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Organic Food & Farming

Organic Food & Farming

Eating Organic Foods cuts Cancer Risk, Study Suggests

Eating Organic Foods cuts Cancer Risk, Study Suggests

People who eat organic food are 25 percent less likely to get cancer, according to experts who studied the diets of tens of thousands of volunteers. Researchers suggested chemicals and pesticides used on traditionally farmed fruit and vegetables may be responsible for causing the disease - which means eating organic food could help to prevent it. The researchers quizzed 68,946 French adults about their diets and ...
UN World Food Program Report: The Food Waste Produced By the World's Richest Countries Could End Global Hunger, Twice

UN World Food Program Report: The Food Waste Produced By the World’s Richest Countries Could End Global Hunger, Twice

The food waste produced by the world's richest nations, some $750 billion worth annually, could end world hunger -- twice over -- according to the United Nations World Food Programme. More than 800 million people were considered food insecure in 2017. David Beasley, head of the Programme, released the info earlier this week on World Food Day. According to the organization, one-third of the world's food ...
Study: High Fruit and Vegetable Consumption may Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer

Study: High Fruit and Vegetable Consumption may Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer

(Natural News) Statistics indicate that breast cancer is the second most common cancer in American women. While death rates from this deadly disease have been steadily decreasing in most Western countries, a breast cancer diagnosis remains both terrifying and dangerous. Medical experts advise regular screening, lifestyle changes and a healthy diet as the best ways to reduce the risk of developing this form of cancer. And a study has confirmed just ...
Study: Antioxidant and Associated Capacities of Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia): A Systematic Review

Study: Antioxidant and Associated Capacities of Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia): A Systematic Review

A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (see below) confirms the value of camu camu, an berry grown deep in the Amazonian rain forest that contains more vitamin C than any other fruit, along with a host of other beneficial plant compounds.. The researchers state that camu camu is a “well-researched and innovative natural product, has the potential to contribute, possibly substantially,” to ...
Almond Growers File Lawsuit against the USDA for Mandating Toxic Fumigation for California-grown Raw Almonds

Almond Growers File Lawsuit against the USDA for Mandating Toxic Fumigation for California-grown Raw Almonds

A group of fifteen American almond growers and wholesale nut handlers filed a lawsuit in the Washington, D.C. federal court on Tuesday, September 9 seeking to repeal a controversial USDA-mandated treatment program for California-grown raw almonds. The almond farmers and handlers contend that their businesses have been seriously damaged and their futures jeopardized by a requirement that raw almonds be treated with propylene oxide (a toxic ...
'The China Study' is Published Promoting a Vegetarian Diet: Is the 'Study' Fact or Fallacy?

‘The China Study’ is Published Promoting a Vegetarian Diet: Is the ‘Study’ Fact or Fallacy?

The release of The China Study by T. Colin Campbell rocked the world of nutrition (as well as the walls of Whole Foods). Printed by a small publishing company known for other scientific masterpieces such as The Psychology of the Simpsons and You Do Not Talk About Fight Club, Campbell’s book quickly hit the word-of-mouth circuit and skyrocketed towards bestseller status, with sales exceeding half a million copies to date. The ...