Taking Back Our Stolen History
Military Industrial Complex

Military Industrial Complex

Given that the elite knew their might be problems down the road as they move us into post-industrial feudalism and depopulation the planet, it was important to encourage the growth of the Military Industrial complex and create wars (real or imaginary such as the Cold War) to ensure continued public support for the massive investment in military weaponry. And of course if you don’t have an enemy any more the government and military create one as they did on 9/11 and the war on terror. This is nothing new as governments are responsible for the vast majority of terrorism – a tool they have used over and over down through history to get the people to comply with an agenda. The consequence of this massive investment is that the elite now have an entire arsenal of advanced weaponry they can now turn on the public to ensure their control. These include bioweapons; weather modification weapons (HAARP); psychotronic weapons; microwave weapons; tectonic weapons; space based weapons; and robotic weapons. Concurrent to the scientific developments, the elite knew they would need to create a generation brought up to fight that would fill the ranks of the military and police forces and introduced violent video games and movies for this purpose.

Germ Warfare: China First Discovers the USA's use of Insects Carrying Various Pathogens in Korean War

Germ Warfare: China First Discovers the USA’s use of Insects Carrying Various Pathogens in Korean War

Still today, the controversy over the use of bacteriological warfare by the United States during the Korean War (1950-53) has not been settled. In the heat of military conflict on the Korean Peninsula, the issue came to the attention of the world when Foreign Minister Pak Hon-yong of the DPRK and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai accused the United States of waging germ warfare in Korea and ...
ICAO Adopted the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet to Ease Communication via Telephone or Radio

ICAO Adopted the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet to Ease Communication via Telephone or Radio

When a pilot communicates with air traffic control, static and other interferences often lead to confusion with English language letters. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) developed the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet to ease communication via telephone or radio and avoid misunderstandings when parts of a message containing letters and numbers are spelled out. Also referred to as the ICAO Phonetic Alphabet and the NATO Alphabet ...
French Bread was Spiked with LSD in CIA Experiment: Unsolved for 50 Years, the 'Cursed Bread' of Pont-Saint-Esprit left Residents Suffering Hallucinations, Killing 5

French Bread was Spiked with LSD in CIA Experiment: Unsolved for 50 Years, the ‘Cursed Bread’ of Pont-Saint-Esprit left Residents Suffering Hallucinations, Killing 5

In 1951, a quiet, picturesque village in southern France was suddenly and mysteriously struck down with mass insanity and hallucinations. At least five people died, dozens were interned in asylums and hundreds afflicted. For decades it was assumed that the local bread had been unwittingly poisoned with a psychedelic mould. Now, however, an American investigative journalist has uncovered evidence suggesting the CIA peppered local food with ...
Former OSS and CIA Journalist Edward Hunter Writes Propaganda Article "Brain-Washing: Tactics Force Chinese into Ranks of Communist Party"

Former OSS and CIA Journalist Edward Hunter Writes Propaganda Article “Brain-Washing: Tactics Force Chinese into Ranks of Communist Party”

According to Annie Jacobsen in her book 'The Pentagon's Brain' who uncovered shocking details via the FOIA, following several confessions by captured POW's that the American's had been using germ warfare on Koreans in the Korean War, the Pentagon began a propaganda campaign to discredit the claims. Secretary of Defense Charles Wilson suggested an "all out campaign to smear the Koreans." He wanted the Pentagon to ...
The U.S. Military Conducts Germ Warfare Experiments on Unsuspecting Citizens of San Francisco

The U.S. Military Conducts Germ Warfare Experiments on Unsuspecting Citizens of San Francisco

For 25 years, the government’s involvement in biological warfare testing -- and its use of civilians as unwitting guinea pigs -- remained top-secret. It’s a secret that likely would've gone on indefinitely if not for the efforts of a savvy Newsweek reporter named Drew Fetherston. In November 1976, Fetherston exposed a number of biological tests performed in major cities by the Army and the CIA. Using ...
The Legend of the Bermuda Triangle is Born When Five Navy Avenger Bombers Vanish While on a Routine Training Mission

The Legend of the Bermuda Triangle is Born When Five Navy Avenger Bombers Vanish While on a Routine Training Mission

On December 5, 1947, the disappearance of Flight 19 spurred on the legend of the Bermuda Triangle, the infamous body of water in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean stretching 270,271 square miles between Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto-Rico. Five Navy Avenger bombers vanished while on a routine training mission, as did a rescue plane sent to search for them -- six aircraft and 27 ...
NY Times Article on Project Cirrus: The first Cloud Seeding Experiment

NY Times Article on Project Cirrus: The first Cloud Seeding Experiment

The energy expended by a tropical hurricane is enough to drive all the machinery in the world for three or four years. Yet the Army, the Navy and General Electric Company are collaborating in a daring meteorological experiment which is to determine whether or not the colossal vortex that we call a hurricane can be broken by making it precipitate the thousands of tons of water ...
The Roswell UFO Incident: What Really Happened at Roswell?

The Roswell UFO Incident: What Really Happened at Roswell?

However, in the event of my death or disappearance, this article is hereby released to the Public Domain. This same information that I’m presenting will also lend itself to your understanding of why I certainly do not believe that the Roswell Incident was a simply a weather balloon, as the Army Air Force stated in July 1947, NOR do I believe that the Air Force’s 1997 ...
Dachau Show Trial Ends with 36 Germans Sentenced to Hanging

Dachau Show Trial Ends with 36 Germans Sentenced to Hanging

The Dachau tribunal was composed of eight senior U.S. military officers with the rank of at least full colonel. The president of the court, Brig. Gen. John M. Lentz, was the former commanding general of the 3rd Army’s 87th Infantry Division.[2] These U.S. military officers, with no formal legal training, were not qualified to objectively review the evidence presented in the trial. William Denson, the chief prosecuting ...
Charges of Communists in the U.S. Army Raised

Charges of Communists in the U.S. Army Raised

In testimony before the House Military Affairs subcommittee, the subcommittee’s chief counsel, H. Ralph Burton, charges that 16 officers and non-commissioned officers in the U.S. Army have pasts that “reflect communism.” The charges, issued nearly 10 years before Senator Joseph McCarthy would make similar accusations, were hotly denied by the U.S. Army and government. By July 1945, with the war in Europe having ended just two ...