Taking Back Our Stolen History


(C18H26ClN3O), also known as HCQ, is an inexpensive medication sold under the name Plaquenil.[1] Prior to COVID-19 it was most commonly used to treat malaria, and also currently to treat lupus. American soldiers, such as Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, have successfully taken this medication for decades as a prophylaxis. The package insert for Plaquenil describes its mostly minor potential side effects,[2] some of which occur only at much higher doses than what is used to treat COVID-19.

It has been used by the physician Dr. Vladimir Zelenko as a part of successful treatment for coronavirus and was recommended for such by President Trump who never caught COVID-19 until months after he stopped taking hydroxychloroquine. Specifically, Dr. Zelenko used hydroxychloroqine, azithromycin (an antibiotic) and zinc as a part of his successful treatments to his patients.[3] See Vladimir Zelenko’s coronavirus treatment.

China, South Korea, and India all use hydroxychloroquine to successfully combat the effects of COVID-19. Italy reversed interference with its use for treating COVID-19 there, and approved its use with this statement: “”The continuing uncertainty about the therapeutic efficacy of hydroxychloroquine, declared by Aifa to justify its continued evaluation, evaluation in randomized clinical trials – is not a sufficient legal reason to justify the unreasonable suspension of its use on the Italian territory by treating physicians.”[4]

Never-Trumpers in government and hospitals block early use of this medication, and instead either withhold it from patients entirely or delay it until the end stage of the patient’s life when medications are least effective. Other governments (such as Texas) initially permitted it only with a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, which delayed patients’ access to the medication when it is most effective: early in the progression of the disease, or as a prophylactic.

A compilation of 294+ studies showing effectiveness by HCQ is here.
See also: Hydroxychloroquine denial
See a state-by-state and country-by-country guide of interference with access to HCQ here

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Make Your Own Hydroxychloroquine:

Chronological History of Events Related to Hydroxychloroquine

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