Taking Back Our Stolen History

The Balfour Declaration: Britain’s Great War Pledge To Lord Rothschild – an Israeli State in Exchange for US Entrance into the Great War

Britain’s government pledged to Lord Walter Rothschild and the Zionist Federation to establish a “national home” for the Jews in Palestine. This was a big …

Congressman Oscar Calloway Testifies to Congress “JP Morgan Purchased the Most Influential Newspapers in America to Manipulate the Public to Join WWI”

U.S. Congressman Oscar Calloway testifies to Congress on February 9, 1917 that: In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, …

Senator Poindexter: “The Cult of Rockefeller, Carnegie…to be guarded against in the educational system of this country!”

During the crucial years of the school changeover from academic institution to behavioral modification instrument, the radical nature of the metamorphosis caught the attention of …