Taking Back Our Stolen History


Laura Silsby was Arrested with Nine Other American Nationals Attempting to Steal 33 Children from Haiti.

Laura Silsby was Arrested with Nine Other American Nationals Attempting to Steal 33 Children from Haiti.

Contrary to reports in the media, the crowd sourced investigation labeled by some as "Pizzagate" did not begin with internet sleuths digging through the Wikileaks Podesta Files releases looking for pizza parlors and encoded language discussing human trafficking. It began with the shocking discovery that Hillary and Bill Clinton provided assistance to convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby, resulting in a reduced sentence for child trafficking. Silsby was ...
Fast and Furious Begins: Secret Government Gun Smuggling Operation

Fast and Furious Begins: Secret Government Gun Smuggling Operation

It started during the George W. Bush administration. Back then it was termed “Operation Wide Receiver.” The program later became known as “Gunwalking” and ended up being labeled “Fast and Furious.” An ill-conceived scheme from its outset, it eventually cost the lives of an unknown number of Mexican citizens and one U.S. Border Patrol agent. Operation Fast and Furious began when a local gun store reported ...
Yucatan Gulfstream Drug Crash took place when a CIA connected US-registered Gulfstream II Crashed in the Mexican Jungle

Yucatan Gulfstream Drug Crash took place when a CIA connected US-registered Gulfstream II Crashed in the Mexican Jungle

The 2007 Yucatan Gulfstream drug crash took place when a CIA connected US-registered Gulfstream II (tailnumber N987SA) crashed in the Mexican jungle. Daniel Hopsicker dubbed it "Cocaine 2" since the plane had tons of cocaine on board, and crashed the year after another CIA plane drug bust that he had dubbed "Cocaine 1". All four crew members survived the crash but were too heavily injured to flee. A Gulfstream II business jet crashed in the Yucatan, Mexico, with ...
Secret Meeting in Banff Plans North American Union (US, Mexico, Canada) Using "Evolution by Stealth". A Step Towards UN Ruled America.

Secret Meeting in Banff Plans North American Union (US, Mexico, Canada) Using “Evolution by Stealth”. A Step Towards UN Ruled America.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbqchhsiQbU September 12-14, 2006 - A hush-hush meeting held in Banff, Canada explored the issue of how to sneak a North American Union (NAU) onto the people of the U.S. Canada, and Mexico. What we are talking about is making a de facto merger of the three countries a fait accompli by the time it's too late to reverse it. What else can one believe when ...
Cocaine 1: The 2006 Mexico DC-9 Drug Bust was Another Government Cover Up of their Drug Trafficking

Cocaine 1: The 2006 Mexico DC-9 Drug Bust was Another Government Cover Up of their Drug Trafficking

A DC-9 painted to impersonate a U.S. government plane, made an emergency landing in-route from Venezuala to the USA and was found to be containing over 5 tonnes of cocaine. DEA says no harm, no foul. The pilot "disappeared", unnamed, and the plane was de-registered and sold within days to an unknown customer in Venezuela. Official Narrative: The DEA used the event to suggest the success ...
US, Canada, and Mexican Leaders Meet in Secret to Sign the Security & Prosperity Partnership

US, Canada, and Mexican Leaders Meet in Secret to Sign the Security & Prosperity Partnership

President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and then-Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Texas, sign the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) paving the way for a North America Union similar the EU. CNN on NAU / SPP signed by Bush The SPP “working groups” organized within the U.S. Department of Transportation are signing trilateral memoranda of understanding and other agreements with Mexico and Canada designed to accomplish ...
The Department of Homeland Security is Established

The Department of Homeland Security is Established

In 1998, Bill Clinton tasked former Senators Gary Hart and Warren Rudman to chair the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century. The commission panel has been described as "a cross-section of the military-industrial-media complex". Its members included Leslie Gelb, editor of the New York Times, Norman Augustine, former CEO of Lockheed-Martin and US Army General John Galvin. The panel's report in January 2001 declared that it ...
Mossad Agents Caught trying to blow up Mexican Congress 1 month after 9/11, but Released under Pressure from Israeli Embassy

Mossad Agents Caught trying to blow up Mexican Congress 1 month after 9/11, but Released under Pressure from Israeli Embassy

Since the Mexican Government bulletin regarding the following issue got the "hand grenades and dynamite" part edited out of it, I present the following, and must remind people to always make sure what they are linking is AS IT ORIGINALLY APPEARED, and not a revisionist hack job. . And now, I present the ORIGINAL press account of: Army General and Head of the PGR Releases Two ...
UN's World Health Organization (WHO) Sends Out Tetanus Vaccine in Philippines and Mexico Laced with Birth Control Drugs

UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) Sends Out Tetanus Vaccine in Philippines and Mexico Laced with Birth Control Drugs

During the early 1990s, the World Health Organization (WHO) had been overseeing massive vaccination campaigns against tetanus in a number of countries, among them Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines. In October 1994, Human Life International (HLI) received a communication from its Mexican affiliate, the Comite' Pro Vida de Mexico, regarding that country's anti-tetanus campaign. Suspicious of the campaign protocols, the Comite' obtained several vials of the ...
Drug Trafficker, Ramon Navarro, Killed in Mysterious Car Accident One Day Prior to Subpoena to Testify Against CIA Asset Manuel Noriega

Drug Trafficker, Ramon Navarro, Killed in Mysterious Car Accident One Day Prior to Subpoena to Testify Against CIA Asset Manuel Noriega

Tatum notes the "mysterious" death of Ramon Navarro on February 27, 1991, the day before he was due to testify in court against Manuel Noriega: Ramon Navarro, posed as a Lt. Col. of a foreign military. He accompanied Lt. Col. North on one occasion and was present at several contra camps involved in the manufacturing of cocaine. Navarro was a nefarious drug trafficker with ties to ...