Taking Back Our Stolen History

The Nedzi Committee, Later Renamed the Pike Committee, is Formed (in Conjunction with the Church Committee) Because the Rockefeller Commission was a Known Whitewash.

Until 1961, U.S. intelligence agencies operated almost entirely outside the view of the mainstream media and with very limited exposure to members of Congress. But …

The ‘Church Committee’ is Formed by the Senate to Investigate Corruption and Criminal Activity by the Intelligence Community

The Church Committee was formed following one of the most controversial events in American history. Watergate had revived American feelings of distrust in their government. …

The Rockefeller Commission is Formed by CFR VP Nelson Rockefeller as a Whitewash Committee for an Investigation into CIA Activities Inside the US

Seymour Hersh, of the New York Times, ran an article on December 22, 1974, concerning alleged intelligence abuses by the CIA and other intelligence agencies; …

Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist Seymour Hersh Publishes a Story about Operation CHAOS, the Domestic Surveillance and Infiltration of Anti-War and Civil Rights Groups

Pulitzer prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh publishes a story about Operation CHAOS, the domestic surveillance and infiltration of anti-war and civil rights groups in the …

Activist, Karen Silkwood, Murdered and Incriminating Docs Disappear After She Blew the Whistle on Kerr-McGee’s Nuclear Plant Fraud, Health & Safety Violations

Karen Silkwood, a labor union activist who had discovered numerous health and safety violations and alleged  Kerr-McGee falsified inspection records at the chemical plant in …