Taking Back Our Stolen History
Government / Military

Government / Military

Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” – Henry Kissinger, quoted by Bob Woodward in The Final Days, 1976

Given that the elite knew there might be problems down the road as they move us into post-industrial feudalism and depopulation of the planet, it was important to encourage the growth of the Military Industrial complex and create wars (real or imaginary such as the Cold War) to ensure continued public support for the massive investment in military weaponry. And of course if you don’t have an enemy any more the government and military create one as they did on 9/11 and the war on terror. This is nothing new as governments are responsible for the vast majority of terrorism – a tool they have used over and over down through history to get the people to comply with an agenda. The consequence of this massive investment is that the elite now have an entire arsenal of advanced weaponry they can now turn on the public to ensure their control. These include bioweapons; weather modification weapons (HAARP); psychotronic weapons; microwave weapons; tectonic weapons; space based weapons; and robotic weapons. Concurrent to the scientific developments, the elite knew they would need to create a generation brought up to fight that would fill the ranks of the military and police forces and introduced violent video games and movies for this purpose.

In order to facilitate the management of a global society, the elite are merging the countries of the world in four superstates – the European Union, African Union, American Union and Asian Union. The European Union is almost complete with only the final step of a constitution to be established. The others are in progress and at different stages.

Ultimately, the regional bodies will be subservient to the United Nations which is to serve as the unelected, unaccountable World Government controlled and run by the elite. To a great degree this has already happened as we know the UN passes regulations that are dutifully passed on by national governments for enactment at the local level. Over time the UN’s powers will increase as national militaries are incrementally brought under UN control. Ultimately, the UN will control the world’s food supply and reduce each countries allotment of food as the population is brought down.

Chronological History of Government and Political Corruption


Orwellian Windows 10 Released by Microsoft with Built-in Spy Tools

Orwellian Windows 10 Released by Microsoft with Built-in Spy Tools

Microsoft launched Windows 10 on September 30, 2014, promoting the event as the largest software update ever. Unlike previous releases, the new version has been offered by Microsoft to all domestic users as a free upgrade. Over 14 million users are reported to have downloaded and installed it within the first 24 hours of its release. Most probably never bothered reading the 34-page privacy policy and user agreement. The new agreement, by default, effectively gives permission for Microsoft to monitor users’ activities via the use of keylogger type spyware and/or record you through your computers microphone. Oh, and they can pass ...
Dr. Jonathan Lundgren (via PEER) Files a Whistleblower Complaint Against the USDA for Suppressing Findings on the Harmful Effects of Pesticides and GMO's

Dr. Jonathan Lundgren (via PEER) Files a Whistleblower Complaint Against the USDA for Suppressing Findings on the Harmful Effects of Pesticides and GMO’s

Dr. Jonathan Lundgren, a respected expert on the risk assessment of pesticides and genetically modified crops, worked for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research (ARS) for more than a decade. But when his findings on the ill effects of systemic pesticides and RNAi on pollinators began to gain traction and visibility, the harassment and punishments did as well. The 40-year-old agro-ecologist and entomologist hoped that if he kept his head down, the increasing aggression would dissipate. But it didn’t. His scientific work continued to be disrupted along with his ability to communicate with other colleagues and the ...
Senior CIA Intelligence Expert declares Obama is Forwarding Radical Islam and is on the Wrong Side of the War on Terror

Senior CIA Intelligence Expert declares Obama is Forwarding Radical Islam and is on the Wrong Side of the War on Terror

Clare Lopez, a strategic policy and intelligence expert with a focus on Middle East, national defense, WMD, and counterterrorism issues spoke to World Net Daily in an exclusive interview and said that President Obama has actively worked to forward radical Islam. According to her, the president has gone so far as to switch sides on the war on terror. According to Lopez, the charges she is making are what many in Congress are thinking but daren’t say out loud. The Examiner reported that Lopez comes well qualified to make such allegations, as she has occupied many senior positions during her ...
Fort St. John Earthquake in Canada Caused by Fracking Company Progress Energy

Fort St. John Earthquake in Canada Caused by Fracking Company Progress Energy

It has been confirmed by the British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission that a magnitude 4.6 earthquake that struck north-east BC in August 2014 was caused by fracking. The quake paused operations for Progress Energy when it started about 114 km outside Fort St. John on August 17. The commission says it started because of a fluid injection from hydraulic fracturing. The 4.6 magnitude broke the record for the largest known fracking-caused quake in British Columbia, the previous record of 4.4 having also been caused by Progress Energy operations in 2014. The company says it takes the incident very ...
Cop shoots African-American Michael Brown: Ferguson Riots Provoked

Cop shoots African-American Michael Brown: Ferguson Riots Provoked

The incident, according to evidence and DOJ report: The shooting of Michael Brown occurred in Ferguson, Missouri, a northern suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by a 28 year old white Ferguson police officer. Shortly before the shooting, Brown stole several packages of cigarillos from a nearby convenience store and shoved the store clerk who tried to stop him, according to the U.S. Department of Justice examination. Brown was accompanied by his friend Dorian Johnson. Wilson had been notified by police dispatch of the robbery and descriptions of the two suspects. He encountered Brown and Johnson ...
CDC Whistleblower: CDC Knew MMR Vaccines Could Cause Autism

CDC Whistleblower: CDC Knew MMR Vaccines Could Cause Autism

A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) senior scientist made an unprecedented admission: he and his colleagues–he says– committed scientific misconduct to cover up a meaningful link between vaccines and autism in black boys. Just as startling, the CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, says the study co-authors “scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room, and reviewed and went through all the hardcopy documents that we had thought we should discard, and put them into a huge garbage can.” Despite this whistleblower ...
Anne Marie van Blijenburgh, a Key Eyewitness to Ritual Child Killings by Dutch Royalty and Other Elites, Gives Statement

Anne Marie van Blijenburgh, a Key Eyewitness to Ritual Child Killings by Dutch Royalty and Other Elites, Gives Statement

Anne Marie van Blijenburgh, a key eyewitness to ritual child killings by Dutch royalty and other elites describes the murders that have occurred since 2004 in Belgium and Holland. This is part one of a four part statement she made before officers of the International Common Law Court of Justice, as part of its prosecution of Pope Francis and others for child trafficking and Ninth Circle ritual killings. The other parts of this interview are forthcoming. Recorded live on June 5, 2014 from Holland. Transcript: My name is Anne Marie van Blijenburgh. I have been married for twenty four ...
Facebook Launched a Secret Experiment with Cornell to Manipulate the Emotions of 689,003 Users

Facebook Launched a Secret Experiment with Cornell to Manipulate the Emotions of 689,003 Users

It’s become farcical. Whoever we ask, nobody seems to know anything. Did the study have ethical approval? First the answer was yes. Then it was no. Then it was maybe. Then it was no again. Was it funded by the US army? First the university said yes. Then it said no, without explanation. Why did the scientific journal not state whether the study was ethically approved, as required by its own policy? Sorry, editor Susan Fiske told me, I’m too busy to answer that question. I’m referring of course to the study published last week by the Proceedings of ...
ActionAid Releases Research showing US Policies Leading to Massive Land Grab

ActionAid Releases Research showing US Policies Leading to Massive Land Grab

By Carey L. Biron ActionAid releases research of U.S. investors and government policies leading to massive global land-grabs, driving big commercial agriculture and investment around the world, often at the expense of the world’s small-scale farmers – who feed 80 percent of the developing world. The U.S. public and private sectors are among the leading drivers of a global drive to snap up usable – and often in-use – agricultural land, in what critics say remains a steadily increasing epidemic of “land-grabbing.” Africa and Southeast Asia are together seeing some three-quarters of problematic large-scale land acquisitions, according to new research from the ...
MK-Ultra Victim Zoe Speaks to Sofia Smallstorm

MK-Ultra Victim Zoe Speaks to Sofia Smallstorm

MKUltra survivor Zoe (Zo-ee), who lived at one time in Washington D.C. and ran a thriving business, thanks to the government.  Zoe was "a radical lesbian feminist" at the time, and a cointelpro tool; she bears witness to the expanding culture of child exploitation in that city, the new age deception, sex ritual abuse, .  Zoe is extremely articulate and intelligent and, thankfully, a whole person these days -- a rare thing, given the kind of trauma sexually exploited people grapple with. 2nd interview from 2/13/15 below: [audio src="http://www.aboutthesky.com/images/stories/audio/SSmallstorm_podcast_017_2-13-15.mp3" /] 3rd interview from 12/15/16 below: [audio src="http://www.aboutthesky.com/images/stories/audio/Ssmallstorm_podcast_062_12-15-16.mp3" /] ...