Taking Back Our Stolen History
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Nineteen Eighty-Four

Nineteen Eighty-Four

A dystopian novel (written by George Orwell) set in an imaginary future world that is dominated by three perpetually warring totalitarian police states. The book’s hero, Winston Smith, is a minor party functionary in one of these states. His longing for truth and decency leads him to secretly rebel against the government. Smith has a love affair with a like-minded woman, but they are both arrested by the Thought Police. The ensuing imprisonment, torture, and reeducation of Smith are intended not merely to break him physically or make him submit but to root out his independent mental existence and his spiritual dignity. Orwell’s warning of the dangers of totalitarianism made a deep impression on his contemporaries and upon subsequent readers, and the book’s title and many of its coinages, such as NEWSPEAK, became bywords for modern political abuses. Read More…

Hillsdale College president Larry P Arnn gave an excellent speech comparing George Orwell’s prophetic novel “1984″ to what is happening to us in this country. Take time to read it later.

Chronological History of Events Related to the Book ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’

Mike Wallace Interviews 'Brave New World' Author, Aldous Huxley

Mike Wallace Interviews ‘Brave New World’ Author, Aldous Huxley

The video below features a 1958 interview of Aldous Huxley with Mike Wallace. It really is a great glimpse from the past. Wallace was smoking on the set, but that was natural back then, and Rod Serling, who produced the “Twilight Zone,” did the same. Interestingly, they both developed lung cancer. You might recall that Huxley wrote the classic novel “Brave New World,” in which he ...
George Orwell Publishes 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', a Dystopian Novel Written as a Warning about the Menaces of Totalitarianism

George Orwell Publishes ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’, a Dystopian Novel Written as a Warning about the Menaces of Totalitarianism

The novel is set in an imaginary future world that is dominated by three perpetually warring totalitarian police states. The book's hero, Winston Smith, is a minor party functionary in one of these states. His longing for truth and decency leads him to secretly rebel against the government. Smith has a love affair with a like-minded woman, but they are both arrested by the Thought Police ...