Taking Back Our Stolen History


One of Europe’s largest countries, Germany encompasses a wide variety of landscapes: the tall, sheer mountains of the south; the sandy, rolling plains of the north; the forested hills of the urbanized west; and the plains of the agricultural east. At the spiritual heart of the country is the magnificent east-central city of Berlin, which rose phoenixlike from the ashes of World War II and now, after decades of partition, is the capital of a reunified Germany, and the Rhine River, which flows northward from Switzerland and is celebrated in visual art, literature, folklore, and song. Along its banks and those of its principal tributaries—among them the Neckar, Main, Moselle, and Ruhr—stand hundreds of medieval castles, churches, picturesque villages, market towns, and centers of learning and culture, including Heidelberg, the site of one of Europe’s oldest universities (founded in 1386), and Mainz, historically one of Europe’s most important publishing centers. All are centerpieces of Germany’s thriving tourist economy, which brings millions of visitors to the country each year, drawn by its natural beauty, history, culture, and cuisine (including its renowned wines and beers). (Britannica)

Eva Vlaardingerbroek at CPAC Hungary: The Great Replacement Is No Longer A Theory, It's Reality

Eva Vlaardingerbroek at CPAC Hungary: The Great Replacement Is No Longer A Theory, It’s Reality

White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever accelerating rate and it will mean the end of our civilization if we don’t turn things around. Dutch lawyer and political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek is on a mission to fight the eradication of our freedom and fundamental rights. She spoke on April 27, 2024 in Budapest, Hungary at CPAC Hungary on the worldwide invasions taking ...
German Data Analyst Reveals Data from Health Insurance Shows 4 Times Increase in Sudden Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts

German Data Analyst Reveals Data from Health Insurance Shows 4 Times Increase in Sudden Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts

German data analyst Tom Lausen held a conference on Monday in the Bundestag to discuss the massive rise in people who died “suddenly and unexpectedly” after the Covid vaccine rollout. Only one mainstream journalist was present during the press conference. The National Association for Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (NASHIP) provided the data covering over 72 million insured Germans. NASHIP or “Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung (KBV),” is the coordinating body ...
Berlin State Supreme Court Rules Elections in the German Capital were Fraudulent and Corrupt; Orders Redo

Berlin State Supreme Court Rules Elections in the German Capital were Fraudulent and Corrupt; Orders Redo

Elections in the German capital of Berlin were so fraudulent they will have to be repeated, the Berlin State Supreme Court ruled today. YouTube had threatened to censor any claims of election irregularities and now looks a lot like Fake News. “The elections to the Berlin House of Representatives and  the district assemblies are declared invalid in the entire electoral area,”  the President of the Berlin ...
Nord Stream Pipelines Sabotaged by US & Poland

Nord Stream Pipelines Sabotaged by US & Poland

Three deep-water explosions destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines under the Baltic Sea on Monday. While the MSM and governments reported “leaks” in the pipelines following sudden pressure drops to zero, Swedish seismologists knew better. The Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which runs parallel to Nord Stream 1 and was intended to double the capacity for undersea gas imports from Russia, was blocked by Berlin in the days ...
Germany to Ration Use of Gas for Electricity Production, Increase Coal Burning

Germany to Ration Use of Gas for Electricity Production, Increase Coal Burning

Germany’s economy minister said Sunday that the country will limit the use of gas for electricity production amid concerns about possible shortages caused by a reduction in supplies from Russia. Germany has been trying to fill its gas storage facilities to capacity ahead of the winter months, when gas is more urgently needed as a heating fuel. Economy Minister Robert Habeck said that Germany will try ...
The First European Case of Monkeypox Confirmed

The First European Case of Monkeypox Confirmed

As predicted, just as hysteria about COVID-19 is winding down, another “pandemic” is poised to take its place. This time, it’s monkeypox, an infection that just so happens to mimic many of the symptoms of COVID jab-induced shingles — so much so, the Department of Health in Queensland, Australia, used the same photo to illustrate both infections (the photos have since been removed or updated1). The ...
German Study: Number of Those Suffering Severe Complications After Taking COVID Vaccine Is 40 Times Higher Than Previously Recorded

German Study: Number of Those Suffering Severe Complications After Taking COVID Vaccine Is 40 Times Higher Than Previously Recorded

A new German study with around 40,000 participants concluded that severe complications after receiving the COVID vaccine. The study found that those suffering serious complications is 40 times higher than previously recorded. NEW - "The number of severe complications after vaccination against Sars-CoV-2 is 40 times higher than previously recorded by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI)," a study with around 40,000 participants by the Berlin Charité ...
Pfizer Document Dump Shows Doctor With Ties to Gates Foundation Deleted Trial Participant’s Vaccine Injury

Pfizer Document Dump Shows Doctor With Ties to Gates Foundation Deleted Trial Participant’s Vaccine Injury

An 80,000-page cache of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine documents released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sheds light on Pfizer’s extensive vaccine trials in Argentina, including the unusually large size of the trials and the story of a trial participant whose vaccine reaction was “disappeared.” The case of Augusto Roux in Argentina suggests that in at least one instance, a trial participant whose symptoms were determined to be connected to ...
German Gov’t Labels Journalist ‘Criminal,’ Freezes Bank Account Over Ukraine War Reporting

German Gov’t Labels Journalist ‘Criminal,’ Freezes Bank Account Over Ukraine War Reporting

An independent German journalist is being targeted by her government for documenting the ongoing atrocities by the Ukrainian government in the Donbas region. Alina Lipp claims the German government has opened a criminal case against her and frozen her and her father’s bank accounts pending a trial that she is forbidden to appear at over her reporting of Russia’s military operation in the Donbas region over the ...
German Insurer Warns: “More Vaccine Side Effects Than Previously Known”

German Insurer Warns: “More Vaccine Side Effects Than Previously Known”

A board member of German insurer BKK ProVita recently had analyzed the data of millions of insured individuals of the BKK group. The results conclude that the number of COVID-19 “vaccine” side effects is much higher than is being reported by the German federal agency and medical regulatory body, the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI). According to BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck, the new data is an “alarm signal.” He highlighted on Wednesday ...