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Researchers Retract Botched Anti-Hydroxychloroquine Study Which Was Used To Attack Trump
Researchers Retract Botched Anti-Hydroxychloroquine Study Which Was Used To Attack Trump

Researchers Retract Botched Anti-Hydroxychloroquine Study Which Was Used To Attack Trump

An influential study which found anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine raised the risk of cardiac issues has been retracted by its three authors.

The study, published on May 22 in the UK’s prestegious Lancet medical journal, relied on bogus data from a company called Surgisphere, which would not transfer the full dataset for an independent review, and “can no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources.”

While the company that produced the original data, Surgisphere Corp., had signaled that it would cooperate with an independent review, it ultimately reneged and said doing so would violate confidentiality agreements, wrote the study authors. “As such, our reviewers were not able to conduct an independent and private peer review,” the authors said. –Bloomberg

Notably, the World Health Organization halted trials of the drug, only to reverse course after the Lancet issued a major disclaimer regarding the study.

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COVID: Fake study, Fake drug, Fake land of loons

a major study on the drug, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), has been retracted by the Lancet, a mere 13 days after it was published. That might be a world record.

The study, using a gigantic data set of 96,000 patients in 671 hospitals, concluded the drug was useless for treating COVID-19 patients, and posed health dangers.

The study (briefly) had the effect of convincing medical professionals, governments, media, and the public that HCQ was a total failure. A COVID drug would have to come from somewhere else.

Only one problem:

The authors of the study and the Lancet reviewers now confess the data can’t be found. The strong suggestion is, the data never existed.

The relentless and brilliant journalist, Celia Farber, covers the whole sordid story at uncoverdc.com. She points out that “Remdesivir, [the toxic COVID drug] ‘touted’ by Anthony Fauci…costs $1,000 per pill, whereas HCQ’s generic price is $0.64.” That’s called a clue.

And, of course, the plan is to keep the whole COVID farce going long enough to make the Bill Gates vaccine the primary instrument of treatment, through “prevention.”

The next part of this article was prompted by a story a friend told me: a graduate student, when informed about the Lancet retraction, blew up and said, “Don’t you care about SCIENCE?” Scratching an inch below the surface of his non-sequitur outburst, his meaning was clear—he hates Trump, Trump said he was taking HCQ, so HCQ must be terrible, so the discredited Lancet study must actually be accurate. And that’s science. Isn’t this charming? And how many thousands of dollars did this student’s education cost?

So let’s focus on one sector of the massive population of loons who are dutifully wearing masks and trudging down life’s path hypnotized by the COVID myth:

College students.

Several years ago, I posted a staggering statistic from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): “More than 25 percent of college students have been diagnosed or treated by a professional for a mental health condition within the past year.”

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