Taking Back Our Stolen History
Evolution v. Intelligent Design

Evolution v. Intelligent Design

Evolution has played such a major role in shaping modern society that it is essential for every member of our culture to understand the theory, the evidence for it, and its implications. It is more difficult than one might first expect to discover exactly what the theory of evolution says. One reason is that it has changed drastically over the relatively brief period that it has been the ruling paradigm of Western thought. Changes are not usually broadcast to the general public. (See Arthur S. Lodge’s search for a definition.)

When the theory first became popular, following Charles Darwin’s proposal of natural selection as the means to drive the process, it was a simple and very appealing hypothesis. Life was rather simple in those days. Algae, amoebae and such humble creatures were blobs of protoplasm which Darwin postulated might have just happened in some warm little pond by the chance coming together of chemicals. It was rather easy to imagine that a few relatively simple changes in this protoplasm could lead to developmental change, and that natural selection would ensure that better adaptation would be preserved. Changes which led to worse adaptation would die out as poorly adapted creatures would perish in the struggle for existence and fail to leave offspring with their inferior design.

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Chronological History of Evolution vs. Creation Science

The Archaeoraptor Fraud of National Geographic Magazine (The Piltdown Chicken)

The Archaeoraptor Fraud of National Geographic Magazine (The Piltdown Chicken)

At a press conference held at National Geographic Headquarters October 15, a team of Geographic-supported experts unveiled the fossil, which they named Archaeoraptor liaoningensis. At the time, the team members announced that the 125-million-year-old creature, as well as two other fossils from China which were also featured, demonstrated that feathers were widespread among theropods, the carnivorous dinosaurs that include Tyrannosaurus rex and Velociraptor. Unique to the ...
PETA Founder: "Animal liberationists do not separate out the human animal. . . . A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They are all mammals"

PETA Founder: “Animal liberationists do not separate out the human animal. . . . A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They are all mammals”

Ingrid Newkirk, a British-born animal rights activist, and the co-founder and president of PETA, the world's largest animal rights organization, said: "Animal liberationists do not separate out the human animal, so there is no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They are all mammals" (Vogue magazine, Sept. 1, 1989) ...
Edwards v. Aguillard: SCOTUS held that the Creationism Act was Intended to Promote Religion, and Therefore Violated the Establishment Clause

Edwards v. Aguillard: SCOTUS held that the Creationism Act was Intended to Promote Religion, and Therefore Violated the Establishment Clause

Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578 (1987), was a United States Supreme Court case concerning the constitutionality of teaching creationism. The Court ruled that a Louisiana law requiring that where evolutionary science was taught in public schools, creation science must also be taught, violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. It also held that "teaching a variety of scientific theories about the origins of humankind ...
The Orce Man, another Failed Attempt to Connect the Still Missing Link to Evolution, was Exposed as Fraud

The Orce Man, another Failed Attempt to Connect the Still Missing Link to Evolution, was Exposed as Fraud

Among the many front-page stories over the centuries that were published with much fanfare that report the discovery of evidence for human evolution was discovered only to be later retracted. Here the evidence was first hailed as the oldest human remains ever found in Europe but turned out to belong to a donkey skull. Found in the southern Spanish town of Orce in 1982 was quickly ...
Secret Society Insider, Dr. Richard Day, National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, Reveals the Global Elite's Evil Plan for Humanity

Secret Society Insider, Dr. Richard Day, National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, Reveals the Global Elite’s Evil Plan for Humanity

There was a meeting of pediatricians and students which took place at the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society and one of the speakers was Dr. Richard Day, an eminent professor and physician as well as well as Director of Planned Parenthood. He asked that no notes or recordings be made of the meeting due to possible danger and/or consequences. He then revealed not just what is planned for the ...
Epperson v. Arkansas: The U.S. Supreme Court Ruled that a Law Prohibiting the Teaching of Evolution in Tax-Supported Schools is Unconstitutional

Epperson v. Arkansas: The U.S. Supreme Court Ruled that a Law Prohibiting the Teaching of Evolution in Tax-Supported Schools is Unconstitutional

The evolution controversy did not come before the U.S. Supreme Court until Epperson v. Arkansas,[39] a 1968 challenge to the constitutionality of an Arkansas statute prohibiting the teaching of evolution.[40] By this time, the nonestablishment clause had been applied to the states, and in this case the Jeffersonian and Madisonian view of that clause carried the day. In other words, the challenge to the Arkansas law ...
The Miller Urey Experiment is Published: The Experiment Evolutionists tout as Proof of Darwinism / Evolution

The Miller Urey Experiment is Published: The Experiment Evolutionists tout as Proof of Darwinism / Evolution

Remember learning about Louis Pasteur? Just before his time, many people believed maggots popped into life wherever meat was left out. They didn’t understand the connection between them and flies. They still thought wine fermented on its own, never thinking about yeast. Belief in life just popping into existence without a parent is called Spontaneous Generation. Back before Jesus’ day, the Greeks and Romans already believed in it. It ...
Discovery of the Double-Helix Chemical Structure of DNA, Credited to Watson and Crick - Ignoring the Real Discoverer, Dr. Rosalind Franklin

Discovery of the Double-Helix Chemical Structure of DNA, Credited to Watson and Crick – Ignoring the Real Discoverer, Dr. Rosalind Franklin

It's commonly believed that James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix shape of DNA. But in fact, they based their work on one of their colleagues at King's College in London - Rosalind Franklin, an x-ray diffraction expert whose images of DNA proteins in the early 1950s revealed a helix shape. It wasn't until they saw Franklin's work that Watson and Crick began hunting for ...
Hitler Commits Suicide in Bunker... or Does He? Declassified Secret FBI Files Prove Hitler Escaped to Argentina

Hitler Commits Suicide in Bunker… or Does He? Declassified Secret FBI Files Prove Hitler Escaped to Argentina

Newly declassified FBI documents prove that the government knew Hitler was alive and well, and living in the Andes Mountains long after World War II. On April 30 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his underground bunker. His body was later discovered and identified by the Soviets before being rushed back to Russia. Or was it? Is it really possible that the Soviets have been lying ...
The Nebraska Man Hoax: Professor Henry Osborn Receives a Old Worn Pigs Tooth from a Nebraska Farmer and Sells it to  the World as an Evolutionary Ape Man Tooth

The Nebraska Man Hoax: Professor Henry Osborn Receives a Old Worn Pigs Tooth from a Nebraska Farmer and Sells it to the World as an Evolutionary Ape Man Tooth

“The study and description of this part of the collection was assigned by Professor [Henry Fairfield] Osborn to the writers, and its results appear in the following pages… The anterior molars and premolars of this genus of peccaries show a startling resemblance to the teeth of Anthropoidea, and might well be mistaken for them by anyone not familiar with the dentition of Miocene peccaries.”– W. D ...