According to the Gatestone report, “Facebook’s bias is so strong that it recently restored Palestinian Arab terrorist group Fatah’s Facebook page, which incites hatred and violence against Jews — despite having shut it down only three days earlier. In 2016 alone, this page had a minimum of 130 posts glorifying terror and murder of Jews.”
Angela Merkel, who grew up during the Cold War and became a Communist Party functionary, under the watchful eye of East Germany’s secret police, the Stasi, appears to be reverting to form. Although she has been rebranded as a “conservative,” she clearly favors the statist methods of her old communist regime.
Like Breitbart, Alex Jones’ InfoWars has exploded into a huge global presence on the Internet. Over the past two decades, he has built a multi-million-dollar, multi-media empire — including multiple websites, a nationally broadcast radio show, documentary video production, original reporting and commentary, and traveling “crisis news” crews — that is presenting a major challenge to the giant MSM corporate media. According to Alexa, the website traffic-rating company, in January 2017 received 400,419 daily unique visitors, 1,284,643 daily page views, 7,562,818 monthly unique visitors, and 40,562,397 monthly page views.
However, like Breitbart and Drudge, Jones has seen his advertising revenues slammed by the PC thought police. A tireless supporter of Donald Trump, and one of the earliest to rally to Trump’s anti-globalist banner, Alex Jones undoubtedly played a crucial role in rallying swing voters to Trump’s cause across the country. On his February 21 show, Jones reported on the new attack aimed at strangling his advertising revenue stream. And he let it be known there was no doubt in his mind that this assault is directly the result of his support for Trump.
“The election of Donald J. Trump as 45th President of the United States was a crushing blow to the globalist empire,” he said, “and there’s no question that the elite have pinned Infowars to be one of the primary driving factors behind the biggest upset to the New World Order in decades.”
“Today, Infowars has been banned from one of the largest advertising platforms in the world for its support of Donald J. Trump in an unprecedented attack on the liberty movement and free speech,” Jones continued. “This is a platform that Infowars has used to promote its own products to millions across the Web and as one of its primary sources of self-funding. In total, Infowars is expected to lose a large percentage of its total income that could be used to hire more reporters, build better studios, get better equipment, and keep on fighting.”
Jones reproduced a letter he had received from AdRoll informing him that “Infowars has been flagged by the AdRoll Policy team and, as a result, [advertising] campaigns suspended.” “All content on your website should be relevant, accurate, informative, and up to date. Any claims should be easily verifiable,” the AdRoll letter continued, before making the following incredible statement: “Furthermore, all political content should focus on the merits of the candidate, and political messaging should not target special interests or groups, or imply affiliations.”
That’s right, according to the AdRoll Policy team, “all political content” must meet their PC criteria. “This is in line with the policies of both AdRoll and our partner ad networks policies,” the letter claims, before stating, “Since your account was flagged, we are no longer able to run campaigns for your site and have now gone ahead and suspended the campaigns.” AdRoll is a partner of Google and Facebook, both of which were heavily involved in promoting Hillary Clinton — with financial support, tech expertise, and boosting pro-Hillary stories (while burying negative ones).
In a passionate rant filmed while driving his car, Alex Jones explains that the AdRoll ban is costing him $5 million in lost revenues, which is a sizable chunk of his $50 million annual intake and a big part of the budget he has planned for a Washington, D.C., office and other news centers in the United States and overseas. But it isn’t the financial loss that makes him furious, he says; it’s the arrogance of the globalists in thinking they can just roll over us. But they will fail in that, he vows, defiantly shouting that he and the InfoWars team, along with the growing army of infowarriors around the globe, which now numbers in the millions, will continue to go on the offense, making up the AdRoll loss from other sources — while also launching a RICO lawsuit against AdRoll and its “partners” for racketeering to deprive him of his First Amendment-protected rights. Anyone who thinks he isn’t totally committed to following through on this pledge, or that he isn’t fully capable of doing so, doesn’t really know Alex Jones. He may not be your cup of tea and his style may not suit your tastes, but like Donald Trump, he has proven over and over again that he is an indefatigable force, and one to be reckoned with.
Since AdRoll, Omnicom, or AppNexus claim to be on a campaign to expunge “fake news” and “hate speech,” would it not be consistent for them also to drop advertising for CNN, MSNBC, CBS, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Huffington Post, and other denizens of the Big Media Left for failing to “focus on the merits of the candidate” in their vicious attacks on Trump and other conservatives? Don’t hold your breath; we find no evidence of similar actions by these self-anointed advertising ethicists adversely affecting any of the left-of-center MSM crowd.
This hypocritical virtue signaling is not surprising, since the current campaign to defund, marginalize, and destroy the independent challengers to the establishment media is being choreographed by the champions of “tolerance” hypocrisy, Morris Dees’ Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), David Brock’s Media Matters for America (MMfA), John Podesta’s Center for American Progress (CAP), and Norman Lear’s People for the American Way (PFAW), all of which have been lavishly funded by George Soros, his partners at Democracy Alliance, and the usual big tax-exempt foundations. Following the model honed by Brock in his successful attacks on the advertisers of Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura Schlesinger, Fox News, and others, they are working closely with the MSM character assassins to demonize everyone they perceive as a key threat on the Right. Then they use the “news” stories and “investigative exposés” crafted by their cabal to convince advertisers to drop advertising on the websites, networks, and programs they’ve targeted. They also use pressure from Facebook, Google, AdRoll, Omnicom, and AppNexus to destroy the target’s advertising base. In addition, they mobilize armies of trolls to swarm the comment sections of advertisers’ webpages with talking points from the MMfA/SPLC/PfAW/CAP smear repertoire.
There are additional tactics that get even dirtier, such as hacking and crashing a website, or using blackmail and intimidation. Mike Adams, known as “the Health Ranger,” is the founder of the hugely popular Natural News website (seven million unique visitors per month). On February 22, he announced that he had been blacklisted by Google’s search engines and that Google had removed 140,000 pages of Natural News ( content from their indexes.
Why? Appearing on the Dave Hodges radio program The Common Sense Show, Adams explained that he had been approached by people who tried to extort him into supporting their attacks on Alex Jones, whom he considers a friend and ally. “We will pay you $50,000 to provide us with damaging information against Alex Jones,” he was told. “If you do not help us, we will destroy you.” Adams revealed this extortion attempt on the Hodges show on February 19, just 48 hours before the AdRoll attack on Alex Jones. He thinks it’s a little too coincidental that the extortion bribe/threat to him, the attacks on Jones/Drudge/Breitbart and others, and the Google ban on him all happened in the time frame that they did, and in the larger context of an ongoing very large and very concentrated hostile campaign to destroy independent media. “Google sent no warning whatsoever to our ‘webmaster tools’ email address on file with them,” Adams says. “The shut off of Natural News was clearly driven by a human decision, not an algorithm.”
Less than two months before the advertising attack on Jones and the Google ban on Mike Adams, Matt Drudge Tweeted that he was under attack from a massive DDoS (distributed denial of service) hacking effort to crash his site. Drudge Tweeted:
Is the US government attacking DRUDGE REPORT?
Biggest DDoS since site’s inception. VERY suspicious routing [and timing].
— MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) December 30, 2016
Since the Drudge Report is one of the oldest surviving pioneer websites on the Internet, saying this is the biggest DDoS in the site’s history means the attacks are very serious. A second Tweet suggested that the attacks might possibly be the work of Deep State actors at the NSA, headquartered in Fort Meade, Maryland:
Attacking coming from ‘thousands’ of sources. Of course none of them traceable to Fort Meade …
— MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) December 30, 2016
Wild conspiracy theory? Paranoia? Hardly. This is war, and the globalists plan to take down all opposition, all resistance, all competition — one way or another. If you’re not already in the fight, it’s time to get in before it’s all over. Will you help roll back the onslaught of evil, or stand by and allow it to triumph? Here are some simple ways that you can help:
- Set as your browser home page; every click and page view helps us build our impact and advertising revenue stream;
- If you’re on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media, use them to post our articles — daily;
- Become an anti-troll; post polite, informative comments with links to our articles in forums and comment sections, especially in answer to the “trolls” (paid and otherwise) who are constantly attacking truth, morality, and liberty, while promoting the statist agenda;
- Contact advertisers of websites under attack by the Left to let them know you appreciate their support and urge them not to capitulate to the organized bullies; inform advertisers on MSM and leftist sites that you do not approve of their support for those sites/organizations;
- Buy products and services from online providers that support liberty;
- Support/encourage liberty-minded websites and organizations that are under attack; and
- Dump Google as your default search engine and use one that doesn’t promote the anti-freedom agenda and doesn’t track you, such as DuckDuckGo, StartPage, Blekko, Ixquick, or GoodGopher.
How the Tech-Giants break the Law Every Micro-Second with Censorship
Americans are just beginning to wake up to Google’s unlawful practice of applying its own political and religious biases to the most powerful search engine in the world. Everyone knows Google is an ultra-left tech giant that showers the Democratic Party in cash, promotes the fake-news anti-Trump hysterics of the alt-left Huffington Post and Daily Beast to the exclusion of real independent news and robs all of its “customers” of their privacy rights in ways that would make the National Security Agency blush. These practices are illegal for Google, Facebook, and other tech giants because of the special status and corporate exemptions to the laws of the land they have been granted by the U.S. government.
What most people don’t understand is that Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter don’t have the right you and I and most corporations have to take sides in the political debate – at least not in the work they do online. They gave that right away when they accepted immunization from legal liability, under the Communications Decency Act, from activities conducted on their platforms. For instance, they can’t be sued or prosecuted for defamation, libel, or indeed for any criminal activity that takes place in their online domains. They got those privileges by agreeing to serve as mere “carriers” of data – in other words, as utilities, like the old phone company. Therefore they can’t be held responsible for conversations, postings, or other online materials that involve illegal or otherwise dubious actors.
However, they also accepted another responsibility in order to qualify for that special protected status. They implicitly agreed to be neutral – not to provide favor to one political viewpoint or another, not to favor left-wing media over right-wing media, not to inhibit the freedom of speech of those with whom they might disagree – even disagree strongly.
But Google and Facebook do those things all day long, every day – in fact, every micro-second – by means of the algorithms they have established, based on their careful programming that boosts the Huffington Post and Daily Beast at the expense of WND and Breitbart.
What this clearly demonstrates is that the Internet Cartel is already in violation of the Communications Decency Act. By using its special “utility” status to promote partisan politics, adopt a consistent left-wing lens in its presentation of the news, banning content objectionable to the anti-Christian bigots at the Southern Poverty Law Center and using algorithms in search and display that punish conservatives, Republicans and other non-leftists, the cartel members abuse their special status as a mere “carriers” of data.
Since Congress created this monster, it’s time for Congress to fix it.
It’s not so easy for a would-be competitor to Google having a chance at success when Google is immune to lawsuits to which mere mortals and corporate upstarts are not.
This may help you better understand why the independent media, especially those that do not hate President Trump, are under siege, faced with dwindling traffic and revenues – both controlled to a large extent by the ever-changing algorithmic whims of Google and Facebook.
It’s not so much that the independent media cannot be found on Google and Facebook. It’s just that we are buried, while the left-wing media are puffed. There’s a new media joke that goes: “If you want to hide a dead body, have it show up on the second page of a Google search.” But, for the independent media, you’ll more likely find us on the 14th, 22nd or 27th page – if we’re lucky.
The algorithms used by these government-made monopolies are top secret. They need to be subpoenaed by Congress and analyzed by top-notch programming experts to see just what kind of ideological purity standards and political correctness biases they employ. It would be that easy for Congress to correct what it should have realized all along would be a problem, considering the political nature of Google and Facebook. But nothing is easy when it comes to an act of Congress, as you know.
Sources: TheNewAmerican; Infowars; WND
Additional information:
Chronological History of Censorship

PayPal Reinstates its Policy to Fine Users $2,500 Directly from their Accounts if they Spread “Misinformation”

Newsmax bans Journalist Lara Logan after She Calls out Biden Administration for Human Trafficking Crisis

JPMorgan Chase Kicks Kanye West to the Curb over Politics

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Scientists from Harvard & Johns Hopkins Found Covid-19 Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than the Virus

WEF Hires Millions of ‘Info Warriors’ To Delete the Internet of Alternative Views

“Thought Police” at YouTube REMOVE *Congressional Debate* Video From Platform for Discussing Election Integrity

‘Ministry of Truth’ 2.0: Kamala Harris to Lead New Task Force Targeting “Online Harassment, Abuse, and Disinformation Campaigns”

Project Veritas: Senior Engineer Admits “Twitter Does Not Believe in Free Speech,” – ‘We Are All Commie as F*ck’