Arizona LD 3 Republicans Declare National Days Of Prayer
The Legislative District 3 Republicans in Maricopa County, Arizona, have passed a resolution — with near unanimous support — to “ask all citizens of the United States of America to declare that on Friday, September 23, 2022, Friday October 21, 2022 and on Sunday November 6, 2022 will be days to steadfastly pray and observe the tenants of God so that our country may be worthy of the blessings of the Covenant; liberty, protection and prosperity” Legislative District 3 is the largest district in Arizona, and over 400 people reportedly voted on this resolution. “Whereas the upcoming General Election held on November 8th, ...

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church: Christians Around the World United in Fast and Prayer for Persecuted Christians.
Christians around the world united in prayer for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church — a global prayer meeting for Christian brothers and sisters who boldly witness for Christ at any cost. VOM’s 2019 IDOP short film, Sang-chul: North Korea, provides a dramatic example of the challenges of following Christ inside the world’s most restricted nation. The film will inspire you and your family, group, class or church to pray for persecuted Christians in North Korea and around the world. Filmed on the Korean peninsula, the film shares the true story of Pastor Han, who was ...

Study: Raising Kids With Religion Or Spirituality May Protect Their Mental Health
A new study from Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health finds that kids and teens who are raised with religious or spiritual practices tend to have better health and mental health as they age. But not to worry if you’re not a service-attender. The research, published last week in the American Journal of Epidemiology, finds that people who prayed or meditated on their own time also reaped similar benefits, including lower risk of substance abuse and depression later on. The team looked at data from 5,000 people taking part in the long-term Nurses' Health Study II and its next generation Growing Up Today Study ...

President Trump’s Extraordinary Christmas Speech
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ufu6ID8nbeY (LifeSiteNews) -- President Trump gave the following address at the lighting of the National Christmas Tree on Thursday, November 30, 2017. LifeSiteNews is pleased to bring you his address in full. Today's the day that I've been looking very much forward to all year long. It's one that we have heard and we speak about and we dream about and now as the President of the United States, it's my tremendous honor to finally wish America and the world a very Merry Christmas. I want to thank everyone who has come together here right in front of the ...

Lisa’s Prayer: From Abuse to Freedom
It’s a long shot being here and brave enough to stand before you this day. I came from a family who struggled in life because of poverty. Also my father was irresponsible. I have 11 siblings living in Mindanao that I never met again since we we were separated when I was little. I witnessed how my mother suffered in every situation. But the worst thing my father did was sexually abuse me several times. Since then I became quiet and I never told anyone because I felt better if no one knew. And I kept asking myself how ...

Lee v. Weisman: Supreme Court Ruled 5-4 that Prayers During School Graduation Violate the Establishment Clause
In the case of Lee vs. Weisman, The Supreme Court ruled that for an adult to mention the word God at a public graduation constituted both psychological and religious coercion against his students. Yet, consider the actions of William Samuel Johnson, a signer of the Constitution and one of America’s leading educators who served as the first president of Columbia College. At his graduation exercises William Samuel Johnson declared to the students, “You, this day, have received a public education. The purpose whereof had been to qualify you better to serve your Creator and your country. Your first great duties, ...

The Cokeville Elementary Bombing Miracle
On a sunny Friday afternoon in 1986, the unthinkable happened in the small town of Cokeville, Wyoming. Two people walked into the local elementary school and took the town’s children and teachers hostage. In that moment, the Mormon community of Cokeville’s trust was broken, but something far more extraordinary was about to happen. As a result, the events of that May 16th not only showed the dark depths of humanity – but also the bright potential of faith. David Young was mentally troubled throughout his life, but, for a time, he was able to focus on his career. After ...

President Ronald Reagan’s Radio Address on Christmas to the Nation
My fellow Americans: Like so many of your homes, the White House is brimming with greens, colorful decorations, and a tree trimmed and ready for Christmas day. And when Nancy and I look out from our upstairs windows, we can see the National Christmas Tree standing in majestic beauty. Its lights fill the air with a spirit of love, hope, and joy from the heart of America. I shared that spirit recently when a young girl named Amy Benham helped me light our national tree. Amy had said that the tree that lights up our country must be seen ...

Ronald Reagan’s Evil Empire Speech: “Freedom Prospers when Religion is Vibrant and the Rule of Law under God is Acknowledged.”
President Ronald Reagan delivered the following address on March 8, 1983, before the National Association of Evangelicals. This was the first time President Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as an “evil empire.” In fact, he used the term “evil” eight times in the speech, and by so doing clearly and boldly characterized the Cold War as a contest between the forces of good—represented by the United States—and the forces of evil, as embodied in the Soviet leadership. The speech was controversial, drawing criticism from many in the media and the Democratic party. But it gave hope to millions ...

Murray v. Curlett Ruling: School Prayer Removed from School by Supreme Court
Madalyn Murray O'Hair, a militant left wing atheist with close ties to the American Communist Party, took the school board of Baltimore to court for allowing prayer in school. The local court judge J. Gilbert Pendergast dismissed the petition stating, "It is abundantly clear that petitioners' real objective is to drive every concept of religion out of the public school system." The case went to the Maryland Court of Appeals, and the court ruled, "neither the First nor the Fourteenth Amendment was intended to stifle all rapport between religion and government." The case was then heard by the U.S ...