, based upon this Common Public License, this means the center of legal gravity for the fraudulent distribution of Leader’s invention was David J. Kappos and James P. Chandler. Also noteworthy is the fact that James P. Chandler, III was mentoring Eric H. Holder, Jr., Assistant Attorney General back in 2001, along with David J. Kappos at IBM. The clutch of conspirators is tightening.
Remarkably, Kappos was appointed as director of the Patent Office by Barack Obama on Aug. 07, 2009 in a controversial recess appointment. Obama, Holder and Chandler all attended or taught at Harvard Law School. Subsequently, Kappos pushed through the “America Invents Act” which arguably has done more to destroy inventor rights than any patent reform in the last 100 years.
Despite Leader Technologies proving four times that their social networking patent claims for novel and innovative, Kappos formed an unprecedented secret court inside the Patent Office and declared Leader’s patent invalid on Oct. 17, 2012. Kappos announced his resignation as director of the Patent Office six weeks later.
In American law, fraud undoes a Kappos kangaroo court judgment. Kappos’ secret court that acted unlawfully against Leader Technologies’ patent was staffed with IBM and Microsoft loyalist patent judges led by former IBM and Microsoft employee, Stephen C. Siu.
While Chandler and Kappos were busy fixing their Leader Technologies problem, Chandler busied himself with the legal framework by which the NSA and a secret White House intelligence group were given a master key to all user data and metadata (data about data) collected under his (Eclipse) Common Public License.
Despite The Eclipse Foundation’s central role in the development of social networking, The Eclipse Foundation has received almost no mainstream media or political scrutiny. One likely reason is that the politicians and the mainstream media are all, by design. are hooked on the illegal drug—the allure of free services that generate advertising revenue and personal information.
Armed with dirt on every American and foreigner, Hillary and Bill busied themselves collecting speaking fees around the planet at approximately $250,000 per event. These bits of personal information also yeilded sizable “donations” to The Clinton Foundation. See previous post about the $3.1 billion Kazakhstan uranium deal brokered by the Clintons resulting in a contribution of $152 million to The Clinton Foundation.
(JUL. 24, 2017)—Citing bombshell lawyer notes of a private conversation, U.S. intelligence insiders called their plan to use stolen social networking technology to take over the Internet a “coup.” Leader Technologies and its founder and inventor, Michael McKibben, served the federal equivalent of a lien on the US government today. Leader CEO McKibben is the true inventor of social networking, as the timeline in the White House notice shows.
Leader filed a “Miller Act Notice” on the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue this morning. The Miller Act, 40 USC 3131, requires prime contractors on government contracts to post bonds guaranteeing payment to suppliers. Leader has proven breach of contract and argues that technology suppliers to the the Deep State have benefited from Leader’s inventions since 2000 without compensating Leader for those benefits. All this is explained in the Miller Act Notice. Likewise, when your builder doesn’t pay the subcontractors, the subs can file a mechanic’s lien. The Miller Act is similar, except that the federal government is exempt from having to sell its property to cover outstanding obligations. In lieu of a mechanic’s lien, federal contracts require surety bonds.
The timeline also reveals disturbing long-time collusion of Leader’s former patent attorney, James P. Chandler, with the White House ever since Bill Clinton’s presidency, right through George Bush and Barack Obama. It also shows his collusion with rogue intelligence operatives in the NSA, CIA, FBI and with IBM, among others. Perhaps this is why former executives from these agencies are speaking out against President Trump right now? They are attempting to hide this collusion?
Leader shows how the U.S. government stole its social networking inventions through Chandler, who was also Bill Clinton’s intelligence advisor. The timeline also reveals a disturbing pattern of collusion among rogue elements of the FBI, NSA and CIA with private industry that included former director Robert Mueller. Mueller is now leading the ever-expanding Donald Trump Russia collusion witch hunt.
Leader says the damages are valued at least $40 billion for historical damages, which they say is not actually close to the real number, and $184 billion per year in ongoing annual license fees. It appears that these amounts will be paid by the surety bond holders who supply the federal government’s intelligence apparatus, companies like IBM, Microsoft, Xerox, etc. This puts the payout in the coming years at well over one trillion dollars. The claim is after taxes, which means the government may generate $20 billion or more per year in taxes from this claim as the bond holders pay out.
Former defense secretary Robert M. Gates said in his book Duty that this rogue White House National Security Staff operation had already engulfed the White House during his tenure. He said it had grown from 50 under Clinton to 350 under Obama—a 700% increase. It appears that the primary goal of this surveillance is blackmail. National security has only ever been the excuse to consolidate the Deep State shadow government’s power.
Leader’s lead inventor, Michael McKibben, said “many investigators from around the country have been working on this notice for a long time. He also said that “numerous prominent whistleblowers have helped fill in the pieces of the puzzle.”
McKibben said he will be making a statement in the next few days. He emphasized that President Trump had nothing to do with the theft of social networking, but his predecessors Clinton, Bush and Obama did.
“On behalf of myself and my shareholders, I ask President Trump to correct the injustices we have suffered at the hands of an un-elected, rogue shadow government that has evidently hijacked the Internet to try and maintain their power.” McKibben said all he has ever wanted was a level playing field as promised in the U.S Constitution. Instead, he has encountered only crony capitalism where the winners and losers are predetermined and the courts are rigged. “In our experience, ‘Deep State shadow government’ is an accurate description for what we have uncovered,” he said. “I am asking the President to finally do right by me, my investors, private property rights, the U.S. Constitution and the Rule of Law.”
As McKibben points out:
“Even the FBI admitted recently that not a single terrorist has been stopped by the illegal dragnet surveillance that they set up using our social networking inventions. But it stands to reason that these bad guys have used this data for blackmail, as many whistleblowers now affirm. They evidently have the dirt on many in Congress and the Courts. We need some sort of truth and reconciliation commission to sort out this rogue spy blackmail scheme.”
On Apr. 20, 2016, Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam, former director of network architecture for Sun Microsystems, filed a civil RICO racketeering lawsuit against IBM. Dr. A holds over a dozen patents on the technology that facilitates web transactions from a Web application displayed on a Web browser. Members of The IBM Eclipse Foundation have been fighting her as if she never existed. This posture is identical to Facebook’s approach to social networking inventor, Leader Technologies. Now we know why: they are all protecting the dirty little secret that IBM illegally claimed copyrights on Arunachalam’s and Leader Technologies’ inventions, then proclaimed it all “Open Source” (royalty free) so they could give it away while flipping the backdoor keys on ALL social networking services to the NSA. The Delaware Clerk of Court’s New Complaint Intake Supervisor, Bob Cruikshank, docketed the complaint in a dubious way that makes it difficult to download. Here is a full version, properly separated. According to Dr. A, the Clerk of Court’s new Complaint Intake Supervisor Bob Cruikshank became belligerent when Dr. Arunachalam asked him to docket it properly. His response was to break it into four nonsensical parts.
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam’s IBM Racketeering Complaint. Exhibits will follow once investigators sort out Bob Cruikshank’s confused mess of exhibits (added Apr. 27, 2016 below). One could be excused for thinking that Mr. Cruikshank messed up the exhibits to deter the public from reading the mountain of proofs of racketeering, conspiracy, fraud and corruption among the federal courts, Wall Street and corrupt law firms like Skadden Arps LLP. Delaware chief judge and Obama nominee Leonard P. Stark worked for Skadden Arps. Stark was later shoe-horned in at the last minute in Leader v. Facebookby Eric H. Holder, Jr.’s Justice Department and the White House that was being advised by a Facebook attorney, Donald K. Stern.
Below is a slide from an early Eclipse meeting showing the players involved in the Eclipse Foundation. The Eclipse Foundation software has been the basis for every social media platform and was stolen from Leader Technologies. According to the investigative work of Aim4Truth who have created to expose the greatest patent theft in history, cartel members (both who helped create or were created by) include many of the same suspects: IBM (of course), BlackRock, State Street, Fidelty, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Accenture, Accel Partners, AT&T, Baidu (China), Bank of America, Barclays, Boston Scientific, CBS, CGI Group, Cisco, Citigroup, Comcast, Credit Suisse, Dell, Deutsche Bank, EMC, Expedia (Microsoft), Facebook, Groupon, HP, Intel, iShares, JPMorgan, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Motorola, Oracle, T. Rowe Price, Raymond James, Royal Bank of Canada,, Tesla Motors, TIBCO, Time Warner, UBS, Wells Fargo, Verizon, Walmart, Walt Disney (ABC), Wells Fargo, Xerox.
One interesting logo in the middle (above), is Clemson University, the same university that rose from mediocrity to having become a powerhouse in football but not without controversy. Rumors began to swirl in 2011 when Clemson, following a 6-7 season, was able to sign several blue chip players with 5 star ratings. This is a feat rarely accomplished by the winningest teams in college football so it certainly raised some flags. Adding fuel to the fire, multiple Clemson recruits instagrammed pictures of themselves holding wads of cash:
No NCAA investigation occurred, but prosecutors in the college basketball corruption scandal played an FBI video wiretap involving Clemson hoops assistant Steve Smith in 2018. While much of the conversation was centered on top prospects in basketball like Zion Williamson and what the Tigers could do to lure them to campus, somewhat surprisingly the topic of football came up. According to Smith, who has been on Clemson’s basketball staff since 2012, the Tigers were engaged in attempts to pay star basketball recruit Zion Williamson before he signed with Duke.
Via’s Matt Norlander:
We are on a short break and there is a lot to share, much of which will have to wait until court breaks later.
— Matt Norlander (@MattNorlander) April 25, 2019
During the discussion about paying Williamson, Smith referenced similar “pay-to-play” arrangements involving Clemson’s football program – which has appeared in the College Football Playoff (CFP) four years in a row (now 5) and captured national titles in 2016 and 2018.
“That’s why football is so successful, is if you do it and use resources at Clemson, like you can really keep everything tight,” he said. “It’s a small college town … you can come to a game one night, after the game you see a dude out there in a nice looking suit, you like, ‘wait a minute now.’”1
Testing prior to the 2018 championship game resulted in 3 players testing positive to the illegal PED Osterine with no more than 20 tested and likely closer to 10. Clemson refused to release the results of the tests. The NCAA didn’t investigate cheating and the Clemson internal investigation was inconclusive. In the 2019 playoff, Clemson was the beneficiary of an overturned call that left all of college football wondering how the call could possibly be overturned.
We The People must put a stop to this immorality. A stable political and economic house cannot be built on this corrupt foundation.
Chronological History of Events Involving the Eclipse Foundation

Goldman Sachs Fined $6 billion to Settle Faulty Mortgage Claims from the 2008 Financial Crisis. No Worries! They got $13 Billion in Taxpayer Bailout Funds

IBM sold 750 “junk” patents to Facebook, their Eclipse offspring, Likely so Facebook Could Harass other Tech Companies as IBM had done in the 90’s

Leader Technologies v. Facebook Patent Infringement Trial Ends in a Split Verdict

Leader Technologies sues Facebook for Patent Infringement. How the Deep State Conspired to Steal their Social Networking Invention as a Tool for Rogue CIA Mind Control

Facebook Launches with CIA Front-man Mark Zuckerburg