A Florida Congresswoman has introduced legislation that will send chills down the spine of any liberty-loving American.
On May 1, Frederica S. Wilson (D-FL-24) presented H.R.2232 – Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015.
From the bill:
REQUIREMENT.—For a State or a political subdivision or other public entity of a State to be eligible to receive a grant under this section, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Secretary’s satisfaction that, subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), the State requires each student enrolled in one of the State’s public elementary schools or public secondary schools to be vaccinated in accordance with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
That’s right. Wilson wants to require children who attend public schools to receive every shot on the CDC recommended vaccine schedule.
Have you seen that vaccine schedule lately?
The Maine Coalition for Vaccine Choice made a very interesting point in their article about the bill (emphasis mine):
After trying and failing this year in more than thirty state legislatures to parlay a mild measles outbreak into a massive power and cash grab, the pharmaceutical industry will now simply bypass the states and go straight to Congress to force more Americans to become their customers.
I was going to present the following table to you in the work session on the vaccine bills, but I find it more appropriate to do so now. Below you will find the full current CDC recommended schedule. I have laid it out next to the vaccine schedule that we had from 1963 to 1988 (minus one dose of the small pox vaccine which was removed in 1973), so that you could see what the liability shield did to the vaccine program. I present it to you now to show you what Maine’s vaccine requirements for a public or private school education will be if we do not stop this industry juggernaut now.
That’s right: once Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986, the number of vaccines on the schedule increased dramatically.
And it will continue to grow. There are currently 271 vaccines in the development pipeline.
This bill is essentially an attempt to blackmail states into abandoning any vaccination exemptions they currently have in place.
Oh, and adults aren’t going to be immune from forced vaccinations for long either, if the government gets its way:
CDC has already made plans to begin to include adults in the same coercive net in which children are now becoming bound by using the Affordable Care Act and employers to vaccinate adults according to their National Adult Immunization Plan currently being drafted. This schedule adds 114 doses of vaccines to the list of an individual living the average American life span. Cradle to grave vaccination.
To emphasize, Americans born into this program, even if not one more dose is added to the schedule, will receive 184 doses of vaccine in their lifetime under this plan.
Recommended Books:
An evidence based analysis of the harms and benefits of vaccinations. Reporting on media suppressed science and legal decisions proving that mandatory vaccinations in modern societies are far more harmful than the contested benefits they provide. Exposing the coordinated attack on parental rights to choose exemption for their child’s mandatory school vaccinations. Providing ammunition for vaccine dissenters to publicly debate and demolish the arguments for totalitarian inoculations.
Many people sincerely believe that all vaccines are safe, adverse reactions are rare, and no peer-reviewed scientific studies exist showing that vaccines can cause harm. This book ― Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies ― provides the other side of the story that is not commonly told. It contains summaries of 400 important scientific papers to help parents and researchers enhance their understanding of vaccinations.
“This book should be required reading for every doctor, medical student and parent. Reading this book will allow you to make better choices when considering vaccination.” ―David Brownstein, MD
“This book is so precise and exciting in addressing the vaccine controversy that I read it in one evening. I recommend this book to any parent who has questions about vaccines and wants to be factually educated to make informed decisions.” ―Gabriel Cousens, MD
“Neil Miller’s book is a tour de force and a clarion voice championing the cautionary principle: ‘When in doubt, minimize risk.’ Let’s talk science. Read this book. The truth will keep you and your children protected.” ―Bradford S. Weeks, MD
“Nowhere else can one find such an organized and concise compilation of research on vaccines. Not only does Miller have a deep understanding of science and the issues at hand, he has made this book easy to reference and cite. Truly, there is no other guide out there quite like it. For everyone who contacts me in the future seeking scientific evidence about vaccines, I will recommend Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies.” ―Toni Bark, MD, MHEM, LEED AP, previous Director of the pediatric ER at Michael Reese Hospital
“Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies is the most comprehensive and coherent accumulation of peer-reviewed research on vaccine issues and natural immunity I have ever come across. A must read for parents, teachers, doctors and other healthcare providers.” ―Dr. Tyson Perez, pediatric chiropractor