Blood Sacrifices
Evil spirits cannot manifest in the middle of Fifth Avenue. They need the strong energy created in blood rituals in order to materialize. But once the ritual ends, they must go. More stable contact can only be achieved through portals. Permanent portals are the main objective of Satanists (they like to be called children of Lucifér, with stress in the last syllable). According to Mastral, there are 90 of them, and 72 have been opened by the turn of the century. Nine more had been opened by 2006 and the last the last nine were apparently in 2013. The exact conditions for the openings of these portals are known only to few witches of the highest rank. We can expect that they require huge amounts of human sacrifice and psychic energy. A great honor given to a Satanists is to be able to pass through one of these portals and meet demonic powers in their “home turf”. In this process, there is a temporal shift, with minutes on Earth meaning hours in the other plane (much like what happens in “alien” abductions). Satan’s hope is that with the opening of the last portals, powerful demons from lower dimensions will be able to come to earth and eventually, interact with humankind. They will not present themselves as demons, but as benevolent aliens and evolved spirits of light.
In Revelations 9:1-2, John witnesses Satan turn the key to unleash the very powers of hell on an unsuspecting world.
1 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
Satan’s intent is to destroy the earth, and so too is the intent of those that serve him. Previously, God has overmastered the plagues through his destroying angels, but Satan is permitted to direct operations from this point bringing the misery that fuels hell to the surface of the earth. The Greek for the KJV phrase “the key to the bottomless pit” literally translates to “the key to the shaft of the abyss,” the shaft, or portal, that leads to depths of hell. As the pit is opened, smoke billows forth and obscures the light of the sun. The darkness of the billowing smoke of false theology, deception, and sin reigns upon the earth blinding those that have eyes to see, but see not thus polluting the hearts of men and the entire earth. Satan, the Destroyer, must mitigate the positive effects of the sixth seal and the first four trumpets so he sends forth deception and illusions similar to those used before.
Satan, the great deceiver and counterfeiter
Satan tries to imitate the work of God by transforming himself nigh unto an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:12–15) thus deceiving his followers that he is god and the giver of light and knowledge. He is also a worker of miracles, by which he deceives many upon the earth (Rev. 13:1–15). In fact, John says that in the last days he ‘deceives the whole world’ (Rev. 12:9). He can cite scripture to make his point seem plausible (Matt. 4:1–11). He tries to persuade us to do evil, and to make those choices that will finally give him the mastery he was denied in the premortal existence—to have all power over us, to lead us captive at his will. All of this is his scheme to make man miserable like himself.
He has a counterfeit for everything as the adversary of opposition, an essential element in gaining true knowledge and understanding as man could not know hot if he did not know cold, good if he did not know evil and its consequences. Thus God must allow both good and bad in this world for our own benefit or destruction. Satan seeks to build his counterfeit kingdom which imitates the kingdom set up by the ultimate God of this world, Jesus Christ, with his Councils of 13 vs Christ’s 12 apostles; he and his 2 beasts (one from the sea and one from the land) vs the true Godhead (God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost); his evil rituals vs the sacred rituals of Christ’s temples; his counterfeit principles (lust vs love, temporal gratification vs eternal glory, indulgence vs discipline, his scientific and medical miracles (typically fraudulent) vs unexplainable miracles that can only be the work of deity; immunity from sin (those in power don’t prosecute their own) vs forgiveness of sins from Christ (the only One worthy to excuse sin through His Eternal sacrifice); and many more counterfeits all meant to enslave mankind and bring about his evil designs.
By “worshiping” Satan and turning one’s back on God’s rules, it is possible to gain control over vast empires and gather enormous riches (see Matt 4:8-9 where Satan tempts even Christ with this counterfeit glory). But these gains come with a price which is not always seen at the time. Later, when repercussions come from breaking the rules, the empire and riches one had gained will become their very undoing.
Hybrids and DNA
Mastral tell us that some human individuals are indeed empowered by changes in their DNA. This can happen in three ways: demonic sexual spirits (incubus and succubus) can transport semen among humans; a demon possessed man can fertilize a woman, or, very rarely, a couple can pass through a portal and have sex in the other side. In all cases, the higher energy affects the embryo’s DNA in a way that makes it easier for the individual to interact with spirits and be a channel for more powerful psychic powers. Normal people can’t stand perfect possession from high level demons, the body would die, and that’s why channelers are always exhausted after a “session”. The Satanists’ goal is to eventually perfect a human who can stand a complete possession from a very high demon and exhibit powers never seen on Earth. This person may even exist today, and he will be the antichrist.
Even if you don’t believe in this weird spiritual reality, you should be very concerned that ourglobalist elite do, and that they require human blood for their plans. We live in the age of Alice Bailey’s Externalization of the Hierarchy, when centuries-old occult secrets will be revealed. The bad guys know that we know what they are doing, and we should expect open war soon. However, this is not a material war; it is a spiritual one: we have God on our side and his holy angels to protect us. Mastral himself decided to leave the group when he faced the fact that demons could not touch Christians. Satan knows he will be defeated, and wants to take as many as he can with him, while deceiving them with the promise of victory over God. Ultimately, we have to remember Jesus’ words: “I am the Way […] none comes to the Father but through Me”. God has given us a “portal” to a higher dimension and perfect evolution through the sacrifice of His Son.
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” – 1 Peter 5:8
To be Sober and vigilant means to be alert and careful to notice problems or signs of danger. The image of the Roaring Lion Peter gives us is not the cute little zoo lion licking his paws or the uncourageous lion of the Wizard of Oz movie, but a fierce & hungry lion artfully inching its way closer and ready to devour its prey. Lucifer is a fierce opponent and we must arm ourselves with the armor of God every day in order to be prepared for the battle.
Satan comes to men and women of every generation, offering them the same deal. Many people have taken Satan up on his offer, worshiping and serving the Devil in exchange for worldly fame, immoral pleasures and fortune. If you don’t believe it, take a look at the 2015 Grammy’s. Madonna is surrounded at the Grammy’s on centerstage by dancers dressed as Baphomet. The entire Grammy’s were an orgy of Satan worship! Satan is alive and well, the god of this evil world.
The conspiracy for world government has existed since the city and tower of Babel in Genesis 11:7-9. God confounded men, scattering them throughout the face of the earth, changing their languages. The ancient Egyptians, the world’s first advanced civilization, adopted hypergolic symbols to communicate their worship of Lucifer. Occult (hidden) schools were formed, known today as the mystery schools. For thousands of years this information was kept secret, but now in these end times, the hierarchy of the structure of the power of darkness is being externalized (manifest to the world). This is why we see the Illuminati, New World Order, Baphomet, satanic rituals, blood and gore, sexual immorality and all manner of wickedness being promoted openly, so as be become normalized in mainstream American society.
According to Luciferianism, it is perfectly right and proper to encourage moral turpitude in all classes of society, and at all levels of government, by convincing the public that abnormal sexual behavior is normal; and that the moral code accepted by civilized nations, based on the Commandments of God and teachings of the Holy Scriptures, is old fashioned and introduced by Church and state for selfish purposes. But behind the building up of a WRONG conception of sex, and its purposes as intended by God our Creator, is the Satanic principle that “The best revolutionary is a youth absolutely devoid of morals.” When Lenin stated this as recorded in Pawns in The Game he only confirmed what other Satanists had stated a hundred times previously.
Freemasonry Is Based On Kaballah
Professor Makow states further in his excellent work titled “ILLUMINATI 2: DECEIT AND SEDUCTION” …
Since the so-called “enlightenment,” mankind has gradually fallen under the spell of the Cabala. What we have been taught to believe is “progress” is actually the resurgence of an ancient satanic fertility cult, epitomized by the Cabala. The “god” of the Cabala is not god at all. It is Lucifer. Illuminati Jews and their Freemasonic allies are stealthily a New World Order dedicated to Lucifer.
According to the gifted researcher, David Livingstone, Lucifer’s plan was formulated in the Cabala in the sixth century BC, when the Jews were being held in captivity in Babylon. According to the Bible, this exile was punishment for adopting the paganism of their neighbors, the Canaanites. They appropriated the ancient worship of the dying-god, Lucifer. Among the heinous practices prescribed by this cult were mystery rites involving music, intoxicants, orgiastic sex and human sacrifice.
The Cabala is based on ancient pagan mythologies which recount the story of an original god who created the universe, and an usurper god (Lucifer) who eventually defeats him and comes to rule the universe in his stead.
Lucifer is the offspring of the father-god and his wife, the goddess. But the son-god also marries his mother. The son-god was identified with the sun while the goddess was identified with the planet Venus, the first star seen at sunrise.
“Essentially, the god and the goddess were seen as two aspects of a single god,” Livingstone writes in his latest book “Surrendering Islam.” As such, other names for Satan have included ”Prince of Dawn” or “Son of the Dawn.”
Lucifer, who exemplified evil, was known as a “dying-God” because every winter he died. Cabalism is a sex cult tied to the cycle of the seasons. It is concerned with the incestuous mating of the god and goddess to ensure fertility.
Lucifer demands sacrifices. He must be appeased to avert his evil and direct it against one’s enemies. The most evil sacrifice is the slaughter of a child. Livingstone explains:
“This [child sacrifice] became the basis of this cult throughout the ancient world. Rituals of death and resurrection imitated that of the god [Lucifer.] Participants would imbibe intoxicants and dance to music in order to achieve a state of ecstasy, or Jinn [demon] possession, by which they believed they could achieve supernatural abilities like shape-shifting, clairvoyance and other magical powers. In this state, they would slaughter a child and eat its flesh and drink its blood so that the god could be reborn in them.”
Illuminati defectors testify that these practices continue today. Livingstone says these rituals usually involve sexual orgies where a priest and a priestess impersonate the god and goddess in a “Sacred Marriage.” They become possessed and produce a “son of god” who would then rule as king.
Livingstone says this is the basis of a satanic cult that now dominates the world. “It is this secret religion which is referred to as the occult. Its proponents have been advancing the satanic plan for a New World Order, and the elimination of Islam (“Surrendering Islam,” pp. 11-13).”
In light of this background, we can appreciate how pernicious the Cabalist teachings are. For example, it teaches that God has no attributes. This is satanic. God is moral, the difference between good and evil, false and true, beautiful and ugly. No wonder mankind is losing the ability to discern.
Again, the Cabala teaches that the relationship between man and God is sexual and erotic, and that sensuality and intoxication are religious. This is satanic. Livingstone’s exposition of Cabala explains why sex (promiscuity, pederasty, incest) is used to degrade and satanize human beings and why modernism is a Cabalistic spell.
According to Livingstone, Jews mixed this paganism with Babylonian magic and astrology, and called Cabala an “interpretation” of Judaism. These Cabalists disguised their Luciferian agenda of world domination as preparing the world for their supposed “messiah.”
SOURCE: Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D.; “ILLUMINATI 2: DECEIT AND SEDUCTION” (pg. 31-32).
Truth is certainly stranger than fiction!!! The coming Antichrist is the much anticipated false messiah of Judaism, Cabala and Freemasons. They openly reject Jesus Christ as the true Messiah, and instead are waiting for their false messiah.
“What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace.” ―John Wesley
The Luciferian Conspiracy — World Domination
I have always been amazed how the word “conspiracy” scares so many people. The Bible speaks of a “conspiracy” in Judah among the people. Jeremiah 11:9, “And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.” Conspiracies are nothing new. My friend, there are millions of conspiracies in this world! A conspiracy is defined as two or more people plotting to do evil. Having said that, there has been a Luciferian conspiracy at work since the beginning of mankind, since the serpent beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Devil desires to dominate the world and command the worship of all humanity!
The following information is quoted from the excellent book titled, “TERRORISM AND ILLUMINATI: A 3,000 YEAR HISTORY” by Dr. David Livingstone…
Today, fronted by the powerful banking dynasties of Europe, the Illuminati exercise supremacy over the world’s governments, as well as their economies, and even their cultures. Ultimately, the Illuminati are an international network, existing in a parallel world, straddled between fronts of legitimacy, and activities on the black market and in the underground.
Their method of conquest is to wholly demoralize the societies of the world, wrecking their very fabric, by promoting every vice, including sexual depravity, greed and war. By enslaving the nations of the world through colossal debt, they ensure subservience, and guarantee the slow transfer of their sovereignty to global government. By encouraging stock market speculation they siphon off the wealth of the ignorant masses. In the end, by creating a global economic cataclysm of untold magnitude, they intend to demonstrate to humanity their own ineptitude, and offer their reign as salvation, by implementing a global fascist state, to be governed by their expected messiah.
Deprived of any moral restraint, they fund their covert activities by dominating the world of illegal arms dealing, narcotics trafficking, and prostitution. Their activities are intertwined with those of the world’s leading intelligence services, including the CIA, Mossad, and Britain’s M16, as well as international crime syndicates, like the Mafia and the Asian Triads, and the Yakuza of Japan.2 Adopting any disguise to suit their collective objectives, they work hand in hand with the Freemasons and numerous other secret societies, and are responsible for the emergence of numerous radical cults, from the Hare Krishna’s to the Moonies, of Christian and Muslim Fundamentalism, and most importantly, terrorism.
By wielding inordinate financial and political power, the plan of the Illuminati is to foment a global war, or World War III, from which will emerge, out of the ashes of the expired civilizations of our time, like a phoenix from the fire, a New World Order. The coming confrontation is being presented as a “Clash of Civilizations”, between the “Liberal Democratic West” and “Islamic fundamentalism.”
God hindered mankind at the tower and city of Babel in Genesis 11:7-9. God scattered humanity, changing their languages and geographical locations. This effectively delayed the New World Order for the next 4,000 years! Only in these end times, by the providential and omnipotent power of God, has modern technology once again permitted Satan to achieve human World Government. Praise God for the Stone cut from the mountain without hands, which is Christ Jesus, Who will smash all the kingdoms of man and establish His own world rule as King over the earth! (Daniel 2:34).
In stark contrast to what Freemasons want you to believe (and what the above article implies), at the top levels of their secret societies they worship Lucifer just as the Theosophists do. They of course wouldn’t want you to know this since it wouldn’t be the best marketing campaign for new members, but have a look at the Lucifer magazine picture at the very top of the article. You will notice that there is a second date listed here – the date is E.M. 400. This is a another dating system which marks 1501 as a starting date for their religion in lieu of A.D., Anno Domini, or “year of our Lord”. Freemasons also use another dating system that they call A.L. which means Anno Lucis, or “year of light (Lucifer)”, which is 4000 years plus the current date, so this year is 6017 in their model. They are actually celebrating that Lucifer is believed to have originally come to Earth 4000 years before Christ via this dating system that they use.
Luciferianism is based upon a deeper philosophy and religion called Dualism
If you haven’t already seen the above video on Luciferianism / Dualism, it’s a must watch. The video walks you through the dualistic concepts in Luciferianism and how the symbolism of dualism is deeply embedded in what you see as symbolism everyday, despite your not understanding it. If you have seen the movie Star Wars, you have seen deeply embedded symbolism of Luke (Lucius/Lucifer) as the rebel with a “light-saber” fighting his evil father Darth Vader (Dark Father) for the sake of humanity. Sure, they won’t tell you directly what they are hinting at, but it doesn’t take much to figure it out if you understand their beliefs / mythology.
The UN was put in place by Luciferians with a longer term agenda to create a New World Order under a New Age leader, and all as part of a technocratic, Orwellian society being implemented by UN Agenda 2030.
The most important understanding that you should take from this overview of the topic is that, whether you realize or not, the unelected leaders of this world follow a hidden religion called Luciferianism or Dualism. They have a distinct plan to fully takeover and capture this world and implement a one world government under the “spiritual guidance” of Lucifer. This is what most people know as the New World Order or “Novus ordo serclorum” and declared as their goal on the back of the US one dollar bill. Whether you want to participate in this battle or not, you and I are part of it. Lucifer is the father of lies and will use every manipulative method that can be brought to bear. He will also lead the Luciferians directing the major governments, corporations, institutions (such as the UN), NGOs, and people’s movements (even the cryptocurrencies movement) to achieve this goal. This is both a physical and spiritual battle for the world and you need to inform yourself unless you want yourself, and everyone else you know, to be victims of it.
WATCH: Luciferianism, The Old Religion
Chronological History of Luciferianism

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