Taking Back Our Stolen History


Simply put, the globalist movement is an alliance based on self-interest of the private international financiers and the royal, dynastic and hereditary land owning families of Britain, Europe and America which over the years have intermarried to create a self regenerating power structure that through lies and deception seeks to control everything and everyone on earth. Through their control of the ability to create money, they are able to exercise control over all the power centers of society including the corporations, the media, culture creation, the educational system, the historical societies, the political system, the military, religion, foundations and other NGOs, medicine, and law. Over time they have extended their network of control to include elites from countries all over the world working towards the same end.

Their structure has been illustrated in a variety of different ways by different researchers.

But of course its never a simple matter. Many of those involved are not privy to the inner workings and aims of the core group, rather they think they have power but in reality only play their part as unwitting dupes to enact the real aims of the elites at the heart of the movement. Think of it as rings within rings within rings with only those at the very center understandings its true aims and intent.

Of course, it is important to recognize that this conspiracy of the elite at war with the public is nothing new. In fact, it is thousands of years old. The elite have always sought to advance themselves and enslave the people whom they rule. Sadly, today is no different in that respect.

There are, however, a number of very important distinctions between now and then. First, they are much better organized today than they have been in the past as you shall discover. Second, they have and are using advanced psychological/propaganda techniques which they are applying through the mass media (culture creation – TV, radio, video games, music, fashion) and the educational system. Third, the elite now have an arsenal of technology far more advanced than they tell the general public that they are using covertly and will use more overtly in the future to attempt to ensure their dominance. And fourth and finally, given the psychological and technological means and methods at their disposal as they now seek their utopia which, if we don’t stop them, will result in the complete enslavement of humanity over the coming decades once and for all (at least for those of us who unlike them have a conscience). If they are successful, there will be no turning back as they will eliminate those who do not serve them and the state and replace us with new improved genetically engineered servants.

Olavo de Carvalho, a conservative Brazilian philosopher and writer defines globalism and its aims:

…liberal globalism is the project in progress that aims to establish throughout the world the Popperian model of the “open society,” necessarily destroying on its way national sovereignties and every metaphysical or moral principle that aspires to be superior to individual rationality. It is the end of nations and of all traditional spirituality, the former being replaced by a global scientific-technocratic administration, and the latter by a mix of scientism, materialism and relativistic subjectivism that inspires the globalist elites of the West.

Long time researcher into the globalists, their roots and agenda, is G. Edward Griffin. His presentation given at the University of Texas on April 29, 2008 titled “The Quigley Formula – A Conspiratorial View of History as Explained by the Conspirators Themselves” (watch below) provides a valuable insight into the elite’s plan for continued domination. This discussion is by no means the end all be all in understanding the elite but is a necessary and vital primer on the history and goals of the elite.

One very important aspect of world control is exactly how does one go about controlling and dominating a society, or for that matter the world as a whole. Anthony Sutton spelled it out quite well in his book “America’s Secret Establishment”. He exposed the fact that the global elite came to the correct conclusion that to control and manipulate a society for their benefit they need to control only a certain finite aspects of society. These are:

  • Education (how the population of the future will behave)
  • Money (the means of holding wealth and exchanging goods)
  • Law (the authority to enforce the will of the state, a world law and a world court is needed for a world state)
  • Politics (the direction of the State and Economy)
  • History (what people believed happened in the past)
  • Psychology (the means of controlling how people think)
  • Philanthropy (so that people think well of the controllers)
  • Medicine (the power over health, life and death)
  • Religion (people’s spiritual beliefs)
  • Media (what people know and learn about current events)
  • Continuity (the power to appoint who follows in your footsteps)

What this amounts to is nothing less than infiltrating and controlling the power centers of a society. By placing their own people in key positions they could come to control and dominate a society completely and steer it in any direction they choose.

His observations are well made and reflected, and expanded upon slightly, in the categories on this site. Take a minute an think about it – what would you do if you wanted to gain control of an entire society?

Globalism is indeed what its title claims – global. It knows no borders, nations, or ideologies, save complete and utter transnational subjugation of autonomous human beings – globally. Technocracy – rule by a class of entrenched elites and “snitch society” technologies – will be the character of this coming global era. Sustainable development (Agenda 21) is its vehicle.

It doesn’t reach the “End of the Road” without a transition from the “Old Economic World Order” to the New, a divergence impossible without a global economic crisis the likes of which has not been seen in nearly a Century.

Agenda 21 and the prospect of economic calamity have been inseparable concepts since the ravings of former UN Under-Secretary General and co-Agenda 21 architect, Maurice Strong, became a matter of public record back in 1992. In talking with late activist George Washington Hunt at a UN Environment Conference in Colorado, Strong, under the auspices of a fictional book he hoped to pen, mused casually about how such a “New World Order” could take shape:

What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude the principal risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?

This group of world leaders forms a secret society to bring about an economic collapse. It’s February. They’re all at Davos. These aren’t terrorists.  They’re world leaders. They have positioned themselves in the world’s commodities and stock markets. They’ve engineered, using their access to stock markets and computers and gold supplies, a panic. Then, they prevent the world’s stock markets from closing. They jam the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the leaders at Davos as hostage. The markets can’t close.

-Maurice Strong

Strong abruptly ended his tale by concluding that he “probably shouldn’t be saying things like this.” Not that he had to continue, as from where we stand in 2015, we can see how this tale ends: With Strong’s world on the horizon. The next engineered economic crisis, ready to be sprung with a proverbial “flip of the switch,” will certainly be a global one. Yet Strong’s fantasies of Davos hostage takings of over twenty years ago may prove entirely unnecessary at COP21 in our modern era, as nearly all opposition to Agenda 21 on the global stage has been subsumed by its promise of complete technological control and a seat at the “multilateral table.”

You, though, Reader, have no seat at this table. An ostensibly insignificant cog in an international machine; but armed with the knowledge of what is to come, perhaps a cog that may someday soon decide to grind to a halt. This machine, after all, is each and every one of us.

See all events tagged ‘globalism

Chronological History of Events tagged with Globalism

World Bank President Robert Zoellick, "If Leaders are Serious about Creating New Global... Governance... Empower the WTO, the IMF, and the WBG to Monitor National Policies.”

World Bank President Robert Zoellick, “If Leaders are Serious about Creating New Global… Governance… Empower the WTO, the IMF, and the WBG to Monitor National Policies.”

The New World Order agenda was again enunciated by World Bank President and and Bilderberg elitist Robert Zoellick, who openly admitted the plan to eliminate national sovereignty and impose a global government during a speech on the eve of the G20 summit. Speaking about the agenda to increase not just funding but power for international organizations on the back of the financial crisis, Zoellick stated, “If ...
Tony Blair Faith Foundation created for Advancement of One World Religion

Tony Blair Faith Foundation created for Advancement of One World Religion

Globalist puppet Tony Blair founded a new organization called the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. He stated, “Because of globalization moving us all closer together, we need a foundation that will re-educate the world so that religions can learn how to get along together in this ever-closer society.” Blair launched a curriculum at Yale University called “Faith and Globalization”, becoming the key guest lecturer there. The course ...
Anne-Marie Slaughter published "A New World Order" - Globalism Explained by a Globalist!

Anne-Marie Slaughter published “A New World Order” – Globalism Explained by a Globalist!

In 2009, Hillary Clinton appointed Slaughter as a chief political adviser to write Hillary's speeches and help define Barack Obama's foreign policy, most notably "public-private partnerships" that "harness[ing] private incentives to public policy." Critics call this a legitimization of institutional corruption. Globalist warmongering degenerate Anne-Marie Slaughter made her rounds at the Fortune 500-funded Chatham House on July 30, 2011. She is the author of the book ...
Battle of Seattle (Nov 30-Dec 1): The 1999 WTO Protests Instigated by Police Agent Provocateurs as Documented by Alex Jones

Battle of Seattle (Nov 30-Dec 1): The 1999 WTO Protests Instigated by Police Agent Provocateurs as Documented by Alex Jones

The large scale of the demonstrations, estimated at no fewer than 40,000 protesters, dwarfed any previous demonstration in the United States against a world meeting of any of the organizations generally associated with economic globalization (such as the WTO, the International Monetary Fund, or the World Bank). Alex Jones’ film Police State 2: The Takeover exposed how the black bloc anarchists were completely infiltrated and provocateured ...
On the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Clinton signed an EO that Monitors and Enforces UN Mandated Human Rights Regulations

On the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Clinton signed an EO that Monitors and Enforces UN Mandated Human Rights Regulations

On the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,  President Clinton signed a new executive order titled "The Implementation of Human Rights Treaties," which was the creation of a massive government bureaucracy to promote, monitor, and enforce compliance with human rights regulations mandated by the United Nations. Remember, the UN, founded by communist, shows only contempt for biblical values, American sovereignty, and the U.S. Constitution ...
The State of the World Forum took place in San Francisco Sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation for Global Leaders United Toward 'Global Governance'

The State of the World Forum took place in San Francisco Sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation for Global Leaders United Toward ‘Global Governance’

The State of the World Forum took place sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation located at the Presidio in San Francisco. The former head of the Communist empire had gathered "nearly 500 senior states-people, political leaders, spiritual leaders, scientists, intellectuals, business executives, artists and youth from 50 nations to begin a process of deliberation on the central question of what priorities, values and actions should guide humanity as ...
The United Nations' 420-page Report “Our Global Neighborhood” is Published Outlining their Plan for Global Governance

The United Nations’ 420-page Report “Our Global Neighborhood” is Published Outlining their Plan for Global Governance

The United Nations' 420-page report “Our Global Neighborhood” is published. It outlines a plan for “global governance,” calling for an international “Conference on Global Governance” in 1998 for the purpose of submitting to the world the necessary treaties and agreements for ratification by the year 2000. The U.N. document is a report of the "Commission on Global Governance" (CGG) published February 16, 1995 by Oxford University ...
Paul Harvey's Broadcast: "Never in the history of the United Nations has it stood for anything but  killing and violence."

Paul Harvey’s Broadcast: “Never in the history of the United Nations has it stood for anything but killing and violence.”

Paul Harvey Aurandt (September 4, 1918 – February 28, 2009), better known as Paul Harvey, was an American National Radio Hall of Fame broadcaster for the ABC Radio Networks and considered by many to bet he best of all time. He broadcast News and Comment on weekday mornings and mid-days, and at noon on Saturdays, as well as his famous The Rest of the Story segments ...
“TIME” magazine publishes “The Birth of the Global Nation,” by Strobe Talbott: "“Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority."

“TIME” magazine publishes “The Birth of the Global Nation,” by Strobe Talbott: ““Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority.”

“TIME” magazine publishes “The Birth of the Global Nation,” by Strobe Talbott, Rhodes Scholar, roommate of Bill Clinton at Oxford University, CFR Director and Trilateralist (and appointed Deputy Secretary of State by President Clinton), in which he writes: “Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority... All countries are basically social arrangements... No matter how permanent or even sacred ...
David Funderburk: “George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one-world government.”

David Funderburk: “George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one-world government.”

David Funderburk, former U.S. Ambassador to Romania, tells a North Carolina audience: “George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one-world government. They believe that the Soviet system and the American system are converging.” When Bush was elected, the CFR member became the first President to publicly mention the "New World Order" and had in his Administration nearly 350 CFR and Trilateral Commission ...