Taking Back Our Stolen History
Final Report on Russian Interference in the 2016 Election Released by the House Intelligence Committee
Final Report on Russian Interference in the 2016 Election Released by the House Intelligence Committee

Final Report on Russian Interference in the 2016 Election Released by the House Intelligence Committee

John Solomon from the Hill reported –

Before you judge the DOJ’s and FBI’s arguments — which are similar to those offered to stop the release of information in other major episodes of American history, from the Bay of Pigs to 9/11 — consider Footnote 43 on Page 57 of Chapter 3 of the House Intelligence Committee’s report earlier this year on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Until this past week, the footnote really had garnered no public intrigue, in part because the U.S. intelligence community blacked out the vast majority of its verbiage in the name of national security before the report was made public.

From the heavy redactions, all one could tell is that FBI general counsel James Baker met with an unnamed person who provided some information in September 2016 about Russia, email hacking and a possible link to the Trump campaign.

Solomon continues –

There is now a concrete storyline backed by irrefutable evidence: The FBI allowed itself to take political opposition research created by one party to defeat another in an election, treated it like actionable intelligence, presented it to the court as substantiated, and then used it to justify spying on an adviser for the campaign of that party’s duly chosen nominee for president in the final days of a presidential election.

And when, nine months later, the FBI could not prove the allegation of collusion between Trump and Russia, unverified evidence was leaked to the media to try to sustain public support for a continued investigation.

That means the redaction of Footnote 43 had more to do with political embarrassment than with national security. And that should concern us all.

The redaction coverup by the corrupt DOJ and FBI is damning per “Stealth Jeff” on Twitter –

Here is a copy of the redacted section of the DOJ and FBI report from the current corrupt Deep State –

This is simply another outrageous attempt by the criminals running our Department of Justice to cover up their crimes. 

Source: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/deep-state-fbi-and-doj-caught-redacting-key-intel-documents-that-implicate-hillary-and-dnc-have-nothing-to-do-with-national-security/

Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York and President Trump’s attorney, shared in recent interviews that the corruption in the Ukraine doesn’t stop with the Bidens.  It also involves George Soros – (at the 2 minute mark) –

Whatever Soros was involved with in the Ukraine, it was big enough that Soros got himself involved in the Russia collusion sham investigation after President Trump’s election.  The Epoch Times reported –

Billionaire George Soros and a group of wealthy donors from New York and California have paid $50 million to sustain an ongoing private Russia investigation conducted by former British spy Christopher Steele, research firm Fusion GPS, and a former staffer for Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

The revelation is part of the final report on Russian interference in the 2016 election released on April 27 by the House intelligence committee. The report concluded that there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

A footnote in the report states that Daniel Jones, the former Feinstein staffer who runs the Penn Quarter Group (PQG), told the FBI in March 2017 that he is working on a project with Fusion GPS that “was being funded by 7 to 10 wealthy donors located primarily in New York and California, who provided approximately $50 million.”

Soros needed to get rid of President Trump who had upset his apple cart.  He didn’t own Trump and obviously Soros was afraid of something President Trump might find out.

One thing that we now know that Soros might want to keep hidden is that George Soros wanted to take over the oil and gas industry in the Ukraine. 

According to John Solomon at the Hill –

Liberal mega-donor George Soros made some big bets during the last U.S. presidential election. One was that Hillary Clinton would win the presidency. Another was that he could reshape Ukraine’s government to his liking, and that his business empire might find fertile ground in that former Soviet state.

So when Donald Trump’s improbable march to the White House picked up steam in the spring of 2016, Team Soros marched to the top of the State Department to protect some of those investments, according to newly released department memos providing a rare glimpse into the Democratic donor’s extraordinary access to the Obama administration.

Then-Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland received repeated calls, emails and meeting requests from Soros, according to the memos obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by the conservative group Citizens United.

Solomon continued –

Likewise, Soros set out a bold vision in an internal 2014 memo for his Open Society Foundation to help root out corruption in Ukraine and build a “civil society” after the Maidan Revolution ousted the country’s Russia-friendly president.  It worked with U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) officials to leverage the so-called Kleptocracy Initiative to fight corruption. The initiative enabled DOJ to prosecute or seek asset forfeitures from foreigners suspected of corruption, even if the crimes didn’t technically occur on U.S. soil.

Such initiatives are noble in principle. But in Ukraine, some targets had political and business implications as well.

For example, one DOJ investigation in 2014 targeted Ukrainian oligarch Dmitri Firtash. He and Soros both have significant energy interests in Europe — and rival plans to rebuild Ukraine. After Firtash’s indictment, Soros’s business announced plans to invest $1 billion in Ukraine.

Since then, significant problems have arisen with the DOJ’s case, thwarting efforts to extradite Firtash to the U.S. for trial.

And finally, Solomon notes –

And when Ukraine’s general prosecutor sought to investigate one of the country’s nonprofits partially funded by Soros during 2016, the State Department pressured Ukrainian officials to drop the case.

This last piece by Solomon is probably what Rudy is alluded to in his comments about Soros in the Ukraine.  The Obama State Department intervened in the Ukraine and stopped the case against Soros.  Based on Rudy’s comments, it is likely he has support for Obama’s State Department actions. 

We also know that the DOJ went too far with Firtash.

Source TGP