Taking Back Our Stolen History
Government / Military

Government / Military

Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” – Henry Kissinger, quoted by Bob Woodward in The Final Days, 1976

Given that the elite knew there might be problems down the road as they move us into post-industrial feudalism and depopulation of the planet, it was important to encourage the growth of the Military Industrial complex and create wars (real or imaginary such as the Cold War) to ensure continued public support for the massive investment in military weaponry. And of course if you don’t have an enemy any more the government and military create one as they did on 9/11 and the war on terror. This is nothing new as governments are responsible for the vast majority of terrorism – a tool they have used over and over down through history to get the people to comply with an agenda. The consequence of this massive investment is that the elite now have an entire arsenal of advanced weaponry they can now turn on the public to ensure their control. These include bioweapons; weather modification weapons (HAARP); psychotronic weapons; microwave weapons; tectonic weapons; space based weapons; and robotic weapons. Concurrent to the scientific developments, the elite knew they would need to create a generation brought up to fight that would fill the ranks of the military and police forces and introduced violent video games and movies for this purpose.

In order to facilitate the management of a global society, the elite are merging the countries of the world in four superstates – the European Union, African Union, American Union and Asian Union. The European Union is almost complete with only the final step of a constitution to be established. The others are in progress and at different stages.

Ultimately, the regional bodies will be subservient to the United Nations which is to serve as the unelected, unaccountable World Government controlled and run by the elite. To a great degree this has already happened as we know the UN passes regulations that are dutifully passed on by national governments for enactment at the local level. Over time the UN’s powers will increase as national militaries are incrementally brought under UN control. Ultimately, the UN will control the world’s food supply and reduce each countries allotment of food as the population is brought down.

Chronological History of Government and Political Corruption


Burisma Asks Hunter Biden to End Ukraine Investigation on Their Company

Burisma Asks Hunter Biden to End Ukraine Investigation on Their Company

Who can forget Joe Biden’s presentation in front of the Council on Foreign Relations event after the 2016 Election? In his own words, with cameras rolling, Joe Biden described how he threatened the Ukrainian President and said that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if Ukraine didn’t immediately fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma Holdings.   Joe’s son Hunter was on the Board of Burisma making tens of thousands a month for doing nothing but “fixing things”. A now uncovered email thread on Hunter’s laptop exposes that Burisma asked Hunter ...
Soldier Vivian Cunningham Arrested, Drugged, and Institutionalized for Asking about Queen Elizabeth's Outstanding Arrest Warrant for 10 Missing Children

Soldier Vivian Cunningham Arrested, Drugged, and Institutionalized for Asking about Queen Elizabeth’s Outstanding Arrest Warrant for 10 Missing Children

Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Phillip were found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia by a Canadian tribunal court. Grieving parents haven’t seen their children since they left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10 1964. As a Foot Guards Regiment the Irish Guards Regiment is involved in public and ceremonial duties at Buckingham Place, Windsor Castle, St James's Palace and The Tower of London, and when a soldier questioned his superior about the outstanding warrant for her arrest, he was institutionalized. The International ...
Princeton, NU Study Concludes U.S. Policymaking for Elite & Corporations, Not the People

Princeton, NU Study Concludes U.S. Policymaking for Elite & Corporations, Not the People

A study of 1,779 policy issues from 1981 to 2002 concluded that policymaking is dominated by powerful business organizations and a small number of affluent Americans and largely favor the wealthy and powerful interest groups. U.S. government policies reflect the desires of the wealthy and interest groups more than the average citizen, according to researchers at Princeton University and Northwestern University. "[W]e believe that if policymaking is dominated by powerful business organizations and a small number of affluent Americans, then America’s claims to being a democratic society are seriously threatened," write Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. In an April 9 article ...
The Bundy Ranch Stand-off: Heavily-armed feds Surround Nevada Bundy Ranch, Confiscate & Shoot Cattle

The Bundy Ranch Stand-off: Heavily-armed feds Surround Nevada Bundy Ranch, Confiscate & Shoot Cattle

In an epic standoff that Infowars reporter David Knight described as being like “something out of a movie,” supporters of Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy advanced on a position held by BLM agents despite threats that they would be shot at, eventually forcing Bureau of Land Management (BLM) feds to release 100 cattle that had been stolen from Bundy as part of a land grab dispute that threatened to escalate into a Waco-style confrontation. Despite the fact that Bureau of Land Management officials agreed to cease their operation to seize Bundy’s cattle after a massive public backlash, Bundy demanded ...
India is Controversially Declared Polio-Free With 47,500 Clinically Identical Cases of Polio Paralysis: Rename-Game?

India is Controversially Declared Polio-Free With 47,500 Clinically Identical Cases of Polio Paralysis: Rename-Game?

 According to a press release issued by the Ministry:India is polio-free. The country reported its last case of wild poliovirus in 2011. After three consecutive polio-free years, the South-East Asia Region of WHO, comprising of 11 countries (including India), was certified polio-free on 27 March 2014. Despite this progress, India has maintained a high vigil and ensured that no complacency sets in order to maintain the polio-free status for the last more than 4 years. It has taken appropriate actions to ensure high population immunity against polio as well as for maintaining a sensitive surveillance system for poliovirus detection. (Source) ...
Chinese Activist Cao Shunli Dies, after UN Betrayal and Detention Without Medical Assistance by the Chinese Communist Dictatorship

Chinese Activist Cao Shunli Dies, after UN Betrayal and Detention Without Medical Assistance by the Chinese Communist Dictatorship

Her name in Chinese means “smooth,” but her life, which ended on March 14, 2014, had been anything but smooth. On September 14, 2013, Cao Shunli was disappeared in the Exit & Entry area of Beijing Capital International Airport where she was en route to Geneva to attend human rights training. It wasn’t until late October when her arrest was confirmed. As reported by The New American, six months prior to her arrest, UN human-rights officer Emma Reilly ...had reported to the top UN human-rights official at the time that another senior UN official, Eric Tistounet, had been giving ...
Sharyl Attkisson Resigns from CBS over Obama Bias & Lack of Dedication to Investigative Reporting

Sharyl Attkisson Resigns from CBS over Obama Bias & Lack of Dedication to Investigative Reporting

Jon Rappoport | April 24, 2014 Sharyl Attkisson, CBS’s top investigative reporter: gone, resigned, floating free, unchained, now viewed by the news establishment as an outsider, a defector, a weirdo with an axe to grind. Among the controversial stories she covered at CBS: Fast & Furious and Benghazi. Just as she was digging below the surface of the Obama Benghazi coverup, she was cut off and shut down by her network bosses. Here’s the crux. The Rhodes brothers. Ben Rhodes, David Rhodes. Ben is a deputy national security advisor to Obama and writes speeches for him. In September 2012, Ben was ...
UN Whistleblower: Head of World Intellectual Property Agency Stole Employees’ DNA Samples

UN Whistleblower: Head of World Intellectual Property Agency Stole Employees’ DNA Samples

A senior UN official alleges that Francis Gurry, the Australian head of the world body’s intellectual property agency, engineered the theft of personal items from employees to extract DNA samples, and then covered it up by intimidation and by suppressing attempts to investigate it, according to a legal complaint filed recently at a UN tribunal in Geneva. The allegations are expected to hurt Gurry’s chances for reelection next week as director-general of the UN’s World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a bid already weakened amid controversy over his role in running what a bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers described as “a ...
Snowden Leaks Docs on Secret Government Agency Online Manipulation & Subterfuge Tactics

Snowden Leaks Docs on Secret Government Agency Online Manipulation & Subterfuge Tactics

HOW COVERT AGENTS INFILTRATE THE INTERNET TO MANIPULATE, DECEIVE, AND DESTROY REPUTATIONS Glenn Greenwald (writing for TheIntercept.com) Feb. 24 2014, 4:25 p.m. One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents. Over the last several weeks, I worked with NBC News to publish a series of articles about “dirty trick” tactics used by GCHQ’s previously secret unit, JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence ...
Dinesh D'Souza was Arraigned in a Manhattan Federal Court on Charges of making $20,000 in Campaign Contributions to the New York Senate campaign of friend Wendy Long

Dinesh D’Souza was Arraigned in a Manhattan Federal Court on Charges of making $20,000 in Campaign Contributions to the New York Senate campaign of friend Wendy Long

by Pamela Geller | 15 Jul 2015 | Breitbart.com What is being done to Dinesh D’Souza is an outrage, and all Americans who love freedom should be protesting. I am no D’Souza fan. One only need watch the debate between Dinesh D’Souza and Robert Spencer at CPAC 2007 to know where I am coming from, but that’s not the point. The idea that Dinesh D’Souza would be hounded and punished for something that Democrats do every day – that’s the point. In my 2010 book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War On America, I gave the details of ...