Taking Back Our Stolen History


Businesses that report on scarce occurrences of interest to the public, such as elections, airplane crashes, stock market fluctuations and sporting events. It is generally a term used to refer to methods of communicating to the general public, whether the communicated information is factual or opinion-based. Common media include newspapers, TV and radio. The U.S. media landscape is dominated by massive corporations that, through a history of mergers and acquisitions, have concentrated their control over what we see, hear and read. In many cases, these giant companies are vertically integrated, controlling everything from initial production to final distribution; the concentration of media ownership isn’t just a problem in the U.S. it’s happening worldwide.

The media has expended to include various sources of alternative media including websites and blogs, YouTube channels, etc. The freedom of press is an important antidote to government corruption and other shenanigans, but this freedom can also be abused. It only takes a small amount of misreporting by the media to create a myth that will require years to rectify.

The Media Research Center released a study in 2008 reporting pro-atheism bias by major press outlets in the U.S. The study found that 80% of mainstream media coverage of atheism was positive and that 71% of Christian-themed stories had an atheist counterpoint or were written from an atheist perspective. The study is not surprising given the liberal bias that commonly exists in the major media outlets.1

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Antifa Terrorists Brutally Beat Brave Journalist Andy Ngo While He Was Reporting on Portland Riots

Antifa Terrorists Brutally Beat Brave Journalist Andy Ngo While He Was Reporting on Portland Riots

Antifa terrorists brutally beat journalist Andy Ngo on Friday evening while he was reporting on the Portland riots. Statement on May 28, 2021 Antifa assault:No journalist in America should ever face violence for doing his or her job.Yet on Friday, May 28, Antifa tried to kill me again while I was reporting on the ongoing protests and riots in Portland, Ore. for a new chapter of ...
Facebook Whistleblowers Leak Documents to Project Veritas Detailing Effort to Secretly Censor Vaccine Concerns on Global Scale

Facebook Whistleblowers Leak Documents to Project Veritas Detailing Effort to Secretly Censor Vaccine Concerns on Global Scale

The company has set up a tier system to rank comments on various scales, based on how much the statement questions or cautions against the Covid-19 vaccination. Tier 2, for instance, represents “Indirect Discouragement” of getting vaccinated and according to PV’s sources, user comments such as these would be heavily “suppressed.” It doesn’t matter if the comments are true, factual or represent reality. The comment is ...
Belarus Authorities Used False Bomb Alert to Force Land Plane and Arrest Journalist

Belarus Authorities Used False Bomb Alert to Force Land Plane and Arrest Journalist

Authorities in Belarus scrambled a fighter jet and flagged what turned out to be a false bomb alert to force a Ryanair plane to land on Sunday and then detained a journalist onboard, Roman Protasevich, drawing criticism from across Europe. read more Here are some facts about Protasevich, 26. Protasevich last year worked as an editor at the Poland-based Nexta Live channel which is based on the ...
FLORIDA: DeSantis Signs Tough Election Integrity Bill, Bans Mainstream Media from Signing Ceremony

FLORIDA: DeSantis Signs Tough Election Integrity Bill, Bans Mainstream Media from Signing Ceremony

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a tough election integrity reform bill, which includes provisions to enforce voter ID, prohibits mass mailing of ballots, and stops private money from interfering in elections. DeSantis signed SB90 into law on Thursday, describing it as the “strongest election integrity measures in the country” to Fox News, when he signed it live on air on the network to cheering crowds. The bill focused ...
Canadian CTV Uses Stock Photo of Chris Watts, Who Murdered His Wife and Two Girls, In Segment on Family Planning

Canadian CTV Uses Stock Photo of Chris Watts, Who Murdered His Wife and Two Girls, In Segment on Family Planning

CTV Calgary used a stock photo of a “happy family” for their segment on family planning. The photo they selected was of Chris Watts who murdered his pregnant wife and two baby girls. Quite the advertisement for family planning. Canada is not far behind our Democrat Party. @CTVCalgary using a picture of convicted murderer Chris Watts and his victims (including the one in her womb) to ...
Under Threat and Harassment, Dr. Mercola Forced to Remove All Articles Related to Vitamins D, C, Zinc and COVID-19

Under Threat and Harassment, Dr. Mercola Forced to Remove All Articles Related to Vitamins D, C, Zinc and COVID-19

(by Dr. Mercola) Over the past year, I’ve been researching and writing as much as I can to help you take control of your health, as fearmongering media and corrupt politicians have destroyed lives and livelihoods to establish global control of the world’s population, using the COVID-19 pandemic as their justification. I’ve also kept you informed about billionaire-backed front groups like the Center for Science in the ...
CBS’s Junk Poll Claims “85% Approved of Biden’s Speech”

CBS’s Junk Poll Claims “85% Approved of Biden’s Speech”

A stunning CBS poll which claimed 85 percent of Americans embraced Joe Biden’s joint address speech last night has turned out to be a fraud, with pollster YouGov surveying just 169 Republicans as part of the broader 943 people polled. In a stunningly duplicitous story aimed at shoring up the response to Biden’s speech, CBS claimed on television and on their website: “Most viewers who tuned ...
Fake Fact-Checkers label Washington Times Article on Importance of CO2 as False and Misleading

Fake Fact-Checkers label Washington Times Article on Importance of CO2 as False and Misleading

On Earth Day this year, The Washington Times published Gregory Wrightstone's op-ed “There is no climate emergency — We love CO2 and so should you.” Shortly after publication, the paper’s Facebook post on the commentary was labeled “false and misleading” and its ad for it was rejected. Facebook’s actions were based on a lengthy “fact-check” by eight scientists titled “Washington Times presents list of false and ...
Fraud Study: Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons

Fraud Study: Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons

While we’re starting to hear more about the heart damage and strokes the COVID shots cause, a troubling effect that isn’t getting the attention it deserves is miscarriage. As of November 19, 2021, 3,071 miscarriages had been reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). There were also:6 18,024 cases of menstrual disorders 6,654 cases of vaginal/uterine hemorrhage 1,216 cases of testicular pain or ...
YouTube Censors Florida Governor DeSantis and His Panel of Experts for Violating Junk-Science Standards

YouTube Censors Florida Governor DeSantis and His Panel of Experts for Violating Junk-Science Standards

Recently, Youtube censored a panel held by Florida’s governor, Ron Desantis. The panel was designed to discuss recent research findings related to Covid-19. This panel consisted of professors of medicine from Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford, all citing specific peer-reviewed research from which they formed their opinions. The panel spoke against forcing children and vaccinated people to wear masks, and said there was no proof that lockdowns ...