Taking Back Our Stolen History

HG Wells Published ‘New World Order’, Deceptive Propaganda to be Sold to the World to Accept a Totalitarian World Gov’t under the Guise of World Peace

“New World Order” by H. G. Wells proposes a “collectivist one-world state” or “new world order” comprised of “socialist democracies.” He advocates “universal conscription for …

Nesta Webster Publishes ‘Germany and England’: WWII will Occur Because “Germany is under a visible anti-Jewish dictatorship. We are under an invisible Jewish dictatorship.”

British historian Nesta Webster’s pamphlet-sized booklet was first published in the Oct-Nov edition of The Patriot. The author argues that there is no reason for …

Red Symphony – The Interrogation of Rothschild Agent Christian Rakovsky Reveals Rothschild-Illuminati Conspiracy to Establish a World Dictatorship of the Super Rich

Red Symphony -Interrogation of Christian Rakovsky, a Rothschild agent who was fighting for his life. His death sentence had already been pronounced. He basically said …

Lundberg Publishes an Expose of ‘America’s 60 Families’. “This Defacto Government is… Invisible, Shadowy. It is the Government of Money in a Dollar Democracy.”

Dynasties listed below were included in America’s 60 Families, Ferdinand Lundberg’s 1937 expose on the super-rich. Ferdinand Lundberg used tax records to uncover the often …

“The Externalization of the Hierarchy” Published by Alice Bailey. Quote: “Out of the Spoliation of all Existing Culture and Civilization, the New World Order Must be Built.”

“The Externalization of the Hierarchy” by Alice Bailey is published. Bailey is an occultist, taking over from Annie Besant as head of the Theosophical Society. …

HG Wells Publishes ‘The Shape of Things to Come’: “Although World Government had been Plainly Coming for Some Years… It Found No Opposition Anywhere.”

Wells “psychologically conditioned the public to accept the stages of the New World Order as if they were self-evident.” Is there any proof that events in …

Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ is Published. A Futuristic Novel of a Dystopian Society whose Subjects are Programmed to Enjoy their Subjugation to a Totalitarian Government

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLTS5cv45Cs Huxley believes society is controlled by an “impersonal force”, a ruling elite, which manipulates the population using various methods. “Impersonal forces over which we …