Mueller’s Protection of Pedophiles
Robert Mueller’s protected high profile pedophiles and protecting them from the consequences of their disgusting actions for as both a district attorney and as head of the FBI. The Jeffrey Epstein case was run out of Washington DC while Robert Mueller was the head of the FBI. Epstein, in spite of a mountain of evidence that he was running an elite pedophile ring, was given a sentence of 18-months in prison that was essentially like a hotel, and was granted work release to go to a “comfortable office” for 12 hours a day, six days a week, despite the fact that the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Department prohibited work release for sex offenders.
David Asimov, the son of science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, was caught with thousands of videos (more than the FBI actually had manpower to even catalogue) of child pornography and distribution machines (most likely distributing to Hollywood pedophiles and elite) but has given only 6 months of house arrest. The court documents are redacted to near impossibility to read a single sentence of the entire report.
George Nader, a powerful Lebanese lobbyist and businessman and twice convicted pedophile – one case where he was convicted in Virginia of child porn was reduced to 6 months, and the other case of raping approximately ten boys in the Czech Republic was reduced to only one year. Mueller would later (early 2019) trust this serial pedophile enough to fly him in to Washington, DC to testify in the Donald Trump Russia-collusion case.
Gabe Hoffman, executive producer of the Hollywood pedophile exposing film “An Open Secret,” joins David Knight live via Skype to reveal Robert Mueller’s connections to high profile pedophiles:
Clinton Bagman in Clinton-Russia Uranium One Deal
As revealed by WikiLeaks, Secretary of State Clinton sent a cable to John Beryle, who was U.S. Ambassador to Russia; the U.S. Ambassador to the Georgia Embassy; and U.S. ambassador to the Russian Embassy, on August 17, 2009. The cable read in part, “Action Request: Embassy Moscow is requested to alert at the highest appropriate level the Russian Federation that FBI Director Mueller plans to deliver the HEU sample once he arrives in Moscow on September 21.”
Shepard Ambellas, editor-in-chief of, said in June 2017 that the classified cable indicated that the delivery of the 10-gram sample of HEU to Russian law enforcement sources occurred during a secret “plane-side” meeting on the tarmac. (This brings up memories of Bill Clinton’s tarmac meeting in Arizona with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, where they said they just discussed their grandchildren.)
Mueller’s involvement in the Clintons’ drive to profit from selling 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Vladimir Putin’s Russian government should properly make him the target of a Department of Justice grand jury convened to examine the Clintons’ involvement with Uranium One, thereby disqualifying him from serving as Special Counsel appointed to examine the “no evidence” Democratic meme that the Trump campaign “colluded” with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. Uranium One is the company Bill Clinton promoted with Canadian entrepreneur Frank Giustra while Hillary Clinton served as Obama secretary of state in a criminal saga that ended up with Secretary Clinton voting to give the Russian State Atomic Nuclear Energy Agency, Rosatom, control of approximately 20 percent of all uranium holdings in the United States.
Prior to the Obama administration approving the very controversial deal in 2010 giving Russia 20% of America’s Uranium, the FBI had evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were involved in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering in order to benefit Vladimir Putin, says a report by The Hill….
John Solomon and Alison Spann of The Hill: Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show….
From today’s report we find out that the investigation was supervised by then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, who is now President Trump’s Deputy Attorney General, and then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who is now the deputy FBI director under Trump.
Robert Mueller was head of the FBI from Sept 2001-Sept 2013 until James Comey took over as FBI Director in 2013. They were BOTH involved in this Russian scam being that this case started in 2009 and ended in 2015.
If evidence of bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money laundering in the Uranium One affair are not grounds for a special prosecutor assigned to investigate Hillary Clinton, what is? Rosenstein and Mueller, by their silence on this investigation hidden from Congress and the American people, are unindicted coconspirators in Clinton’s crimes.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s career is rife with examples of prioritizing politically correct sensitivities over the unfiltered, and sometimes difficult, truth of the matter. And this issue came to the forefront at the beginning of President Obama’s second term in office, when Mueller (FBI Director at the time) decided to purge hundreds of counter-terrorism training materials in an effort to silence counter-terrorism experts from discussing the threat posed by radical Islamic ideologies because they might be ‘offensive to Muslims’. Judicial Watch reported back in 2017:
The agency eliminated the valuable anti-terrorism training material and curricula after Mueller met with various Islamist organizations, including those with documented ties too terrorism. Among them were two organizations— Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)—named by the U.S. government as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation terrorist financing case. CAIR is a terrorist front group with extensive links to foreign and domestic Islamists. It was founded in 1994 by three Middle Eastern extremists (Omar Ahmad, Nihad Awad and Rafeeq Jaber) who ran the American propaganda wing of Hamas, known then as the Islamic Association for Palestine.
The records obtained as part of Judicial Watch’s lawsuit show that Mueller, who served 12 years as FBI chief, met with the Islamist organizations on February 8, 2012 to hear their demands. Shortly later the director assured the Muslim groups that he had ordered the removal of presentations and curricula on Islam from FBI offices nationwide.
Robert Mueller played a pivotal role in the Uranium One scandal that has yet to be investigated. Alex Jones reveals the ties between the same law firm that protects Hillary Clinton and Mueller.
Trump-Russia Collusion Investigation
“With all of the atrocities surrounding President Barack H. Obama, the IRS targeting of the Tea Party and conservative groups and the Fast and Furious program that sent thousands of firearms to criminal organizations and militia in Mexico–there was no special prosecutor, yet within first 100 days of the Trump administration, there is a special prosecutor”, said Sidney Powell, 10-year DOJ prosecutor and the authoress of Licensed to Lie: Exposing corruption in the Department of Justice.
Powell said she was very concerned not just about Mueller, but also about his deputy Andrew B. Weissmann. “I see the same pattern from other cases, emerging with Mueller and his choice of Weissman for the prosecutor,” she said. “I was holding out hope on Mueller, but as soon as he picked Weismann, I knew what direction Mueller was going.”
Mueller and his ‘pitbull’ Andrew Weissmann have a history of withholding Brady material in their court cases. Former US Attorney Sidney Powell was on with Mark Levin and she discussed the criminal actions these two took in their actions with Enron, Arthur Andersen and Merrill Lynch in the 2000’s.
Mueller’s team is full of Anti-Trumpers with a history of cover-ups, prosecutorial misconduct, and prosecutors who have demonstrated they will do anything to win according to former DOJ lead council and author of “Licensed to Lie,” Sidney Powell.
Mueller had also gone after 1984 Presidential Candidate Lyndon Larouche using the same playbook he used to go after President Trump 32 years later. Following a Top secret letter from the British government to the FBI (that still remains classified) during the campaign, we only know that FBI counterintelligence chief James Nolan responded to that letter saying in part: “there is no direct evidence that the Soviets are directing or funding LaRouche or his organization.” Larouche’s real crime “was seeking a completely new monetary system, not controlled by the City of London, Wall Street and allied institutions”. Henry Kissinger followed that with a letter to FBI Director William Webster, demanding that LaRouche be investigated for “harassing” Kissinger, which in reality amounted to public exposure of his globalist ideals such as calling for population reduction.
FOIA documents released over the years revealed a number of classified operations based on fabricated assertions by government agents to frame LaRouche, and an FBI informant also even revealed an assassination plan to eliminate LaRouche. Many of these operations remain classified to this day. Mueller employed a force of some 400 law enforcement agents and privately owned armored personnel carriers to raid two office buildings.
Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, who represented LaRouche on appeal, said that the LaRouche case represented “a broader range of deliberate cunning and systemic misconduct over a longer period of time using the power of the federal government than any other prosecution by the U.S. government in my time or to my knowledge.” After reviewing the federal cases during hearings held in his Court, widely respected New York Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Crane found that the “actions of federal prosecutors raised an inference of a conspiracy to lay low these defendants at any cost.” Needless to say, Robert Mueller does not feature the LaRouche case as a career highlight.
It seems clear that based on his history and close “partnership” with Comey, “one of the closest working relationships the top ranks of the Justice Department have ever seen,” Mueller was chosen as Special Counsel not because he has integrity but because he will do what the powerful want him to do. He didn’t speak the truth about a war he knew to be unjustified. He didn’t speak out against torture. He didn’t speak out against unconstitutional surveillance. And he didn’t tell the truth about 9/11. He is just their man.
Joel Skousen of had this analysis in his Nov 10, 2017 weekly report:
… Robert Mueller displayed just the opposite form of prosecution in his various cover-ups on behalf of government. Instead of amplifying and intensely scrutinizing any possible link to illegal activities, as Mueller is doing in the Trump prosecution, Mueller was an expert at overlooking, disregarding and avoiding any testimony that pointed to government wrongdoing in his prior government legal service. Washington’s Blog did yeoman’s service for us all in researching the details of Mueller’s blind prosecutions in past decades:
Talking heads act like Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is fair, impartial and unbiased. But the facts are a wee bit different …
Failure to Aggressively Prosecute the BCCI Scandal: The BBC noted that “[Mueller] is also known for leading the probe into the 1991 collapse of the Luxembourg-registered Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI).
Williams Safire wrote in the New York Times: “The B.C.C.I. scandal involves the laundering of drug money, the illicit financing of terrorism and of arms to Iraq, the easy purchase of respectability and the corruption of the world banking system.
For more than a decade, the biggest banking swindle in history worked beautifully. Between $5 billion and $15 billion was bilked from governments and individual depositors to be put to the most evil of purposes — while lawmen and regulators slept.
BCCI wasn’t just about swindling depositors when it went bankrupt. What the Times would never talked about is that BCCI was a front for the Deep State and CIA, laundering CIA drug funds, and paying for black operations and the personnel involved. When it got discovered, the Deep State drained it of money and let it go bankrupt, “stiffing” the small, non-insider depositors.
While the Justice Department’s handling of BCCI has received substantial criticism, the office of Robert Morgenthau, District Attorney of New York, has generally received credit for breaking open the BCCI investigation.
In going after BCCI, Morgenthau’s office quickly found that in addition to fighting off the bank, it would receive resistance from almost every other institution or entity connected to BCCI, including at various times, BCCI’s multitude of prominent and politically well-connected lawyers, BCCI’s accountants, BCCI’s shareholders, the Bank of England, the British Serious Fraud Office, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
All of this was due to BCCI being connected to the CIA and Deep State, which had the power to lean on Congress, regulators, and the Justice Department itself. No one in the DOJ including Mueller could NOT know that there was a major cover-up going on.
Squashing Warning Signs that May Have Stopped 9/11: Larry Klayman writes that “Robert Mueller first hit my radar … just months before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center.
I came to meet and later represent FBI Special Agents Robert Wright and John Vincent, of the agency’s Chicago Counter-Terrorism Field Office. During our meeting, both Special Agents Wright and Vincent revealed to me that they had been conducting a counterterrorism investigation of Saudi money laundering into and in the United States, and they both believed that a massive terrorist attack was imminent.
In the course of this investigation, both special agents had asked a fellow FBI agent who was undercover, one of Muslim descent, to be wired to turn up further evidence of this terrorist operation. The Muslim agent refused, indignantly telling both Wright and Vincent that Muslims don’t spy and rat on other Muslims. In shock, my soon-to-be clients reported this to their supervisors at the FBI, but no action was taken. To make matters worse, Wright’s and Vincent’s FBI supervisors quashed their investigation. They both believed that the order to kill the investigation came from the highest reaches of the FBI, and, upset [if] not outraged by this cover-up, Wright then decided to write a book detailing this breach of FBI honor.
Director Mueller, along with his “yes men” supervisors at the agency, not only quashed my clients’ investigation and ignored the disloyalty of the Muslim undercover agent, but then missed the warning signs leading up to September 11 – the biggest intelligence failure in American history, even surpassing Pearl Harbor.
But shamelessly, despite this historic intelligence failure and the World Trade Center terrorist attacks that ensued, Mueller later led an effort to drum both Special Agents Wright and Vincent out of the FBI, in part by attempting to remove their security clearances, as a “reward” for their candor.
As my long time readers know, it wasn’t simply that the government “let it happen.” All the obstruction of warnings were done on purpose to make sure the government planned terror attack could go off unhindered. The next subject relating to the government allowing the bin Laden family to escape was also tied to this government plot since the CIA used the Saudis and the bin Laden family to finance and help train the CIA connected terrorists (only some of which were on the list of “official” hijackers, and none of which actually flew the airplanes that crashed).
Allowing Escape of Saudi Persons Connected to Bin Laden: Right after 9/11, American airspace was closed down. Yet Mueller was one of the people who allowed relatives of Bin Laden and other persons of interest [to] fly back to Saudi Arabia.
Entrapping Innocent People for P.R. Purposes: [to justify the Muslim connection the government wished to portray on 9/11] After dropping the ball, Mueller then went on to entrap innocent people for P.R. purposes.
And [whistleblower] Colleen Rowley notes: “ In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, Mueller directed the “post 9/11 round-up” of about 1,000 immigrants who mostly happened to be in the wrong place (the New York City area) at the wrong time. FBI Headquarters encouraged more and more detentions for what seemed to be essentially P.R. purposes. Field offices were required to report daily the number of detentions in order to supply grist for FBI press releases about FBI “progress” in fighting terrorism. Consequently, some of the detainees were brutalized and jailed for up to a year despite the fact that none turned out to be terrorists.
9/11 Cover Up: Rowley says that “TIME Magazine would probably have not called my own disclosures a “bombshell memo” to the Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry in May 2002 if it had not been for Mueller’s having so misled everyone after 9/11.
In addition, Rowley says that the FBI sent Soviet-style “minders” to her interviews with the Joint Intelligence Committee investigation of 9/11, to make sure that she didn’t say anything the FBI didn’t like. The chairs of both the 9/11 Commission and the Official Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 confirmed that government “minders” obstructed the investigation into 9/11 by intimidating witnesses.
Mueller’s FBI also obstructed the 9/11 investigation in many other ways. For example, an FBI informant hosted and rented a room to two hijackers in 2000. Specifically, investigators for the Congressional Joint Inquiry discovered that an FBI informant had hosted and even rented a room to two hijackers in 2000 and that, when the Inquiry sought to interview the informant, the FBI refused outright, and then hid him in an unknown location.
And Kristen Breitweiser – one of the four 9/11 widows instrumental in forcing the government to form the 9/11 Commission to investigate the 2001 attacks – points out: “Mueller and other FBI officials had purposely tried to keep any incriminating information specifically surrounding the Saudis out of the Inquiry’s investigative hands. To repeat, there was a concerted effort by the FBI and the Bush Administration to keep incriminating Saudi evidence out of the Inquiry’s investigation. And for the exception of the 29 full pages, they succeeded in their effort.
Iraq War: Rowley notes: “When you had the lead-up to the Iraq War … Mueller and, of course, the CIA and all the other directors, saluted smartly and went along with what Bush wanted, which was to gin up the intelligence to make a pretext for the Iraq War [based on 9/11 attacks]. For instance, in the case of the FBI, they actually had a receipt, and other documentary proof, that one of the hijackers, Mohamed Atta, had not been in Prague, as Dick Cheney was alleging. And yet those directors more or less kept quiet. That included … CIA, FBI, Mueller, and it included also the deputy attorney general at the time, James Comey.
Torture: Rowley also points out that, “ Mueller was even okay with the CIA conducting torture programs after his own agents warned against participation. Agents were simply instructed not to document such torture, and any “war crimes files” were made to disappear. Not only did “collect it all” surveillance and torture programs continue, but Mueller’s (and then Comey’s) FBI later worked to prosecute NSA and CIA whistleblowers who revealed these illegalities.
Anthrax Frame-Up: Mueller also presided over the incredibly flawed anthrax investigation.
The U.S. Government Accountability Office says the FBI’s investigation was “flawed and inaccurate”. The investigation was so bogus that a senator called for an “independent review and assessment of how the FBI handled its investigation in the anthrax case.”
The head of the FBI’s anthrax investigation says the whole thing was a sham. He says that the FBI higher-ups “greatly obstructed and impeded the investigation”, that there were “politically motivated communication embargoes from FBI Headquarters”.
The FBI’s anthrax investigation head said that the FBI framed scientist Bruce Ivins. On July 6, 2006, he filed a whistleblower report of mismanagement to the FBI’s Deputy Director pursuant to Title 5, United States Code, Section 2303, which noted:
(j) the FBI’s fingering of Bruce Ivins as the anthrax mailer; and, (k) the FBI’s subsequent efforts to railroad the prosecution of Ivins in the face of daunting exculpatory evidence.
Following the announcement of its circumstantial case against Ivins, Defendants DOJ and FBI crafted an elaborate perception management campaign to bolster their assertion of Ivins’ guilt. These efforts included press conferences and highly selective evidentiary presentations which were replete with material omissions. In other words, Mueller presided over the attempt to frame an innocent man.
Unsure If Government Can Assassinate U.S. Citizens Living On U.S. Soil Rather than saying “of course not!”, Mueller said that he wasn’t sure whether Obama had the right to assassinate Americans living on American soil.
Crippled Investigations of Financial Fraud … Helping to Allow the Great Recession. In a 2013 piece entitled “Mueller: I Crippled FBI Effort v. White-Collar Crime”, the country’s top white collar crime expert, William Black – who put over 1,000 top S&L executives in jail for fraud, and is a professor of law and economics at the University of Missouri – wrote:
The FBI never developed “an intelligence operation” “to analyze threats” of even epidemic fraud. White-collar crime investigations and prosecutions are massive money makers that reduce the deficit, but Mueller, Holder, and Obama refuse to make these points and refuse to prosecute the elite bank fraudsters.
This is important because: Fraud CAUSED the Great Depression and the 2008 financial crisis. (There are a lot of people more responsible for the Great Recession – and for lack of reform afterwards – than Mueller. For example, Mueller’s boss (the FBI is a part of the Department of Justice) made it more or less official policy not to prosecute financial fraud. But this is another example of Mueller dropping the ball.
Spying on Americans: Mueller participated in one of the greatest expansions of mass surveillance in human history. As we noted in 2013: NBC News has learned that under the post-9/11 Patriot Act, the government has been collecting records on every phone call made in the U.S.
On March 2011, FBI Director Robert Mueller told the Senate Judiciary Committee: “We have put in place technological improvements relating to the capabilities of a database to pull together past emails and future ones as they come in so that it does not require an individualized search.
Remember, the FBI – unlike the CIA – deals with internal matters within the borders of the United States. On May 1st of this year, former FBI agent Tim Clemente told CNN’s Erin Burnett that all present and past phone calls were recorded:
BURNETT: Tim, is there any way, obviously, there is a voice mail they can try to get the phone companies to give that up at this point. It’s not a voice mail. It’s just a conversation. There’s no way they actually can find out what happened, right, unless she tells them?
CLEMENTE: “No, there is a way. We certainly have ways in national security investigations to find out exactly what was said in that conversation. It’s not necessarily something that the FBI is going to want to present in court, but it may help lead the a investigation and/or lead to questioning of her. We certainly can find that out.
BURNETT: “So they can actually get that? People are saying, look, that is incredible.”
CLEMENTE: “No, welcome to America. All of that stuff is being captured as we speak whether we know it or like it or not.”
The next day, Clemente again appeared on CNN, this time with host Carol Costello, and she asked him about those remarks. He reiterated what he said the night before but added expressly that “all digital communications in the past” are recorded and stored: “NSA whistleblowers say that this means that the NSA collects “word for word” all of our communications.
Covering Up for Turkish Terrorists: Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator who has been deemed credible by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General, several senators and a coalition of prominent conservative and liberal groups, who the ACLU described as “The most gagged person in the history of the United States of America”, and who famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg says possesses information “far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers”, says that Mueller covered up a Turkish terror network.
Gagging Whistleblowers: Edmonds also said that Mueller gagged her and other whistleblowers.
Conclusion: Rather than being “above the fray”, Mueller is an authoritarian and water-carrier for the status quo and the powers-that-be.
As Coleen Rowley puts it: Mueller was chosen as Special Counsel not because he has integrity but because he will do what the powerful want him to do.
Mueller didn’t speak the truth about a war he knew to be unjustified. He didn’t speak out against torture. He didn’t speak out against unconstitutional surveillance. And he didn’t tell the truth about 9/11. He is just “their man.”
For some reason, Mueller has not been asked to testify in front of a single Republican led committee in the US Senate. This would no doubt lead to more crimes and the uncovering of Mueller misdeeds. The reason for this is unknown to most Americans who are begging for justice in regards to the Mueller investigation, however most Americans do not understand that most Congressmen are compromised, controlled, and/or agents of the criminal cabal.
Sources: LarouchePac, DigWithin
History Events Involving Robert Mueller:

Leaked FOX News Internal Memo Refers to Hannity, John Solomon and Rudy Giuliani as “Disinformation”

DOJ OIG Releases Report Showing FBI Spends $42 Million a Year on Secret Informants – And At Least One Was a Child Sex Offender!

Fox News Maria Bartiromo Calls out Lindsey Graham on his Broken Promises to the American People

FOIA Released DOJ Memos Reveal Rosenstein Planned To Wiretap Trump

Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: Politifact and Snopes Missed 96% of Fake News from Mueller Witch Hunt

Australian Ambassador Offers Assistance to AG Barr in RussiaGate Origins

Mueller Report Released: Mueller and his 19 Democrat Attorneys Find No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Judge Rules Federal Prosecutors Broke Law in Jeffrey Epstein Case

Conservative activist and President Trump confidant Roger Stone was arrested in a pre-dawn raid by dirty cop Robert Mueller