(born Nov 16, 1980) is a Chinese Communist Party asset and member of the U.S. House of Representatives (D-Calif.). Swalwell is noted for leaking while serving on the House Intelligence Committee and for apparently passing wind during an interview with Chris Matthews live on MSNBC proving that he is indeed a massive leaker. Swalwell owes his rise in the Democrat party and entire career to the Chinese Communist Party. On December 8, 2020 Swalwell was exposed as a Chinese asset. Swalwell had promoted the Chinese Communist Party line for years during the Russia collusion conspiracy theory and impeachment sham that Russia, not China, was the biggest threat to American sovereignty, independence, and to our constitutional republic.
A group of 17 Republican members of the House of Representatives on the 15th of December 2020, penned a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) calling on her to “immediately remove” Representative Swalwell from the chamber’s Intelligence Committee. The Republican lawmakers argued that Swalwell used his position on the intelligence committee to level attacks on “President Donald Trump’s unproven ties to Russia” while refusing to give account of his own ties to a Chinese spy. Pelosi responded, “I don’t have any concerns about Mr. Swalwell.”
After listening to Swalwell lambast Trump for his alleged collusion with Russia only a few years after coming in direct contact with a Chinese agent, they are ready to turn the tables. If he stays on the Intelligence Committee, the GOP stands ready to make him a poster boy. “The situation with Swalwell, just like the situation with Hunter Biden, ties together the biggest weakness Democrats have: That they’re soft on China,” a former White House official said. “This is going to be an ongoing issue for Democrats.”
Fang went by Christine in the U.S., pretended to be an exchange student, enrolling in early 2011 at California State University, East Bay, in order to build relationships with up-and-coming politicians to be leveraged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). By 2014, according to Axios, Fang had developed close ties to Swalwell, then a little-known Dublin City Council member. She showed up at events. She bundled contributions for him, connecting deep-pocketed donors with his congressional election campaign. She placed an intern in his office. It was the long game, one that counter-intelligence experts warn China is so good at playing.
Swalwell was an obvious mark. In 2012, he had risen from relative obscurity, defeating an octogenarian Democratic incumbent who had represented the Northern California district since before Swalwell was born. In some quarters, and certainly in his own mind, Swalwell was seen as a young rising star in Democratic politics. But in his second term in office, U.S. intelligence took notice of something else. According to Axios, it gave Swalwell a “defensive briefing” about Fang.
Swalwell reportedly cut off ties. Fang left the country, suddenly, in mid-2015. The same year, somewhat unexpectedly given his junior status, Pelosi named Swalwell to the House Intelligence Committee, a plum and important appointment given the committee’s role overseeing the nation’s intelligence community, including the CIA.
It’s not at all surprising that Swalwell would possibly be in bed with the Chinese communists. This is the man who said he would jail Americans who refuse to comply with his desired gun-control and gun-confiscation measures. He also suggested that the government could use nukes against the populace if they don’t hand over their guns. Swallowswell is also a sponsor of the communist Medicare for All bill.
2020 Presidential campaign
Swalwell, who served as ranking Democrat of the Subcommittee on the CIA when director John Brennan organized a spy network to spy on candidate Donald Trump, presented himself to the nation as Trump-Russia witch hunter. While on the committee, Swalwell was a fake news source and classified information leaker. After the Mueller report Swalwell persisted as a collusion hoax dead-ender.
Swalwell likened President Obama’s negligence in dealing with Russian cyber attacks to 9/11. He refused to answer if he ever settled a sexual harassment lawsuit while in Congress, or if taxpayer money was used to settle such a claim. He apologized for being a “white guy” and imagined himself in the make-believe world of the Marvel Avengers. He boasted of eating peanut butter at midnite as a qualification. Swalwell made clear his anti-2nd Amendment stance and suggested that the federal government could use nuclear arms against gun owners who resist confiscation.
Swalwell’s ideas were said to have the appeal of gas station suchi. Swalwell begged for $1 donations on his Twitter account, and won a Twitter poll as the Lamest Presidential Candidate Ever, Swalwell 71%, Kasich 12%, Jeb Bush 12%, Other 5%.
At the age of 38 Shartswell cashed out his retirement account. According to disclosure statements, Swalwell had no checking or savings account, leaving questions about (a) how he cashes his paycheck for his $174,000 Congressional salary, and (b) how he makes payment on student loan and growing personal credit card debt. On July 8, 2017, Swalwell decided America wasn’t ready for the kind of leadership he had to offer.
Chronological History of Events Related to Eric Swalwell

Steve Bannon Sentenced to 4 Months in Federal Prison by DC Judge for Ignoring J6 Show Trial Subpoena

House Judiciary Committee Dems Vote Unanimously to Block Measure That Would Have Increased Penalties For Child Sex Traffickers

Dems Behind Another Hate Hoax: Lincoln Project Forced to Admit to Planning Tiki Torch Stunt

FartGate: Eric Swalwell Nuked MSNBC With a Massive Fart…All on Live TV. Then Denied It.

Nancy Pelosi announces formal impeachment inquiry of Trump

Eric Swalwell Falsely Claims NRA Calling for Pelosi Assassination