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Nutrition & Exercise

Nutrition & Exercise

JAMA Publishes an Article on the Treatment of Pellagra 20 Years and More than a Million Deaths After Dr. Goldberger's Experiments had Proven it Was Simply a Niacin Deficiency

JAMA Publishes an Article on the Treatment of Pellagra 20 Years and More than a Million Deaths After Dr. Goldberger’s Experiments had Proven it Was Simply a Niacin Deficiency

Pellagra no longer stalks the nation as it once did. But during the early part of the 20th-century, pellagra, a disease that results from a diet deficient in niacin killed, many poor Southerners. Dr. Joseph Goldberger, a physician in the U.S. government's Hygienic Laboratory, the predecessor of the National Institutes of Health, discovered the cause of pellagra and stepped on a number of medical toes when ...
Jacobson v. Massachusetts, SCOTUS Upheld the Authority of States to Enforce Compulsory Vaccination Laws (Individual Liberty < Police Power of the State)

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, SCOTUS Upheld the Authority of States to Enforce Compulsory Vaccination Laws (Individual Liberty < Police Power of the State)

Massachusetts was one of only 11 states that had compulsory vaccination laws. Massachusetts law empowered the board of health of individual cities and towns to enforce mandatory, free vaccinations for adults over the age of 21 if the municipality determined it was necessary for the public health or safety of the community. Adults who refused were subject to a $5 monetary fine. In 1902, faced with an ...